Re-exported predicates
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
phrase_from_file(:Grammar, +File) is nondet- Process the content of File using the DCG rule Grammar. The
space usage of this mechanism depends on the length of the not
committed part of Grammar. Committed parts of the temporary list
are reclaimed by the garbage collector, while the list is
extended on demand due to unification of the attributed tail
variable. Below is an example that counts the number of times a
string appears in a file. The library dcg/basics provides
string//1 matching an arbitrary string and remainder//1 which
matches the remainder of the input without parsing.
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
file_contains(File, Pattern) :-
phrase_from_file(match(Pattern), File).
match(Pattern) -->
match_count(File, Pattern, Count) :-
aggregate_all(count, file_contains(File, Pattern), Count).
This can be called as (note that the pattern must be a string
(code list)):
?- match_count('', `file`, Count).
phrase_from_file(:Grammar, +File, +Options) is nondet- As phrase_from_file/2, providing additional Options. Options are
passed to open/4.
phrase_from_stream(:Grammar, +Stream)- Run Grammer against the character codes on Stream. Stream must
be buffered.
stream_to_lazy_list(+Stream, -List) is det- Create a lazy list representing the character codes in Stream.
List is a partial list ending in an attributed variable.
Unifying this variable reads the next block of data. The block
is stored with the attribute value such that there is no need to
re-read it.
- Compatibility
- - Unlike the previous version of this predicate this
version does not require a repositionable stream. It
does require a buffer size of at least the maximum
number of bytes of a multi-byte sequence (6).
Undocumented predicates
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
syntax_error(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
lazy_list_location(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
lazy_list_character_count(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)