1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2010-2020, University of Amsterdam 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36:- module(rdf_library, 37 [ rdf_attach_library/1, % +Dir 38 rdf_load_library/1, % +Ontology 39 rdf_load_library/2, % +Ontology, +Options 40 rdf_list_library/0, 41 rdf_list_library/1, % +Ontology 42 rdf_list_library/2, % +Ontology, +Options 43 rdf_library_source/2, % +Ontology, -SourceURL 44 rdf_library_index/2, % ?Id, ?Facet 45 rdf_current_manifest/1 % -Manifest 46 ]). 47:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_prefixes), 48 [ (rdf_meta)/1, op(_,_,rdf_meta) 49 ]). 50:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db), 51 [ rdf_register_ns/2, rdf_equal/2, rdf_register_ns/3, rdf_load/2 52 ]). 53 54:- autoload(library(apply),[exclude/3,maplist/2]). 55:- autoload(library(date),[parse_time/2]). 56:- use_module(library(debug),[debug/3]). 57:- autoload(library(dif),[dif/2]). 58:- autoload(library(error),[must_be/2,existence_error/2]). 59:- autoload(library(lists),[member/2,list_to_set/2]). 60:- autoload(library(option),[option/2,option/3]). 61:- autoload(library(pairs), 62 [pairs_values/2,map_list_to_pairs/3,group_pairs_by_key/2]). 63:- autoload(library(rdf),[load_rdf/2]). 64:- autoload(library(solution_sequences),[distinct/2]). 65:- autoload(library(thread),[concurrent/3]). 66:- autoload(library(uri), 67 [ uri_file_name/2, 68 uri_components/2, 69 uri_data/3, 70 uri_is_global/1, 71 uri_normalized/2 72 ]). 73:- autoload(library(http/http_open),[http_open/3]). 74:- autoload(library(semweb/turtle),[rdf_load_turtle/3]). 75 76:- predicate_options(rdf_list_library/2, 2, 77 [ indent(atom), 78 show_graph(boolean), 79 show_source(boolean), 80 show_virtual(boolean) 81 ]). 82:- predicate_options(rdf_load_library/2, 2, 83 [ concurrent(positive_integer), 84 import(boolean), 85 load(boolean), 86 base_uri(atom), 87 claimed_source(atom), 88 not_found(oneof([error,warning,silent])) 89 ]).
110:- rdf_register_ns(lib, 'http://www.swi-prolog.org/rdf/library/'). 111:- rdf_register_ns(void, 'http://rdfs.org/ns/void#'). 112:- rdf_register_ns(vann, 'http://purl.org/vocab/vann/'). 113 114:- dynamic 115 manifest/2, % Path, Time 116 library_db/3. % Name, URL, Facets 117 118% Force compile-time namespace expansion 119 120:- rdf_meta 121 edge(+, r,r,o). 122 123 /******************************* 124 * LOADING * 125 *******************************/
(default), also load ontologies that are
explicitly imported.error
it reports missing databases as an error and fails.
If warning
it prints them, but continues. If
, no checks are preformed. Default is error
, to all the preparation, but do not execute
the actual loading. See also rdf_list_library/2.160rdf_load_library(Id) :- 161 rdf_load_library(Id, []). 162 163rdf_load_library(Id, Options) :- 164 cleaned_load_commands(Id, Cmds, Options), 165 ( option(concurrent(Threads), Options) 166 -> true 167 ; guess_concurrency(Cmds, Threads) 168 ), 169 length(Cmds, NSources), 170 print_message(informational, rdf(loading(NSources, Threads))), 171 ( option(load(true), Options, true) 172 -> concurrent(Threads, Cmds, []) 173 ; true 174 ).
