Create a UGraph from Vertices and edges. Given a graph with a
set of Vertices and a set of Edges, Graph must unify with the
corresponding S-representation. Note that the vertices without
edges will appear in Vertices but not in Edges. Moreover, it is
sufficient for a vertice to appear in Edges.
?- vertices_edges_to_ugraph([],[1-3,2-4,4-5,1-5], L).
L = [1-[3,5], 2-[4], 3-[], 4-[5], 5-[]]
In this case all vertices are defined implicitly. The next
example shows three unconnected vertices:
?- vertices_edges_to_ugraph([6,7,8],[1-3,2-4,4-5,1-5], L).
L = [1-[3,5], 2-[4], 3-[], 4-[5], 5-[], 6-[], 7-[], 8-[]]