The expression
t4 :- \+(a, !, fail).
is invalid. There must be a space after \+ or double parentheses must be used.
Extended examples
a(a0). a(a1). a(a2). b(b0). b(b1). b(b2). c(c0). c(c1). c(c2). % parentheses added for clarity below t0(A,B) :- a(A),!,b(B). t0(x,x). t1(A,B) :- (a(A),!,fail);b(B). t1(x,x). t2(A,B,C) :- (a(A) -> (b(B),!)) ; c(C). t2(x,x,x). t3(A,B) :- call(((a(A),!,fail);b(B))). t3(x,x). t4(A) :- \+ (a(A),!,fail). % there must be a space after \+ t4_bis(A) :- \+((a(A),!,fail)). % ... or use double parentheses % Bonus round d1(A,B) :- call((a(A),!,b(B))). % ! is part of the called goal d2(X) :- a(X);!;b(X);c(X). % actually 4 clauses, one of which is d2(X) :- !,true. d3(X) :- a(X);(b(X),!);c(X). % actually 3 clauses, one of which is d3(X) :- b(X),!,true.
Use write_canonical/1 to print a term lacking in parentheses if you are unsure about parenthization. The term will be printed in prefix order. For example:
?- write_canonical(((a(A), !, fail ; b(B)))). ;(','(a(_),','(!,fail)),b(_))
And thus:
?- findall([A,B],t0(A,B),Found). Found = [[a0, b0], [a0, b1], [a0, b2]].
?- findall([A,B],t1(A,B),Found). Found = [].
?- findall([A,B,C],t2(A,B,C),Found). Found = [[a0, b0, _8678]].
?- findall([A,B],t3(A,B),Found). Found = [[x, x]].
?- findall([A],t4(A),Found). % binding of A is not retained outside of \+ Found = [[_6518]]. ?- findall([A],t4_bis(A),Found). Found = [[_6324]].
?- findall([A,B],d1(A,B),Found). Found = [[a0, b0], [a0, b1], [a0, b2]].
?- findall([X],d2(X),Found). Found = [[a0], [a1], [a2], [_9990]].
?- findall([X],d3(X),Found). Found = [[a0], [a1], [a2], [b0]].