184rdf_library_source(Id, Source) :- 185 cleaned_load_commands(Id, Cmds, 186 [ import(true), 187 not_found(silent) 188 ]), 189 member(rdf_load(Source, _), Cmds). 190 191 192cleaned_load_commands(Id, Cmds, Options) :- 193 load_commands(Id, Options, Pairs), 194 pairs_values(Pairs, Commands), 195 list_to_set(Commands, Cmds2), 196 delete_virtual(Cmds2, Cmds3), 197 find_conflicts(Cmds3), 198 check_existence(Cmds3, Cmds, Options). 199 200delete_virtual([], []). 201delete_virtual([virtual(_)|T0], T) :- 202 !, 203 delete_virtual(T0, T). 204delete_virtual([H|T0], [H|T]) :- 205 delete_virtual(T0, T).
212find_conflicts(Commands) :-
213 no_source_with_different_options(Commands),
214 no_sources_in_same_graph(Commands).
222no_source_with_different_options(Commands) :- 223 sort(Commands, Cmds), 224 conflicts(Cmds, Conflicts), 225 report_conflicts(Conflicts), 226 Conflicts == []. 227 228conflicts([], []). 229conflicts([C1, C2|T0], [C1-C2|T]) :- 230 conflict(C1, C2), 231 !, 232 conflicts([C2|T0], T). 233conflicts([_|T0], T) :- 234 conflicts(T0, T). 235 236conflict(rdf_load(Src, Options1), rdf_load(Src, Options2)) :- 237 sort(Options1, S1), 238 sort(Options2, S2), 239 S1 \== S2. 240 241report_conflicts([]). 242report_conflicts([C1-C2|T]) :- 243 print_message(warning, rdf(load_conflict(C1,C2))), 244 report_conflicts(T).
251no_sources_in_same_graph(Commands) :- 252 map_list_to_pairs(command_graph, Commands, Keyed), 253 keysort(Keyed, KeySorted), 254 group_pairs_by_key(KeySorted, SourcesByGraph), 255 ( member(Graph-Sources, SourcesByGraph), 256 Sources = [_,_|_] 257 -> forall(( member(Graph-Sources, SourcesByGraph), 258 Sources = [_,_|_] 259 ), 260 print_message(error, 261 rdf(multiple_source_for_graph(Graph, Sources)))), 262 fail 263 ; true 264 ). 265 266command_graph(rdf_load(_, Options), Graph) :- 267 option(graph(Graph), Options), 268 !. 269command_graph(rdf_load(URL, _), URL) :- !. 270command_graph(_, _). % Other command. Each variable it its own key
280check_existence(CommandsIn, Commands, Options) :- 281 option(not_found(Level), Options, error), 282 must_be(oneof([error,warning,silent]), Level), 283 ( Level == silent 284 -> Commands = CommandsIn 285 ; missing_urls(CommandsIn, Commands, Missing), 286 ( Missing == [] 287 -> true 288 ; Level == warning 289 -> report_missing(Missing, Level) 290 ; existence_error(urls, Missing) 291 ) 292 ). 293 294 295missing_urls([], [], []). 296missing_urls([H|T0], Cmds, Missing) :- 297 H = rdf_load(URL, _), 298 ( catch(exists_url(URL, _Ext), error(existence_error(_,_), _), fail) 299 -> Cmds = [H|T], 300 missing_urls(T0, T, Missing) 301 ; Missing = [URL|T], 302 missing_urls(T0, Cmds, T) 303 ). 304 305report_missing([], _). 306report_missing([H|T], Level) :- 307 print_message(Level, error(existence_error(url, H), _)), 308 report_missing(T, Level).
316guess_concurrency(Commands, Threads) :- 317 count_uris(Commands, FileURLs, OtherURLs), 318 ( FileURLs > 0 319 -> ( current_prolog_flag(cpu_count, CPUs) 320 -> true 321 ; CPUs = 1 322 ), 323 FileThreads is min(FileURLs, CPUs) 324 ; FileThreads = 0 325 ), 326 ( OtherURLs > 0 327 -> OtherThreads is min(5, OtherURLs) 328 ; OtherThreads = 0 329 ), 330 Threads is FileThreads + OtherThreads. 331 332count_uris([], 0, 0). 333count_uris([rdf_load(URL, _)|T], F, NF) :- 334 count_uris(T, F0, NF0), 335 ( web_url(URL) 336 -> NF is NF0 + 1, 337 F = F0 338 ; F is F0 + 1, 339 NF = NF0 340 ).
