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It took three days to write and one to document the Prolog RDF parser. A significant part of the time was spent understanding the RDF specification.
The size of the source (including comments) is given in the table below.
lines | words | bytes | file | function |
109 | 255 | 2663 | rdf.pl | Driver program |
312 | 649 | 6416 | rdf_parser.pl | 1-st phase parser |
246 | 752 | 5852 | rdf_triple.pl | 2-nd phase parser |
126 | 339 | 2596 | rewrite.pl | rule-compiler |
793 | 1995 | 17527 | total |
We also compared the performance using an RDF-Schema file generated by Protege-2000 and interpreted as RDF. This file contains 162 descriptions in 50 Kbytes, resulting in 599 triples. Environment: Intel Pentium-II/450 with 384 Mbytes memory running SuSE Linux 6.3.
The parser described here requires 0.15 seconds excluding 0.13 seconds Prolog startup time to process this file. The Pro Solutions parser (written in Perl) requires 1.5 seconds exluding 0.25 seconds startup time.