1:- encoding(utf8).
    2:- module(
    3  string_ext,
    4  [
    5    max_string_length/2,  % +Strings, -Max
    6    message_lines/3,      % +Message, +MaxLength, -Lines
    7    read_string/2,        % +In, -String
    8    split_string/3,       % +String, +SepChars, -SubStrings
    9    string_code/2,        % ?String, ?Code
   10    string_ellipsis/3,    % +Original, ?MaxLength, ?Ellipsed
   11    string_list_concat/2, % +Strings, ?String
   12    string_list_concat/3, % ?Strings, ?Separator, ?String
   13    string_postfix/2,     % +Original, ?Postfix
   14    string_postfix/3,     % +Original, ?Length, ?Postfix
   15    string_prefix/2,      % +Original, ?Prefix
   16    string_prefix/3,      % +Original, ?Length, ?Prefix
   17    string_strip/2,       % +Original, ?Stripped
   18    string_strip/3,       % +Original, +Strip, ?Stripped
   19    string_truncate/3,    % +Original, +MaxLength, ?Truncated
   20    words_lines/3,        % +Words, +MaxLength, -Lines
   21    words_lines/4         % +Words, +MaxLength, +Separator, -Lines
   22  ]

Extended support for strings

Extends the string support in the SWI-Prolog standard library.


