This is a SWI-Prolog implementation of the corresponding Quintus
library, based on the generalised arg/3 predicate of SWI-Prolog.
- See also
- - library(terms) provides similar predicates and is probably
more wide-spread than this library.
contains_term(+Sub, +Term) is semidet- Succeeds if Sub is contained in Term (=, deterministically)
contains_var(+Sub, +Term) is semidet- Succeeds if Sub is contained in Term (==, deterministically)
free_of_term(+Sub, +Term) is semidet- Succeeds of Sub does not unify to any subterm of Term
free_of_var(+Sub, +Term) is semidet- Succeeds of Sub is not equal (==) to any subterm of Term
occurrences_of_term(@SubTerm, @Term, ?Count) is det- Count the number of SubTerms in Term that unify with SubTerm. As
this predicate is implemented using backtracking, SubTerm and Term
are not further instantiated. Possible constraints are enforced. For
example, we can count the integers in Term using
?- freeze(S, integer(S)), occurrences_of_term(S, f(1,2,a), C).
C = 2,
freeze(S, integer(S)).
- See also
- - occurrences_of_var/3 for an equality (==/2) based variant.
occurrences_of_var(@SubTerm, @Term, ?Count) is det- Count the number of SubTerms in Term that are equal to SubTerm.
Equality is tested using ==/2. Can be used to count the occurrences
of a particular variable in Term.
- See also
- - occurrences_of_term/3 for a unification (=/2) based variant.
sub_term(-Sub, +Term)- Generates (on backtracking) all subterms of Term.
sub_var(-Sub, +Term)- Generates (on backtracking) all subterms (==) of Term.
sub_term_shared_variables(+Sub, +Term, -Vars) is det- If Sub is a sub term of Term, Vars is bound to the list of variables
in Sub that also appear outside Sub in Term. Note that if Sub
appears twice in Term, its variables are all considered shared.
An example use-case is refactoring a large clause body by
introducing intermediate predicates. This predicate can be used to
find the arguments that must be passed to the new predicate.
term_replace_(+From, +To, +TermIn, -TermOut, +Done)[private]- Replace instances (==/2) of From inside TermIn by To.
intersection_eq(+Small, +Big, -Shared) is det[private]- Shared are the variables in Small that also appear in Big. The
variables in Shared are in the same order as Small.
count(:Goal, -Count)[private]- Count number of times Goal succeeds.