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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog

Package "msgpackc"

Title:C-Based MessagePack for SWI-Prolog
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:0.2.1
SHA1 sum:e20fc6f6989d086b9aeb2ab79e81c13c474b7e5f
Author:Roy Ratcliffe <royratcliffe@me.com>
Maintainer:Roy Ratcliffe <royratcliffe@me.com>
Packager:Roy Ratcliffe <royratcliffe@me.com>
Home page:https://github.com/swipl/msgpackc
Download URL:https://github.com/swipl/msgpackc/releases/*.zip


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MessagePack for SWI-Prolog using C

![test](https://github.com/royratcliffe/msgpackc-prolog/actions/workflows/test.yaml) !cov <!-- !fail -->


Install the Prolog pack in SWI-Prolog using:


Pack messages via Definite-Clause Grammar msgpack//1 using compound terms. Prolog grammars operate by "unifying" terms with codes, in this case only byte codes rather than Unicodes. Unification works in both directions and even with partial knowns. The grammar back-tracks through all possible solutions non-deterministically until it finds one, else fails.

The implementation supports all the MessagePack formats including timestamps and any other extensions. The multi-file predicate hook type_ext_hook/3 unifies arbitrary types and bytes with their terms.

Brief examples

All the following succeed.

?- [library(msgpackc)].

?- phrase(msgpack(float(1e9)), Bytes).
Bytes = [202, 78, 110, 107, 40].

?- phrase(msgpack(float(1e18)), Bytes).
Bytes = [203, 67, 171, 193, 109, 103, 78, 200, 0].

?- phrase(msgpack(float(Float)), [203, 67, 171, 193, 109, 103, 78, 200, 0]).
Float = 1.0e+18.

?- phrase(msgpack(array([str("hello"), str("world")])), Bytes), phrase(msgpack(Term), Bytes).
Bytes = [146, 165, 104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 165, 119|...],
Term = array([str("hello"), str("world")]).

Project goals

Primarily implemented in Prolog but with core highly-optimised C support functions for handling endian transformations via machine-code byte swapping, re-interpreting between ordered bytes (octets) and IEEE-754 floating-point numbers and integers of different bit-widths.

The goal of this delicate balance between Prolog and C, between definite-clause grammar and low-level bit manipulation, aims to retain the flexibility and elegance of forward and backward unification between MessagePack and byte streams while gleaning the performance benefits of a C-based foreign support library.

Functors, fundamentals and primitives

The package presents a three-layered interface.

  1. Top layer via msgpack//1 grammar, usage as phrase(msgpack(nil), A) for example.
  2. Fundamental using msgpack_object//1, usage as phrase(msgpack_object(nil), A) for example.
  3. Primitive predicates, e.g. msgpack_nil.

C functions implement some of the key integer and float predicates at the primitive level.

The top-level grammar is msgpack//1. The definition is simple. It maps terms to primitives. Unification succeeds both forwards and backwards, meaning the grammar magically parses and generates.

msgpack(nil) --> msgpack_nil, !.
msgpack(bool(false)) --> msgpack_false, !.
msgpack(bool(true)) --> msgpack_true, !.
msgpack(int(Int)) --> msgpack_int(Int), !.
msgpack(float(Float)) --> msgpack_float(Float), !.
msgpack(str(Str)) --> msgpack_str(Str), !.
msgpack(bin(Bin)) --> msgpack_bin(Bin), !.
msgpack(array(Array)) --> msgpack_array(msgpack, Array), !.
msgpack(map(Map)) --> msgpack_map(msgpack_pair(msgpack, msgpack), Map), !.
msgpack(Term) --> msgpack_ext(Term).

Note that this does not include a sequence of back-to-back messages. High-order grammar predicates will unify with message sequences, e.g. sequence(msgpack, Terms) where Terms is a lists of msgpack//1 argument terms.

The fundamental layer via msgpack_object//1 optimally matches messages to fundamental types. Take integers for example. Phrase phrase(msgpack_object(1), Codes) gives you one octet [1] but phrase(msgpack_object(1 000), Codes) gives you three, [205, 3, 232]. Yet you still see an integer when you reverse the phrase and ask Codes for their corresponding term.

Integer space

The msgpack//1 implementation does the correct thing when attempting to render integers at integer boundaries; it correctly fails.

A is 1 << 64, phrase(sequence(msgpack, [int(A)]), B)

Prolog utilises the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic library when values fall outside the bit-width limits of the host machine. Term A exceeds 64 bits in the example above; Prolog happily computes the correct value within integer space but it requires 65 bits at least in order to store the value in an ordinary flat machine word. Hence fails the phrase when attempting to find a solution to int(A) since no available representation of a MessagePack integer accomodates a 65-bit value.

The same phrase for float(A) will succeed however by rendering a Message Pack 32-bit float. A float term accepts integers. They convert to equivalent floating-point values; in that case matching IEEE-754 big-endian sequence [95, 0, 0, 0] as a Prolog byte-code list.

Useful links

Contents of pack "msgpackc"

Pack contains 9 files holding a total of 50.0K bytes.