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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog

Package "type_check"

Title:Type System for Prolog based on Hindley-Milner
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:1.0.3
SHA1 sum:e158d4ae7071dc582e75323ffc1673cf8498ddd1
Author:Tom Schrijvers <Tom.Schrijvers@kuleuven.be>


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Hindley-Milner Type Checker for Prolog

Authors & Acknowledgments


  • Tom Schrijvers (maintainer)
  • Bart Demoen
  • Markus Triska
  • Spyros Hadjichristodoulou
  • (Your name could be here) All authors agree to the licences of SWI-Prolog and YAP.


We are grateful for useful comments and feedback from:

  • Ulrich Neumerkel
  • Vitor Santos Costa
  • Jose Santos
  • (Your name could be here)


Type Definitions

Define polymorphic algebraic data types like:

      :- type pair(A,B)  ---> A - B.
      :- type list(T)    ---> [] ; [T|list(T)].
      :- type boolean    ---> true ;  false.

(NOTE: the above types are predefined, as well as integer and float.)

Type definitions can also be empty, e.g.

      :- type an_empty_type.

This means that the type is not inhabited by instantiated values. Only logical variables are possible.

Predicate Signatures

Predicates are given a signature like:

      :- pred append(list(E), list(E), list(E)).
      :- pred not(boolean, boolean).
      :- pred lookup(list(pair(Key,Value)), Key, Value).

Optionally, modes can be specified as well, by prefixing the argument types with +, - or ?. For instance:

      :- pred not(+boolean, -boolean).

Note that the type checker fully ignores mode declarations. Hence, mode declarations have not other purpose than to serve as documentation. In particular, the validity of mode declarations is not verified.

Interfacing Untyped Code

  1. Calling typed code from untyped code (and the Prolog top-level) results in runtime type checks.
  2. One may annotate calls to untyped predicates from within typed predicates:
       :- pred concat(list(list(integer)),list(integer)).
       concat(LL,L) :- flatten(LL,L) :: flatten(list(list(integer)),list(integer)).

    which results in runtime type checking. The annotation is also used for static type checking of the code surrounding the annotated call.

    A variant of the annotation is only used for static type checking, and does not result in runtime checks:

       concat(LL,L) :- flatten(LL,L) :< flatten(list(list(integer)),list(integer)).
  3. A second way is to provide a signature for untypable code with:
       :- trust_pred sort(list(integer),list(integer)).

    This signature is only into account when checking calls from typed code.

Coping with Untypable Code

Untypable code, e.g. using Prolog built-ins, may be encapsulated in a trusted predicate. E.g.

      :- trust_pred new_array(list(T),array(T)).

      new_array(List,Array) :- Array =.. [array|List].

No additional runtime checks are performed for trusted predicates.

Similarly, untyped imported predicates may be given a type signature with the trust_pred declaration.

Type Checker Options

Options can be passed to the type checker with the declaration

      :- type_check_options(Options).

where Options is a list containing zero or more of the following elements:

  • check(Flag) where Flag is on or off, to enable or disable the type checker enabled by default
  • runtime(Flag) where Flag is on or off, to enable or disable runtime type checking disabled by default
  • verbose(Flag) where Flag is on or off, to enable or disable printed summary at end of type checking enabled by default

Current Limitations

  • global namespace for types
  • runtime type checks are not exhaustive for (non-ground) polymorphic types


  • check uniqueness of defined types, e.g. list(T) not defined twice
  • check syntactic well-formedness of type definitions and declarations
  • add module awareness for predicates
  • add module awareness for types
  • take care with variables used in :: (also used for values / other annotations)
  • improve error messages with tc_stats(Errors,Total)
    • source location information
    • what the inconsistency is
  • support for more built-ins
  • higher-order types for meta-predicates
  • exported vs. hidden types
  • abstract types (hidden definition)
  • automatic inference of signatures
  • type classes

Changes since initial version

  • added cmp/0 type
  • added compare/3 built-in
  • added statistics printing at end of type checking
  • fixed detection of less general types than signature
  • added error message for less polymorphic signature
  • added error message for duplicate predicate signature
  • added :< annotation, which is a variant of the :: annotation, where the semantics is not to include runtime assertions, but to simply trust the programmer.
  • added type pred/0 for goals
  • added call/1 built-in
  • added type pred/1 and pred/2
  • addded call/1 and call/2 built-ins
  • improved error message for less polymorphic inferred types
  • support for built-in type `float'
  • added string/0 type
  • added get_char/1 built-in
  • added atom_concat/3 built-in
  • added atom_length/2 built-in
  • added atom_chars/2 built-in
  • added concat_atom/2 built-in
  • added any/0 type
  • added coercion predicate any_to_type/3
  • added coercion predicate type_to_any/2
  • normalize all types, also built-in ones
  • option to enable/disable type-checking
  • option to enable/disable runtime type checks
  • added empty type definitions
  • detect ambiguous use of numeric types

Contents of pack "type_check"

Pack contains 4 files holding a total of 43.9K bytes.