Bag is the list of all instances of Template such that Tuple exists
in the tuple-space. The behavior of variables in Tuple and Template
is as in bagof/3. The variables could be existentially quantified
with ^/2 as in bagof/3. The operation is performed as an atomic
operation. This predicate can fail due to a timeout. Example:
Assume that only one client is connected to the server and that the
tuple-space initially is empty.
?- out(x(a,3)), out(x(a,4)), out(x(b,3)), out(x(c,3)).
?- bagof_rd_noblock(C-N, x(C,N), L).
L = [a-3,a-4,b-3,c-3] .
?- bagof_rd_noblock(C, N^x(C,N), L).
L = [a,a,b,c] .