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Pack space -- prolog/space/georss.pl
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 georss_candidate(?URI, ?Shape) is nondet
Finds URI-Shape pairs by searching for RDF triples that link URI to a Shape with GeoRSS RDF properties (e.g. georss:where, georss:line, georss:polygon). Both GeoRSS Simple and GML are supported.
 georss_candidate(?URI, ?Shape, +Source) is nondet
Finds URI-Shape pairs using georss_candidate/2 in RDF that was loaded from a certain Source.
 georss_simple_candidate(?URI, ?Shape) is nondet
Finds URI-Shape pairs by searching for GeoRSS Simple properties (e.g. georss:point, georss:line, georss:polygon) in the RDF database.
 georss_uri_shape_triple(+URI, +Shape, -Subject, -Predicate, -Object) is det
georss_uri_shape_triple(-URI, -Shape, +Subject, +Predicate, +Object) is det
Converts between a URI-Shape pair and its GeoRSS simple RDF triple form.
 georss_gml_candidate(?URI, ?Shape) is nondet
Finds URI-Shape pairs by searching for GeoRSS GML properties (i.e. georss:where) in the RDF database. Uses gml_shape/2 to parse the XMLLiteral representing the GML shape.