352:- thread_local 353 command/2. 354 355load_commands(Id, Options, Commands) :- 356 retractall(command(_,_)), 357 rdf_update_library_index, 358 dry_load(Id, 1, Options), 359 findall(Level-Cmd, retract(command(Level, Cmd)), Commands). 360 361dry_load(Id, Level, Options) :- 362 ( library(Id, File, Facets) 363 -> merge_base_uri(Facets, Options, Options1), 364 merge_source(Facets, Options1, Options2), 365 merge_blanks(Facets, Options2, Options3), 366 merge_format(Facets, Options3, Options4), 367 ( \+ memberchk(virtual, Facets) 368 -> load_options(Options4, File, RdfOptions), 369 assert(command(Level, rdf_load(File, RdfOptions))) 370 ; assert(command(Level, virtual(File))) 371 ), 372 ( option(import(true), Options, true) 373 -> Level1 is Level + 1, 374 forall(member(imports(Type, Import), Facets), 375 import(Import, Level1, [type(Type)|Options4])) 376 ; true 377 ) 378 ; existence_error(ontology, Id) 379 ). 380 381merge_base_uri(Facets, Options0, Options) :- 382 ( option(base_uri(Base), Facets) 383 -> exclude(name_option(base_uri), Options0, Options1), 384 Options = [base_uri(Base)|Options1] 385 ; Options = Options0 386 ). 387 388merge_source(Facets, Options0, Options) :- 389 ( option(claimed_source(Base), Facets) 390 -> exclude(name_option(claimed_source), Options0, Options1), 391 Options = [claimed_source(Base)|Options1] 392 ; Options = Options0 393 ). 394 395merge_blanks(Facets, Options0, Options) :- 396 ( option(blank_nodes(Share), Facets) 397 -> exclude(name_option(blank_nodes), Options0, Options1), 398 Options = [blank_nodes(Share)|Options1] 399 ; Options = Options0 400 ). 401 402merge_format(Facets, Options0, Options) :- 403 ( option(format(Format), Facets) 404 -> exclude(name_option(format), Options0, Options1), 405 Options = [format(Format)|Options1] 406 ; Options = Options0 407 ). 408 409name_option(Name, Term) :- 410 functor(Term, Name, 1). 411 412load_options(Options, File, RDFOptions) :- 413 findall(O, load_option(Options, File, O), RDFOptions). 414 415load_option(Options, File, graph(Source)) :- 416 option(claimed_source(Source0), Options), 417 ( sub_atom(Source0, _, _, 0, /) 418 -> file_base_name(File, Base), 419 atom_concat(Source0, Base, Source) 420 ; atom_concat(Source, #, Source0) 421 -> true 422 ). 423load_option(Options, File, base_uri(BaseURI)) :- 424 option(base_uri(Base0), Options), 425 sub_atom(/, _, _, 0, Base0), 426 atom_concat(Base0, File, BaseURI). 427load_option(Options, _File, blank_nodes(Share)) :- 428 option(blank_nodes(Share), Options). 429load_option(Options, _File, format(Format)) :- 430 option(format(Format), Options).
434import(Path, Level, Options) :- 435 option(type(data_dump), Options), 436 !, 437 load_options(Options, Path, RdfOptions), 438 assert(command(Level, rdf_load(Path, RdfOptions))). 439import(Path, Level, Options) :- 440 ( ( library(Id, Path, _) 441 -> true 442 ; manifest_for_path(Path, Manifest), 443 catch(exists_url(Manifest, _Ext), _, fail) 444 -> process_manifest(Manifest), 445 library(Id, Path, _) 446 ) 447 -> dry_load(Id, Level, Options) 448 ; load_options(Options, Path, RdfOptions), 449 assert(command(Level, rdf_load(Path, RdfOptions))) 450 ). 451 452manifest_for_path(URL, Manifest) :- 453 file_directory_name(URL, Parent), 454 manifest_file(Base), 455 rdf_extension(Ext), 456 atomic_list_concat([Parent, /, Base, '.', Ext], Manifest).
