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Pack modeling -- prolog/tracesearch.pl
PublicShow source
- Francois Fages
- 0.0.1

General purpose tracing predicates for Prolog and representation of the search tree by a term.

Used in library(clp) of pack modeling for implementing a new option trace for labeling/2 predicate.

This library uses global variables trace_search_flag, search_tree_depth and search_tree_prefix, which should not be manipulated.

?- start_tracing, add_node(choice), (add_node(X=f(Y)), X=f(Y), add_node(Y=g(a)), Y=g(a) ; (add_node(X=h(b)), X=h(b))).
X = f(g(a)),
Y = g(a) ;
X = h(b).

?- search_tree_text.

Below is an example from library(clp) of pack modeling with new option trace added to labeling/2 predicate.

?- use_module(library(modeling)).

?- N=4, int_array(Queens, [N], 1..N),
   for_all([I in 1..N-1, D in 1..N-I],
           (Queens[I] #\= Queens[I+D],
            Queens[I] #\= Queens[I+D]+D,
            Queens[I] #\= Queens[I+D]-D)),
   labeling([ff, trace('Q')], Queens).
N = 4,
Queens = array(2, 4, 1, 3) ;
N = 4,
Queens = array(3, 1, 4, 2) ;

?- search_tree_text.
Backtrackable initialization of a new search tree for possible building of several search trees in sequence. This is automatically done in labeling/2 predicates defined in library(clp) of pack modeling with new trace/0 option.
succeeds if currently tracing in mode.
Backtrackable stop of the tracing mode.
Non-backtrackable stop of the tracing mode and clearance of search tree information.
adds a new node labelled by an atom obtained by writing Term, if currently_tracing/0 is true. It is worth noting that special characters like _ or \ in Term can create LaTeX errors. In that case, the label term passed to add_node/1 should use copy_term/4, for instance to name the variables.
returns a term formed with the labels of the current search tree.
pretty print the search tree in Output file or stream as standard text.
pretty print the search tree as standard text.
writes LaTeX tikz code on Output stream or file name for drawing the current search tree.
writes LaTeX tikz code on current_output for drawing the current search tree.
writes a LaTeX document on Output fstream or file name or drawing the current search tree.
writes a LaTeX document on current_output for drawing the current search tree.
returns the current depth of the search tree. This may be used by the goal of trace/2 option of labeling/2 predicate of library(clp) of pack modeling.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 term_to_text(Arg1, Arg2)
 term_to_tikz(Arg1, Arg2)
 term_to_latex(Arg1, Arg2)