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Source pack_version_hashes(+Pack, -VersionHashesPairs) is semidet
True when HashesByVersion is an ordered list Version-Hashes, latest version first.
Source hash_git_url(+SHA1, -GitURL) is semidet
True when SHA1 was installed using GIT from GitURL.
Source hash_file_url(+SHA1, -FileURL) is nondet
True when SHA1 was installed using GIT from GitURL.
Source pack_url_hash(?URL, ?Hash) is nondet
True when Hash is the registered hash for URL.
Source pack(?Pack) is nondet
True when Pack is a currently known pack.
Source pack_table(+Packs, +Options)// is det
Show a table of packs.
Source current_pack(+Filter:list, -Pack) is nondet
True when Pack is a pack that satisfies Filter. Filter is a list of filter expressions. Currently defined filters are:
Pack is claimed by this author.
Source sort_packs(+Field, +Packs, -Sorted)