(default), show location we are loadingtrue
(default false
), show name of graphfalse
(default true
), do not show virtual
repositories.477rdf_list_library(Id) :- 478 rdf_list_library(Id, []). 479rdf_list_library(Id, Options) :- 480 load_commands(Id, Options, Commands), 481 maplist(print_load(Options), Commands). 482 483print_load(Options, _Level-virtual(_)) :- 484 option(show_virtual(false), Options), 485 !. 486print_load(Options, Level-Command) :- 487 option(indent(Indent), Options, '. '), 488 forall(between(2, Level, _), format(Indent)), 489 print_command(Command, Options), 490 format('~N'). 491 492print_command(virtual(URL), _Options) :- 493 format('<~w>', [URL]). 494print_command(rdf_load(URL), Options) :- 495 print_command(rdf_load(URL, []), Options). 496print_command(rdf_load(URL, RDFOptions), Options) :- 497 ( option(show_source(true), Options, true) 498 -> format('~w', [URL]), 499 ( option(blank_nodes(noshare), RDFOptions) 500 -> format(' <not shared>') 501 ; true 502 ), 503 ( exists_url(URL, Ext) 504 -> ( Ext == '' 505 -> true 506 ; format('[.~w]', [Ext]) 507 ) 508 ; format(' [NOT FOUND]') 509 ) 510 ; true 511 ), 512 ( option(show_graph(true), Options, false), 513 option(graph(Base), RDFOptions) 514 -> format('~N\tSource: ~w', [Base]) 515 ; true 516 ). 517 518exists_url(URL, Ext) :- 519 uri_file_name(URL, Path), 520 !, 521 add_storage_extension(Path, Ext, PathEx), 522 access_file(PathEx, read), 523 !. 524exists_url(URL, Ext) :- 525 uri_components(URL, Components), 526 uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), 527 atom(Scheme), 528 url_scheme(Scheme), 529 add_storage_extension(URL, Ext, URLEx), 530 catch(http_open(URLEx, Stream, [ method(head) ]), _, fail), 531 !, 532 close(Stream). 533 534:- multifile 535 rdf_db:rdf_storage_encoding/2. 536 537add_storage_extension(File, '', File). 538add_storage_extension(File, Ext, FileEx) :- 539 rdf_db:rdf_storage_encoding(Ext, _Format), 540 \+ file_name_extension(_, Ext, File), 541 file_name_extension(File, Ext, FileEx). 542 543url_scheme(http). 544url_scheme(https).
551rdf_list_library :- 552 rdf_update_library_index, 553 ( rdf_library_index(Id, title(TitleLiteral)), 554 plain_string(TitleLiteral, Title), 555 format('~w ~t~20|~w', [Id, Title]), 556 ( rdf_library_index(Id, version(Version)) 557 -> format(' (version ~w)', [Version]) 558 ; true 559 ), 560 nl, 561 fail 562 ; true 563 ). 564 565plain_string(String, String) :- 566 atomic(String), 567 !. 568plain_string(lang(en, String), String) :- !. 569plain_string(lang(_, String), String) :- !. 570plain_string(type(_, String), String) :- !.
, schema
or instances
, the actual filename is attached./
, the actual filename is
or noshare
. Default is to
share.628rdf_library_index(Id, Facet) :- 629 library(Id, Path, Facets), 630 ( Facet = source(Path) 631 ; member(Facet, Facets) 632 ). 633 634 635 /******************************* 636 * MANIFEST PROCESSING * 637 *******************************/
found. If Directory is a path-alias
(e.g., ontology(.)
), all referenced directories are
scanned for manifest files.Encountered namespaces are registered using rdf_register_ns/2. Encountered ontologies are added to the index. If a manifest was already loaded it will be reloaded if the modification time has changed.
