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Pack sparqlprog -- prolog/sparqlprog/ontologies/dbpedia.pl
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 has_name(?S, ?L) is nondet
binds foaf:Name
 has_genre(?S, ?G) is nondet
binds dbont:genre
 has_director(?S, ?O) is nondet
binds dbont:director
 directed(?S, ?O) is nondet
binds dbont:directed
 has_child(?S, ?O) is nondet
 child_of(?S, ?O) is nondet
 descendant_of(?S, ?O) is nondet
true if S can be connected to O via one or more has_child/2 relationships
 band_member(?S, ?O) is nondet
 band(?X) is nondet
 photographer(?X) is nondet
 musical_artist(?X) is nondet
 disease(?X) is nondet

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 related_to(Arg1, Arg2)