   31:- use_module(library(apply)).   32:- use_module(library(clpfd)).   33:- use_module(library(error)).   34:- use_module(library(lists)).
 max_string_length(+Strings:list(string), -Max:nonneg) is det
   40max_string_length([], 0) :- !.
   41max_string_length(Strings, Len) :-
   42  aggregate_all(
   43    max(Len0),
   44    (
   45      member(String, Strings),
   46      string_length(String, Len0)
   47    ),
   48    Len
   49  ).
 message_lines(+Message:string, +MaxLength:positive_integer, -Lines:list(string)) is det
   57message_lines(Message, Max, Lines) :-
   58  string_list_concat(Words, ' ', Message),
   59  words_lines(Words, Max, Lines).
 read_string(+In:istream, -String:string) is det
Wrapper for read_string/3 when the number of read characters does not matter.
   68read_string(In, String) :-
   69  read_string(In, _, String).
 split_string(+String:string, +SepChars:string, +SubStrings:list(string)) is semidet
split_string(+String:string, +SepChars:string, -SubStrings:list(string)) is det
   76split_string(String, SepChars, SubStrings) :-
   77  split_string(String, SepChars, "", SubStrings).
 string_code(+String:string, +Code:atom) is semidet
string_code(+String:string, -Code:atom) is det
string_code(-String:string, +Code:atom) is det
   85string_code(String, Code) :-
   86  ground(String), !,
   87  atom_string(Char, String),
   88  char_code(Char, Code).
   89string_code(String, Code) :-
   90  ground(Code), !,
   91  char_code(Char, Code),
   92  atom_string(Char, String).
   93string_code(String, Code) :-
   94  instantiation_error([String,Code]).
 string_ellipsis(+Original:string, +MaxLength:between(2,inf), +Ellipsed:string) is semidet
string_ellipsis(+Original:string, +MaxLength:between(2,inf), -Ellipsed:string) is semidet
string_ellipsis(+Original:string, -MaxLength:between(2,inf), -Ellipsed:string) is nondet
Succeeds if Ellipsed is like Orginal, but has ellipsis applied in order to have MaxLength. If Original is not longer than MaxLength, Orignal and Ellipsed are the same.
?- string_ellipsis("monkey", Length, Ellipsed).
Length = 2,
Ellipsed = "m…" ;
Length = 3,
Ellipsed = "mo…" ;
Length = 4,
Ellipsed = "mon…" ;
Length = 5,
Ellipsed = "monk…" ;
Length = 6,
Ellipsed = "monkey".
See also
- atom_ellipsis/3 provides the same functionality for atoms.
  122string_ellipsis(String, MaxLength, String) :-
  123  MaxLength == inf, !.
  124string_ellipsis(Original, MaxLength, Ellipsed) :-
  125  string_length(Original, Length),
  126  (   between(2, Length, MaxLength)
  127  *-> (   MaxLength =:= Length
  128      ->  Ellipsed = Original
  129      ;   PrefixLength is MaxLength - 1,
  130          string_prefix(Original, PrefixLength, Prefix),
  131          string_concat(Prefix, "…", Ellipsed)
  132      )
  133  ;   must_be(between(2,inf), MaxLength),
  134      Ellipsed = Original
  135  ).
  137:- begin_tests(string_ellipsis).  138
  139test('string_ellipsis(+,+,+)', [forall(string_ellipsis_test(Original,MaxLength,Ellipsed))]) :-
  140  string_ellipsis(Original, MaxLength, Ellipsed).
  141test('string_ellipsis(+,+,-)', [forall(string_ellipsis_test(Original,MaxLength,Ellipsed))]) :-
  142  string_ellipsis(Original, MaxLength, Ellipsed0),
  143  assertion(Ellipsed == Ellipsed0).
  144test('string_ellipsis(+,+,-) err_1', [error(type_error(between(2,inf),MaxLength))]) :-
  145  member(MaxLength, [-1,0,1,'0']),
  146  string_ellipsis("monkey", MaxLength, "").
  147test('string_ellipsis(+,-,-)', [forall(string_ellipsis_test(Original,MaxLength,Ellipsed))]) :-
  148  string_ellipsis(Original, MaxLength, Ellipsed).
  150string_ellipsis_test("monkey", 2, "m…").
  151string_ellipsis_test("monkey", 3, "mo…").
  152string_ellipsis_test("monkey", 4, "mon…").
  153string_ellipsis_test("monkey", 5, "monk…").
  154string_ellipsis_test("monkey", 6, "monkey").
  155string_ellipsis_test("monkey", 7, "monkey").
  156string_ellipsis_test("monkey", inf, "monkey").
  158:- end_tests(string_ellipsis).
 string_list_concat(+Strings:list(string), +String:string) is semidet
string_list_concat(+Strings:list(string), -String:string) is det
 string_list_concat(+Strings:list(string), +Separator:string, +String:string) is semidet
string_list_concat(+Strings:list(string), +Separator:string, -String:string) is det
string_list_concat(-Strings:list(string), +Separator:string, +String:string) is semidet
See also
- atomic_list_concat/3 provides the same functionality for atoms.
  170string_list_concat(Strings, String) :-
  171  atomics_to_string(Strings, String).
  174string_list_concat(Strings, Separator, String):-
  175  (   ground(Strings-Separator)
  176  ->  atomics_to_string(Strings, Separator, String)
  177  ;   maplist(atom_string, [Separator0,String0], [Separator,String]),
  178      atomic_list_concat(Strings0, Separator0, String0),
  179      maplist(atom_string, Strings0, Strings)
  180  ).
  182:- begin_tests(string_list_concat).  183
  184test(ambiguïty) :-
  185  string_list_concat([], "a", "").
  186test('string_list_concat(+,+,+)', [forall(test_string_list_concat(Strings,Separator,String))]) :-
  187  string_list_concat(Strings, Separator, String).
  188test('string_list_concat(+,+,-)', [forall(test_string_list_concat(Strings,Separator,String))]) :-
  189  string_list_concat(Strings, Separator, String0),
  190  assertion(String == String0).
  191test('string_list_concat(-,+,+)', [forall(test_string_list_concat(Strings,Separator,String))]) :-
  192  string_list_concat(Strings0, Separator, String),
  193  assertion(Strings == Strings0).
  195test_string_list_concat([""], "a", "").
  196test_string_list_concat(["","","",""], "a", "aaa").
  198:- end_tests(string_list_concat).
 string_postfix(+Original:string, +Postfix:string) is semidet
string_postfix(+Original:string, -Postfix:string) is multi
 string_postfix(+Original:string, +Length:nonneg, +Postfix:string) is semidet
string_postfix(+Original:string, +Length:nonneg, -Postfix:string) is semidet
string_postfix(+Original:string, -Length:nonneg, +Postfix:string) is semidet
string_postfix(+Original:string, -Length:nonneg, -Postfix:string) is multi
Length- is the number of characters in the Postfix string.
Postfix- is the postfix of the Original string that has Length characters.

Fails in case Length is higher than the length of string String.