658rdf_attach_library(URL) :- 659 atom(URL), 660 uri_is_global(URL), 661 \+ is_absolute_file_name(URL), % avoid interpreting C: as a schema 662 !, 663 process_manifest(URL). 664rdf_attach_library(File) :- 665 absolute_file_name(File, Path, 666 [ extensions([rdf,ttl]), 667 access(read), 668 file_errors(fail) 669 ]), 670 !, 671 process_manifest(Path). 672rdf_attach_library(Dir) :- 673 forall(absolute_file_name(Dir, Path, 674 [ file_type(directory), 675 access(read), 676 solutions(all) 677 ]), 678 attach_dir(Path, [])).
685rdf_update_library_index :- 686 forall(manifest(Location, _Time), 687 process_manifest(Location)). 688 689attach_dir(Path, Visited) :- 690 memberchk(Path, Visited), 691 !. 692attach_dir(Path, Visited) :- 693 atom_concat(Path, '/*', Pattern), 694 expand_file_name(Pattern, Members), 695 ( manifest_file(MBase), 696 rdf_extension(Ext), 697 atomic_list_concat([Path, /, MBase, '.', Ext], Manifest), 698 exists_file(Manifest) 699 -> process_manifest(Manifest) 700 ; print_message(silent, rdf(no_manifest(Path))) 701 ), 702 ( member(Dir, Members), 703 exists_directory(Dir), 704 file_base_name(Dir, Base), 705 \+ hidden_base(Base), 706 attach_dir(Dir, [Path|Visited]), 707 fail ; true 708 ). 709 'CVS') (. 711hidden_base('cvs'). % Windows
721process_manifest(Source) :- 722 ( web_url(Source) 723 -> uri_normalized(Source, Manifest) 724 ; uri_file_name(Source, Manifest0) 725 -> absolute_file_name(Manifest0, ManifestFile), 726 uri_file_name(Manifest, ManifestFile) 727 ; absolute_file_name(Source, ManifestFile), 728 uri_file_name(Manifest, ManifestFile) 729 ), % Manifest is a canonical URI 730 source_time(Manifest, MT), 731 ( manifest(Manifest, Time), 732 ( MT =< Time 733 -> ! 734 ; retractall(manifest(Manifest, Time)), 735 library_db(Id, URL, Facets), 736 memberchk(manifest(Manifest), Facets), 737 retractall(library_db(Id, URL, Facets)), 738 fail 739 ) 740 ; read_triples(Manifest, Triples), 741 process_triples(Manifest, Triples), 742 print_message(informational, rdf(manifest(loaded, Manifest))), 743 assert(manifest(Manifest, MT)) 744 ). 745 746process_triples(Manifest, Triples) :- 747 findall(ns(Mnemonic, NameSpace), 748 extract_namespace(Triples, Mnemonic, NameSpace), 749 NameSpaces), 750 findall(Ontology, 751 extract_ontology(Triples, Ontology), 752 Ontologies), 753 maplist(define_namespace, NameSpaces), 754 maplist(assert_ontology(Manifest), Ontologies).
760extract_namespace(Triples, Mnemonic, Namespace) :- 761 edge(Triples, Decl, lib:mnemonic, literal(Mnemonic)), 762 edge(Triples, Decl, lib:namespace, Namespace). 763extract_namespace(Triples, Mnemonic, Namespace) :- 764 edge(Triples, Decl, vann:preferredNamespacePrefix, literal(Mnemonic)), 765 edge(Triples, Decl, vann:preferredNamespaceUri, literal(Namespace)).
