This library defines predicates that used to exist in older version of
SWI-Prolog, but are considered obsolete as there functionality is neatly
covered by new features. Most often, these constructs are superseded by
ISO-standard compliant predicates.
Please also note the existence of and for more
compatibility predicates.
- See also
- - gxref/0 can be used to find files that import from
library(backcomp) and thus reply on deprecated features.
$arch(-Architecture, -Version) is det-
- deprecated
- - use
current_prolog_flag(arch, Architecture)
$version(Version:integer) is det-
- deprecated
- - use
current_prolog_flag(version, Version)
$home(-SWIPrologDir) is det-
- See also
- - file_search_path/2, absolute_file_name/3, The Prolog home
directory is available through the alias
- deprecated
- - use
current_prolog_flag(home, SWIPrologDir)
$argv(-Argv:list) is det-
- deprecated
- - use
current_prolog_flag(os_argv, Argv)
current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv)
$set_prompt(+Prompt) is det- Set the prompt for the toplevel
- deprecated
- - use
set_prolog_flag(toplevel_prompt, Prompt)
displayq(@Term) is det
displayq(+Stream, @Term) is det- Write term ignoring operators and quote atoms.
- deprecated
- - Use write_term/3 or write_canonical/2.
sformat(-String, +Format, +Args) is det
sformat(-String, +Format) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use format/3 as
format(string(String), ...)
concat(+Atom1, +Atom2, -Atom) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use ISO atom_concat/3
concat_atom(+List, -Atom) is det- Concatenate a list of atomic values to an atom.
- deprecated
- - Use atomic_list_concat/2 as proposed by the prolog
commons initiative.
concat_atom(+List, +Separator, -Atom) is det- Concatenate a list of atomic values to an atom, inserting Separator
between each consecutive elements.
- deprecated
- - Use atomic_list_concat/3 as proposed by the prolog
commons initiative.
$apropos_match(+Needle, +Haystack) is semidet- True if Needle is a sub atom of Haystack. Ignores the case
of Haystack.
read_clause(-Term) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use read_clause/3 or read_term/3.
read_clause(+Stream, -Term) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use read_clause/3 or read_term/3.
read_variables(-Term, -Bindings) is det
read_variables(+In:stream, -Term, -Bindings) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use ISO read_term/2 or read_term/3.
read_pending_input(+Stream, -Codes, ?Tail) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use read_pending_codes/3.
feature(?Key, ?Value) is nondet
set_feature(+Key, @Term) is det- Control Prolog flags.
- deprecated
- - Use ISO current_prolog_flag/2 and set_prolog_flag/2.
substring(+String, +Offset, +Length, -Sub)- Predecessor of sub_string using 1-based Offset.
- deprecated
- - Use sub_string/5.
string_to_list(?String, ?Codes) is det- Bi-directional conversion between a string and a list of
character codes.
- deprecated
- - Use string_codes/2.
string_to_atom(?String, ?Atom) is det- Bi-directional conversion between string and atom.
- deprecated
- - Use atom_string/2. Note that the order of the
arguments is reversed.
flush is det-
- deprecated
- - use ISO flush_output/0.
write_ln(X) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use
proper_list(+List)- Old SWI-Prolog predicate to check for a list that really ends
in a []. There is not much use for the quick is_list, as in
most cases you want to process the list element-by-element anyway.
- deprecated
- - Use ISO is_list/1.
free_variables(+Term, -Variables)- Return a list of unbound variables in Term. The name
term_variables/2 is more widely used.
- deprecated
- - Use term_variables/2.
hash_term(+Term, -Hash) is det- If Term is ground, Hash is unified to an integer representing
a hash for Term. Otherwise Hash is left unbound.
- deprecated
- - Use term_hash/2.
checklist(:Goal, +List)-
- deprecated
- - Use maplist/2
sublist(:Goal, +List1, ?List2)- Succeeds if List2 unifies with a list holding those terms for which
call(Goal, Elem)
- deprecated
- - Use include/3 from library(apply)
- Compatibility
- - DEC10 library
sumlist(+List, -Sum) is det- True when Sum is the list of all numbers in List.
- deprecated
- - Use sum_list/2
$strip_module(+Term, -Module, -Plain)- This used to be an internal predicate. It was added to the XPCE
compatibility library without $ and since then used at many
places. From 5.4.1 onwards strip_module/3 is built-in and the $
variation is added here for compatibility.
- deprecated
- - Use strip_module/3.
$module(-OldTypeIn, +NewTypeIn)
$declare_module(Module, File, Line)- Used in triple20 particle library. Should use a public interface
at_initialization(:Goal) is det- Register goal only to be run if a saved state is restored.
