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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog

Package "uri_qq"

Title:URI quasiquotations
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:0.3.0
SHA1 sum:50090a747f13286635d12072e9ca23dd565972e4
Author:Michael Hendricks <michael@ndrix.org>
Maintainer:Michael Hendricks <michael@ndrix.org>
Packager:Michael Hendricks <michael@ndrix.org>
Home page:http://packs.ndrix.com/uri_qq/index.html
Download URL:http://packs.ndrix.com/uri_qq/uri_qq-0.3.0.tgz


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:- use_module(library(uri_qq)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_client)).
main :-
    Path = search,
    Params = [q='prolog is awesome'],
    http_get({|uri||google.com/$Path?$Params|}, Content, []),


This module makes it easy to build complex URIs out of component parts. All necessary escaping is done automatically. In nearly all cases, this is more convenient than using library(uri) directly.

In most circumstances, you can just use $Name anywhere inside the URI and the runtime value of variable Name will be inserted at that location. library(uri_qq) also supports the following less obvious features:

Suffix References

It quickly gets annoying to type and read `http://` all over the place. If you omit the scheme in a URI template, `http://` is inserted automatically. See the Synopsis above.

Also see Relative References below.

Query interpolation

There are two ways to build dynamic queries for a URI. The first way is to interpolate a key or a value directly in the URI template:

Name = name,
Value = value,
U = {|uri||example.com/q?name=$Value|},
U = {|uri||example.com/q?$Name=value|},

The second way is to build a dict or a list of Key=Value pairs and interpolate the entire query. This example builds the same U value as above:

Query = _{name: value},
U = {|uri||example.com/q?$Query|},

Relative References

Sometimes you need to create many URIs relative to a single base URI. To avoid repeating content and to get all the convenience you expect from relative URIs, you can specify a local base URI as the first argument of the quasiquoter like this:

Base = 'http://www.example.org/path/to/',
U1 = {|uri(Base)||foo#1|},
U2 = {|uri(Base)||foo#2|},
U3 = {|uri(Base)||../goes/elsewhere|},

When it encounters a relative URI in the clause, it's resolved against the base URI to produce an absolute URI.

Changes in this Version

  • Interpolate path terms like a/b/c instead of just atoms
  • Larger test suite


Using SWI-Prolog 6.3.16 or later:

?- pack_install(uri_qq).

For repository and pull requests, see https://github.com/mndrix/uri_qq

This module uses semantic versioning.

- Michael Hendricks <michael@ndrix.org>

Contents of pack "uri_qq"

Pack contains 5 files holding a total of 10.1K bytes.