771extract_ontology(Triples, library(Name, URL, Options)) :- 772 distinct(URL, ontology(Triples, URL)), 773 file_base_name(URL, BaseName), 774 file_name_extension(Name, _, BaseName), 775 findall(Facet, facet(Triples, URL, Facet), Options0), 776 sort(Options0, Options1), 777 keep_specialized_facets(Options1, Options). 778 779ontology(Triples, URL) :- 780 edge(Triples, URL, rdf:type, Type), 781 ontology_type(Type). 782 783keep_specialized_facets(All, Special) :- 784 exclude(more_general(All), All, Special). 785 786more_general(All, Facet) :- 787 generalized(Facet, Special), 788 memberchk(Special, All). 789 790generalized(imports(ontology, Path), imports(Other, Path)) :- 791 dif(Other, ontology). 792 793ontology_type(X) :- 794 ( rdf_equal(X, lib:'Ontology') 795 ; rdf_equal(X, lib:'Schema') 796 ; rdf_equal(X, lib:'Instances') 797 ; rdf_equal(X, void:'Dataset') 798 ; rdf_equal(X, void:'Linkset') 799 ).
806facet(Triples, File, title(Title)) :- 807 edge(Triples, File, dcterms:title, literal(Title)). 808facet(Triples, File, version(Version)) :- 809 edge(Triples, File, owl:versionInfo, literal(Version)). 810facet(Triples, File, comment(Comment)) :- 811 edge(Triples, File, rdfs:comment, literal(Comment)). 812facet(Triples, File, base_uri(BaseURI)) :- 813 edge(Triples, File, lib:baseURI, BaseURI). 814facet(Triples, File, claimed_source(Source)) :- 815 edge(Triples, File, lib:source, Source). 816facet(Triples, File, format(Format)) :- 817 edge(Triples, File, lib:format, literal(Format)). 818facet(Triples, File, blank_nodes(Mode)) :- 819 edge(Triples, File, lib:blankNodes, literal(Mode)), 820 must_be(oneof([share,noshare]), Mode). 821facet(Triples, File, imports(ontology, Path)) :- 822 edge(Triples, File, owl:imports, Path). 823facet(Triples, File, imports(schema, Path)) :- 824 edge(Triples, File, lib:schema, Path). 825facet(Triples, File, imports(instances, Path)) :- 826 edge(Triples, File, lib:instances, Path). 827facet(Triples, File, imports(subset, Path)) :- 828 edge(Triples, File, void:subset, Path). 829facet(Triples, File, imports(data_dump, Path)) :- 830 edge(Triples, File, void:dataDump, Path). 831facet(Triples, File, provides_ns(NS)) :- 832 edge(Triples, File, lib:providesNamespace, NSDecl), 833 edge(Triples, NSDecl, lib:namespace, NS). 834facet(Triples, File, uses_ns(NS)) :- 835 edge(Triples, File, lib:usesNamespace, NSDecl), 836 edge(Triples, NSDecl, lib:namespace, NS). 837facet(Triples, File, virtual) :- 838 ( edge(Triples, File, rdf:type, lib:'Virtual') 839 ; edge(Triples, File, rdf:type, void:'Dataset') 840 ; edge(Triples, File, rdf:type, void:'Linkset') 841 ) -> true.
847edge(Triples, S, P, O) :- 848 nonvar(P), 849 !, 850 sub_p(SubP, P), 851 member(rdf(S,SubP,O), Triples). 852edge(Triples, S, P, O) :- 853 member(rdf(S,SubP,O), Triples), 854 sub_p(SubP, P). 855 856sub_p(P, P). 857sub_p(Sub, P) :- 858 ( nonvar(Sub) 859 -> sub_property_of(Sub, Sub1), 860 sub_p(Sub1, P) 861 ; sub_property_of(Sub1, P), 862 sub_p(Sub, Sub1) 863 ). 864 865:- rdf_meta 866 sub_property_of(r,r). 867 868sub_property_of(void:subset, owl:imports). 869sub_property_of(dcterms:description, rdfs:comment). 870sub_property_of(void:dataDump, owl:imports). 871sub_property_of(dc:title, dcterms:title).
879source_time(URL, Modified) :- 880 web_url(URL), 881 !, 882 http_open(URL, Stream, 883 [ header(last_modified, Date), 884 method(head) 885 ]), 886 close(Stream), 887 Date \== '', 888 parse_time(Date, Modified). 889source_time(URL, Modified) :- 890 uri_file_name(URL, File), 891 !, 892 time_file(File, Modified). 893source_time(File, Modified) :- 894 time_file(File, Modified). 895 896web_url(URL) :- 897 sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'http://').
