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Prolog files

pcre.pl  -- Perl compatible regular expression matching for SWI-PrologShow source
re_compile/3Compiles Pattern to a Regex blob of type regex (see blob/2).Source
re_config/1Extract configuration information from the pcre library.Source
re_flush/0Clean pattern and replacement caches.Source
re_foldl/6Fold all matches of Regex on String.Source
re_match/2Succeeds if String matches Regex.Source
re_match/3Succeeds if String matches Regex.Source
re_matchsub/3Match String against Regex.Source
re_matchsub/4Match String against Regex.Source
re_replace/4Replace matches of the regular expression Pattern in String with With (possibly containing references to captured substrings).Source
re_replace/5Replace matches of the regular expression Pattern in String with With (possibly containing references to captured substrings).Source
re_split/3Split String using the regular expression Pattern.Source
re_split/4Split String using the regular expression Pattern.Source