Note that the closing triple-tilde needs a blank comment line after it. For exapmle:
% ~~~ % :- writeln(hello). % ~~~ %
Did you know ... | Search Documentation: |
![]() | Wiki notation |
Structured comments that provide part of the documentation are written in Wiki notation, based on TWiki, with some Prolog specific additions.
” (greater than followed by a
blank) are rendered in the HTML backend using a blockquote
element and in LaTeX using the quote
), numbered lists (HTML ol
) and
description lists (HTML dl
). Each list environment
is headed by an empty line and each list-item has a special symbol at
the start, followed by a space. Each subsequent item must be indented at
exactly the same column. Lists may be nested by starting a new list at a
higher level of indentation. The list prefixes are:
* | Bulleted list item |
1. | Numbered list item. Any number from 1..9 is allowed, which allows for proper numbering in the source. Actual numbers in the HTML or LaTeX however are re-generated, starting at 1. |
$ Title : Item | Description list item. |
' . '
to the
text and reads it using the operator definitions also used to read the
mode terms. See section 5. Variable
names encountered in the Term are used for indentifying
variables in the following
Description. At least one Description must be
non-empty to avoid confusion with a simple item list.
* Term1 Description * Term2 Description
The following predicates are considered Prolog's prime list processing primitives: * [[member/2]] * [[append/3]]
sign and the cells are
separated by the same character. The last cell must be ended with |
Multiple lines that parse into a table-row together form a table.
| Algorithm | Time (sec) | | Depth first | 1.0 | | Breath first | 0.7 | | A* | 0.3 |
---+ Section level 1 ---++ Section level 2 ---+++ Section level 3 ---++++ Section level 4
In addition, PlDoc recognises the markdown syntax, including
named sections as defined by doxygen. A section is named
(labeled) using an optional sequence {\#
The three code sections below provide examples. Note that #
section headers should be positioned at the left margin and the
must be followed by blank space. If the header is
underlined, the underline is a line that only contains
characters. There must be a minimum of three4Markdown
demands two, but this results in ambiguities with the -
fence for code blocks. of such characters.
Section level 1 =============== Section level 2 ---------------
# Section level 1 ## Section level 2 ### Section level 3 #### Section level 4
Section level 1 {#label} =============== # Section level 1 {#label}
. Doxygen fence
lines are also accepted. They contain at least three tilde (~
characters, where the opening fence line may be followed by a file
extension between curly brackets. In all cases, the code is indented
relative to the indentation of the fence line. Below are two examples,
the first being the traditional PlDoc style. The second is the Doxygen
style, showing a code block that is indented (because it is a body
fragment) and that is flagged as Prolog source. Note that the
is optional.
== small(X) :- X < 2. ==
~~~{.pl} ..., format('Hello ~w~n', [World]), ..., ~~~
The second form of code blocks are indented blocks. Such a
block must be indented between 4 and 8 characters, relative to the
indentation of the last preceeding non-blank line. The block is opened
with a blank line and closed by a blank line or a line that is indented
less than the indentation of the initial line. It is allowed to have a
single blank line in the middle of a code block, provided that the next
line is again indented at least as much as the initial line. The initial
line as well as a line that follows a blank line may not be a valid list
opening line or a table row, i.e., it may not start with one of
followed by a space or |
) or asterisk (*
). Below are
three examples, the last two of which are valid markdown.
-- *** - - -
or <br/>
markdown conventions are (original) two spaces at the of the physical
line and (GitHub) a physical line break. Neither fit well with source
code. Doxygen supports restricted HTML and allows for <brÿ
Text emphasis is a combination of old plaintext conventions in Usenet and E-mail and the doxygen version of markdown. Table 1 shows the font-changing constructions. The phrase limited context means that
or _
must be
preceeded by white space or a character from the set <{([,:;
and must be followed by an alphanumerical character.*
or _
may not be
followed by an alphanumerical character and may not be preceeded by
white space or a character from the set ({[<=+-\@
Note that =
is limited to a an
identifier, such as a file name, XML name, etc. Identifiers
must start and end with an alphanumerical character, while characters
from the set .-/:
may appear internally. Note that this set
explicitly does not allow for white space in code spans delimited by a
. This markup is specifically meant to
deal with code that is either not Prolog code or invalid Prolog code.
Valid Prolog code should use the backtick as described in section
*bold* | Typeset text in bold for limited content (see running text). |
*|bold|* | Typeset text in bold. Content can be long. |
_emphasize_ | Typeset text as emphasize for limited content (see running text). |
_|emphasize|_ | Typeset text as emphasize. Content can be long. |
=code= | Typeset text fixed font
for identifiers (see running text). |
=|code|= | Typeset text fixed
font. Content can be long. |
Word | Capitalised words that appear as argument-name are written in Italic |
Inline code can be realised using the =
switch described
section 7.2.1 or the markdown
backtick. In addition, it can use the mardown/Doxygen backtick
) convention: a string that is delimited by backticks is
considered code, provided:
Currently,‘Var` is typeset as a variable (italics) and other terms are typeset using a fixed-width code font.
In addition, compound terms in canonical notation (i.e.,
that can be
parsed are first verified as a file-specification for
and otherwise rendered as code.
Table 2 shows the constructs for creating links.
name/arity | Create a link to a predicate |
`name/arity` | Create a link to a predicate |
``name/arity`` | Predicate indicator that does not create a link |
name//arity | Create a link to a DCG rule |
`name//arity` | Create a link to a DCG rule |
``name//arity`` | DCG indicator that does not create a link |
flag `name` | Create a link to the Prolog flag name if this flag exists. |
name.ext | If <name>.<ext>
is the name of an existing file and <ext> is one of .pl , .txt ,
.md , .png , .gif , .jpeg ,
.jpg or .svg , create a link to the file. |
prot | If <prot>
is one of http , https or ftp ,
create a link. |
| Create a hyperlink to URL. This construct supports the expand_url_path/2 using the construct <alias>:<local>. <local> can be empty. |
| Create
a link using the given <label>. Label can be text or a
reference to an image file. Additional arguments can be supplied as
<name>=" <value>" .
More arguments are separated by commas. <link> must be
a filename as above or a url. |
| The markdown version of the above. |
| Include
LaTeX citation. Multiple citations can be saparated using .
No white space is allowed. |
Images can be included in the documentation by referencing an image
file using one of the extensions .gif
, .png
, .jpg
or .svg
images are included using the object
element. This is
supported by many modern browsers. When using IE, one needs at least
IE9. By default this creates a link to the image file that
must be visited to see the image. Inline images can be created by
enclosing the filename in double square brackets. For example
The [[open.png]] icon is used open an existing file.
The markdown alternative for images is also supported, and looks as below. The current implementation only deals with image files, not external resources.

Note that the closing triple-tilde needs a blank comment line after it. For exapmle:
% ~~~ % :- writeln(hello). % ~~~ %
Inline code can also be created by using the markdown-style "triple backticks" (as used at StackOverflow, and Discourse)
I'm using these right here in this comment box to generate the code block which itself contains backticks
% ``` % maplist(G, [X_11, ..., X_1n], % [X_21, ..., X_2n], % ..., % [X_m1, ..., X_mn]) :- % call(G, X_11, ..., X_m1), % call(G, X_12, ..., X_m2), % ... % call(G, X_1n, ..., X_mn). % ```
I remember Jan telling me to use those instead of the old-style "dual equal sign".