-- Cryptography and authentication library |
crypto_context_hash/2 | Obtain the hash code of Context. |  |
crypto_context_new/2 | Context is unified with the empty context, taking into account Options. |  |
crypto_curve_generator/2 | Point is the generator of the elliptic curve Curve. |  |
crypto_curve_order/2 | Obtain the order of an elliptic curve. |  |
crypto_curve_scalar_mult/4 | R is the result of N times Point on the elliptic curve Curve. |  |
crypto_data_context/3 | Context0 is an existing computation context, and Context is the new context after hashing Data in addition to the previously hashed data. |  |
crypto_data_decrypt/6 | Decrypt the given CipherText, using the symmetric algorithm Algorithm, key Key, and initialization vector IV, to give PlainText. |  |
crypto_data_encrypt/6 | Encrypt the given PlainText, using the symmetric algorithm Algorithm, key Key, and initialization vector (or nonce) IV, to give CipherText. |  |
crypto_data_hash/3 | Hash is the hash of Data. |  |
crypto_data_hkdf/4 | Concentrate possibly dispersed entropy of Data and then expand it to the desired length. |  |
crypto_file_hash/3 | True if Hash is the hash of the content of File. |  |
crypto_generate_prime/3 | Generate a prime P with at least N bits. |  |
crypto_is_prime/2 | True iff P passes a probabilistic primality test. |  |
crypto_modular_inverse/3 | Compute the modular multiplicative inverse of the integer X. |  |
crypto_n_random_bytes/2 | Bytes is unified with a list of N cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes. |  |
crypto_name_curve/2 | Obtain a handle for a named elliptic curve. |  |
crypto_open_hash_stream/3 | Open a filter stream on OrgStream that maintains a hash. |  |
crypto_password_hash/2 | If Hash is instantiated, the predicate succeeds iff the hash matches the given password. |  |
crypto_password_hash/3 | Derive Hash based on Password. |  |
crypto_stream_hash/2 | Unify Hash with a hash for the bytes sent to or read from HashStream. |  |
ecdsa_sign/4 | Create an ECDSA signature for Data with EC private key Key. |  |
ecdsa_verify/4 | True iff Signature can be verified as the ECDSA signature for Data, using the EC public key Key. |  |
hex_bytes/2 | Relation between a hexadecimal sequence and a list of bytes. |  |
rsa_private_decrypt/4 | RSA Public key encryption and decryption primitives. |  |
rsa_private_encrypt/4 | RSA Public key encryption and decryption primitives. |  |
rsa_public_decrypt/4 | RSA Public key encryption and decryption primitives. |  |
rsa_public_encrypt/4 | RSA Public key encryption and decryption primitives. |  |
rsa_sign/4 | Create an RSA signature for Data with private key Key. |  |
rsa_verify/4 | Verify an RSA signature for Data with public key Key. |  | -- SAML Authentication | -- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) library | -- XML Digital signature | -- XML encryption library |