904read_triples(FileURL, Triples) :- 905 uri_file_name(FileURL, File), 906 !, 907 ( file_name_extension(_, rdf, File) 908 -> load_rdf(File, Triples) 909 ; rdf_load_turtle(File, Triples, []) 910 ). 911read_triples(HTTPURL, Triples) :- 912 file_name_extension(_, Ext, HTTPURL), 913 setup_call_cleanup( 914 http_open(HTTPURL, In, []), 915 stream_triples(In, Ext, Triples), 916 close(In)). 917 918stream_triples(Stream, rdf, Triples) :- 919 load_rdf(stream(Stream), Triples). 920stream_triples(Stream, ttl, Triples) :- 921 rdf_load_turtle(stream(Stream), Triples, []). 922 923 924manifest_file('void'). % make order optional? 925manifest_file('Manifest'). 926manifest_file('manifest'). 927 928rdf_extension(ttl). 929rdf_extension(rdf).
938assert_ontology(Manifest, Term) :-
939 Term = library(Name, URL, Facets),
940 ( library(Name, _URL2, Facets2)
941 -> memberchk(manifest(Manifest2), Facets2),
942 print_message(warning, rdf(redefined(Manifest, Name, Manifest2)))
943 ; true
944 ),
945 assert(library_db(Name, URL,
946 [ manifest(Manifest)
947 | Facets
948 ])).
955library(Id, URL, Facets) :- 956 nonvar(URL), 957 normalize_url(URL, CanonicalURL), 958 library_db(Id, CanonicalURL, Facets). 959library(Id, URL, Facets) :- 960 library_db(Id, URL, Facets).
967normalize_url(URL, CanonicalURL) :- 968 uri_file_name(URL, File), 969 !, 970 absolute_file_name(File, CanFile), 971 uri_file_name(CanonicalURL, CanFile). 972normalize_url(URL, CanonicalURL) :- 973 uri_normalized(URL, CanonicalURL).
979define_namespace(ns(Mnemonic, Namespace)) :-
980 debug(rdf_library, 'Adding NS ~w = ~q', [Mnemonic, Namespace]),
981 rdf_register_ns(Mnemonic, Namespace,
982 [
983 ]).
989rdf_current_manifest(URL) :- 990 manifest(URL, _Time). 991 992 993 994 /******************************* 995 * MESSAGES * 996 *******************************/ 997 998:- multifile 999 prolog:message/3. 1000 1001prologmessage(rdf(no_manifest(Path))) --> 1002 [ 'Directory ~w has no Manifest.{ttl,rdf} file'-[Path] ]. 1003prologmessage(rdf(redefined(Manifest, Name, Manifest2))) --> 1004 [ '~w: Ontology ~w already defined in ~w'- 1005 [Manifest, Name, Manifest2] 1006 ]. 1007prologmessage(rdf(manifest(loaded, Manifest))) --> 1008 [ 'Loaded RDF manifest ~w'-[Manifest] 1009 ]. 1010prologmessage(rdf(load_conflict(C1, C2))) --> 1011 [ 'Conflicting loads: ~p <-> ~p'-[C1, C2] ]. 1012prologmessage(rdf(multiple_source_for_graph(Graph, Sources))) --> 1013 [ 'Multiple sources for graph ~p:'-[Graph] ], 1014 sources(Sources). 1015prologmessage(rdf(loading(Files, Threads))) --> 1016 [ 'Loading ~D files using ~D threads ...'-[Files, Threads] ]. 1017 1018sources([]) --> []. 1019sources([rdf_load(From, _Options)|T]) --> 1020 [ nl, '\t~p'-[From] ], 1021 sources(T)
RDF Library Manager
This module manages an ontology library. Such a library consists of a directory with manifest files named
(Turtle). The manifest files define ontologies appearing in the library as well as namespace mnemonics and dependencies.The typical usage scenario is