1:- module(user_page, []). 5:- multifile(style/1). 6:- dynamic(style/1). 7
8:- dynamic user:file_search_path/2. 9:- multifile user:file_search_path/2. 10
11:- use_module(library(http/thread_httpd)). 12:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 13:- use_module(library(http/http_path), []). 14:- use_module(library(http/http_server_files), []). 15:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). 16:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). 17:- use_module(swi(library/http/html_write)). 18:- use_module(library(option)). 19:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). 20:- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)). 21:- if_file_exists(use_module(weblog(html_form/ajaxify))). 22
23wire_in_weblog :-
24 assertz(user:file_search_path(css, weblog('static/css'))),
25 assertz(user:file_search_path(js, weblog('static/js'))),
26 assertz(user:file_search_path(icons, weblog('static/icons'))).
28:- wire_in_weblog. 29
30:- multifile http:location/3. 31:- dynamic http:location/3. 32
37http:location(mud, root(mud), []).
39:- multifile user:file_search_path/2. 40:- dynamic user:file_search_path/2. 41
43user:file_search_path(js, O) :- expand_file_search_path(game('web/js'),O).
44user:file_search_path(css, O):- expand_file_search_path(game('web/css'),O).
45user:file_search_path(icons, O):- expand_file_search_path(game('web/icons'),O).
46user:file_search_path(mud_code, O):- expand_file_search_path(game('web/prolog'),O).
50user:file_search_path(js, '../src_assets/web/js').
51user:file_search_path(css, '../src_assets/web/css').
52user:file_search_path(icons, '../src_assets/web/icons').
53user:file_search_path(mud_code, '../src_assets/web/prolog').
57user:file_search_path(js, '../src_webui/http/web/js').
58user:file_search_path(css, '../src_webui/http/web/css').
59user:file_search_path(icons, '../src_webui/http/web/icons').
65:- if_file_exists(use_module(mud_code(mud_specific), [style/1])). 66:- if_file_exists(use_module(logicmoo(model/substance))). 67
69:- http_handler(mud(.), mud_page, [id(mud), priority(10)]). 70
71:- html_resource(jquery,
72 [ virtual(true),
73 requires(js('jquery-1.7.1.js'))
74 ]). 75:- html_resource(js('jquery.form.js'),
76 [ requires(jquery)
77 ]). 78:- html_resource(js('mud.js'),
79 [ requires(jquery),
80 requires(js('jquery.form.js'))
81 ]). 82:- html_resource(mud,
83 [ virtual(true),
84 requires(js('mud.js'))
85 ]). 86
87mud_page(_Request) :-
88 actual_style(Style),
89 reply_html_page(
90 Style,
91 [link([
92 rel('shortcut icon'),
93 type('image/x-icon'),
94 href('/icons/favicon.ico')])],
95 [
96 \map_section,
97 \description_section,
98 \stats_section,
99 \player_prompt,
100 \input_section
101 ]).
103actual_style(Style) :- style(name(Style)),!.
106:- multifile head/4, body/4. 107
109head(logicmoo, Head) -->
110 html(head([
111 title('LogicMOO'),
112 Head
113 ])).
114body(logicmoo, Body) -->
115 html(body([
116 h1('LogicMOO MUD'),
117 div(id(content), Body)
118 ])).
123map_section -->
124 {
125 \+ style(map),
126 !
127 },
128 [].
129map_section -->
130 {
131 http_current_player(P),
132 substance(map_origin(OX, OY)),
133 substance(map_size(X, Y))
134 },
135 html(div(id(map), table(\map_row(P, OX, OY, X, Y)))).
137map_row(_, _, _, 0, _) --> !, [].
138map_row(_, _, _, _, 0) --> !, [].
139map_row(P, OX, OY, X, Y) -->
140 {
141 NOY is OY + 1,
142 NY is Y - 1
143 },
144 html(tr(\map_cell(P, OY, OX, 0, X))),
145 map_row(P, OX, NOY, X , NY).
147map_cell(_, _, _, X, X) --> [].
148map_cell(P, AbsY, OX, CurX, X) -->
149 {
150 CurX \= X,
151 NewX is CurX + 1,
152 AbsX is OX + CurX,
153 get_map_contents(P, AbsX, AbsY, Contents)
154 },
155 html(td(Contents)),
156 map_cell(P, AbsY, OX, NewX, X).
158get_map_contents(P, AbsX, AbsY, Contents) :-
159 substance(cell(P, AbsX, AbsY, SemanticContent)),
160 det_style(map_display(SemanticContent, Contents)).
161get_map_contents(_, _, _, Contents) :-
162 det_style(map_display(blank, Contents)).
164det_style(map_display(Semantics, Contents)) :-
165 style(map_display(Semantics, Contents)).
166det_style(map_display(_, [div(class(blank), [&(nbsp)])])).
173http_current_player(P) :-
174 http_open_session(_, [renew(false)]),
175 http_player_from_session(P).
177http_player_from_session(P) :-
178 http_session_data(player(P)), !.
179http_player_from_session(P) :-
180 http_current_request(Request),
181 ( member(search(Opts), Request) ; Opts = []),
182 substance(need_new_player(Opts, P)).
184description_section -->
185 html(p('someday this will be the description')).
186stats_section -->
187 html(p('someday this will be the stats')).
188player_prompt -->
189 html(p('someday this will be the player prompt')).
190input_section -->
191 html(form([input([type(text), id(nl), name(nl)], [])])).
193:- listen(http_session(end(SessionID, _Peer)),
194 byebye_player(SessionID)). 195
196byebye_player(SessionID) :-
197 http_current_session(SessionID, player(P)),
198 substance(player_split(P))