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Pack weblog -- prolog/identity/login_prototype/docs/convonotes.txt |
a: including \login_box in our DOM give you this box depending on if logged in
t: well, there's a session check, right?
a: yes, there needs to be some model for "logged in" can we just destroy the session when someone logs out? or even offer manual session creation on login?
t: currently a sessio nis created on login, and yeah, we can destroy on logout
a: some people wont' want that - liek a shopping site where you can put stuff in cart when logged out
a: swipl by default always makes a session
qa: also, how is 'remember me on this computer?' implemented?
expire date on cookies,
a suggests using library(options)
and option remember(forever)
to get the check
should it be checked by default?
a. suggests this should be looked at on web pattern sites and big web sites
t: classis list of options in login_box
t: some questions about how to implement the remember
a: cookies , use mailman to send it to head
t: should logout box replace login by default?
some discussion of this, needs research, t says sometimes want to
t never seen a persisting login so far
discussion of how github does it
sdiscussion of how the app dev handles different behavior depending on if we're logged in
and how much inheritance/granularity we need to support for layout of the login/logout boxes