- deprecated
- - Use
initialization(Goal, restore)
convert_time(+Stamp, -String)- Convert a time-stamp as obtained though get_time/1 into a textual
representation using the C-library function
. The value is
returned as a SWI-Prolog string object (see section 4.23). See
also convert_time/8.
- deprecated
- - Use format_time/3.
convert_time(+Stamp, -Y, -Mon, -Day, -Hour, -Min, -Sec, -MilliSec)- Convert a time stamp, provided by get_time/1, time_file/2,
etc. Year is unified with the year, Month with the month number
(January is 1), Day with the day of the month (starting with 1),
Hour with the hour of the day (0--23), Minute with the minute
(0--59). Second with the second (0--59) and MilliSecond with the
milliseconds (0--999). Note that the latter might not be accurate
or might always be 0, depending on the timing capabilities of the
system. See also convert_time/2.
- deprecated
- - Use stamp_date_time/3.
C(?List, ?Head, ?Tail) is det- Used to be generated by DCG. Some people appear to be using in
in normal code too.
- deprecated
- - Do not use in normal code; DCG no longer generates it.
current_thread(?Thread, ?Status) is nondet-
- deprecated
- - Replaced by thread_property/2
current_mutex(?Mutex, ?Owner, ?Count) is nondet-
- deprecated
- - Replaced by mutex_property/2
message_queue_size(+Queue, -Size) is det- True if Queue holds Size terms.
- deprecated
- - Please use
message_queue_property(Queue, Size)
lock_predicate(+Name, +Arity) is det
unlock_predicate(+Name, +Arity) is det-
- deprecated
- - see lock_predicate/1 and unlock_predicate/1.
current_module(?Module, ?File) is nondet- True if Module is a module loaded from File.
- deprecated
- - Use
module_property(Module, file(File))
export_list(+Module, -List) is det- Module exports the predicates of List.
- deprecated
- - Use
module_property(Module, exports(List))
call_cleanup(:Goal, +Catcher, :Cleanup)- Call Cleanup with an indication of the reason unified to Catcher.
- deprecated
- - Use setup_call_catcher_cleanup/4.
setup_and_call_cleanup(:Setup, :Goal, :Cleanup)- Call Cleanup once after Goal is finished.
- deprecated
- - Use setup_call_cleanup/3.
setup_and_call_cleanup(:Setup, :Goal, Catcher, :Cleanup)- Call Cleanup once after Goal is finished, with Catcher
unified to the reason
- deprecated
- - Use setup_call_cleanup/3.
merge_set(+Set1, +Set2, -Set3)- Merge the ordered sets Set1 and Set2 into a new ordered set
without duplicates.
- deprecated
- - New code should use ord_union/3 from
merge(+List1, +List2, -List3)- Merge the ordered sets List1 and List2 into a new ordered list.
Duplicates are not removed and their order is maintained.
- deprecated
- - The name of this predicate is far too general for
a rather specific function.
index(:Head) is det- Prepare the predicate indicated by Head for multi-argument
- deprecated
- - As of version 5.11.29, SWI-Prolog performs
just-in-time indexing on all arguments.
hash(:PredInd) is det- Demands PredInd to be indexed using a hash-table. This is
handled dynamically.
set_base_module(:Base) is det- Set the default module from which we inherit.
- deprecated
- - Equivalent to
eval_license is det-
- deprecated
- - Equivalent to license/0
trie_insert_new(+Trie, +Term, -Handle) is semidet-
- deprecated
- - use trie_insert/4.
thread_at_exit(:Goal) is det- Register Goal to be called when the calling thread exits.
@deprecated use
prolog_listen(this_thread_exit, Goal)
read_history(+Show, +Help, +Special, +Prompt, -Term, -Bindings)-
- deprecated
- - use read_term_with_history/2.
$sig_atomic(:Goal)- Execute Goal without processing signals.
- deprecated
- - use sig_atomic/1.
Re-exported predicates
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
displayq(@Term) is det
displayq(+Stream, @Term) is det- Write term ignoring operators and quote atoms.
- deprecated
- - Use write_term/3 or write_canonical/2.
sformat(-String, +Format, +Args) is det
sformat(-String, +Format) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use format/3 as
format(string(String), ...)
read_variables(-Term, -Bindings) is det
read_variables(+In:stream, -Term, -Bindings) is det-
- deprecated
- - Use ISO read_term/2 or read_term/3.
feature(?Key, ?Value) is nondet
set_feature(+Key, @Term) is det- Control Prolog flags.
- deprecated
- - Use ISO current_prolog_flag/2 and set_prolog_flag/2.
lock_predicate(+Name, +Arity) is det
unlock_predicate(+Name, +Arity) is det-
- deprecated
- - see lock_predicate/1 and unlock_predicate/1.