See also
- atom_postfix/[2,3] provides the same functionality for atoms.
  218string_postfix(Original, Postfix) :-
  219  string_postfix(Original, _, Postfix).
  222string_postfix(Original, Length, Postfix) :-
  223  sub_string(Original, _, Length, 0, Postfix).
  225:- begin_tests(string_postfix).  226
  227test('string_postfix(+,+,+)', [forall(test_string_postfix(Original,Length,Postfix))]) :-
  228  string_postfix(Original, Length, Postfix).
  229test('string_postfix(+,+,-)', [forall(test_string_postfix(Original,Length,Postfix))]) :-
  230  string_postfix(Original, Length, Postfix0),
  231  assertion(Postfix == Postfix0).
  232test('string_postfix(+,-,+)', [forall(test_string_postfix(Original,Length,Postfix))]) :-
  233  string_postfix(Original, Length0, Postfix),
  234  assertion(Length == Length0).
  235test('string_postfix(+,-,-)', [all(Length-Postfix == [4-"abcd",3-"bcd",2-"cd",1-"d",0-""])]) :-
  236  string_postfix("abcd", Length, Postfix).
  238test_string_postfix("abcd", 4, "abcd").
  239test_string_postfix("abcd", 3, "bcd").
  240test_string_postfix("abcd", 2, "cd").
  241test_string_postfix("abcd", 1, "d").
  242test_string_postfix("abcd", 0, "").
  244:- end_tests(string_postfix).
 string_prefix(+Original:string, +Prefix:string) is semidet
string_prefix(+Original:string, -Prefix:string) is multi
 string_prefix(+Original:string, +Length:nonneg, +Prefix:string) is semidet
string_prefix(+Original:string, +Length:nonneg, -Prefix:string) is semidet
string_prefix(+Original:string, -Length:nonneg, +Prefix:string) is semidet
string_prefix(+Original:string, -Length:nonneg, -Prefix:string) is multi
Succeeds if Prefix is a prefix of Original consisting of Length characters.

Fails in case Length exceeds the Original string length.

Length- is the number of characters in the Prefix string.
Prefix- is the prefix of the Original string that has Length characters.
See also
- atom_prefix/[2,3] provides the same functionality for atoms.
  267string_prefix(Original, Prefix) :-
  268  string_prefix(Original, _, Prefix).
  271string_prefix(Original, Length, Prefix) :-
  272  sub_string(Original, 0, Length, _, Prefix).
  274:- begin_tests(string_prefix).  275
  276test('string_prefix(+,+,+)', [forall(test_string_prefix(Original,Length,Prefix))]) :-
  277  string_prefix(Original, Length, Prefix).
  278test('string_prefix(+,+,-)', [forall(test_string_prefix(Original,Length,Prefix))]) :-
  279  string_prefix(Original, Length, Prefix0),
  280  assertion(Prefix == Prefix0).
  281test('string_prefix(+,-,+)', [forall(test_string_prefix(Original,Length,Prefix))]) :-
  282  string_prefix(Original, Length0, Prefix),
  283  assertion(Length == Length0).
  284test('string_prefix(+,-,-)', [all(Length-Prefix == [0-"",1-"a",2-"ab",3-"abc",4-"abcd"])]) :-
  285  string_prefix("abcd", Length, Prefix).
  287test_string_prefix("abcd", 0, "").
  288test_string_prefix("abcd", 1, "a").
  289test_string_prefix("abcd", 2, "ab").
  290test_string_prefix("abcd", 3, "abc").
  291test_string_prefix("abcd", 4, "abcd").
  293:- end_tests(string_prefix).
 string_strip(+Original:string, +Stripped:string) is semidet
string_strip(+Original:string, -Stripped:string) is det
 string_strip(+Original:string, +Strip:list(char), +Stripped:string) is semidet
string_strip(+Original:string, +Strip:list(char), -Stripped:string) is det
Succeeds if Stripped is a copy of Original where leading and trailing characters in Strip have been removed.

Notice that the order in which the characters in Strip are specified is significant.

The default Strip characters are space, newline and horizontal tab.

Strip- is a list of charaters that will be stripped from the Original string. The default includes: horizontal tab, newline, space, NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0).
See also
- atom_strip/[2,3] provides the same functionality for atoms.
  316string_strip(Original, Stripped) :-
  317  string_strip(Original, ['\t','\n',' ','\u00a0'], Stripped).
  320string_strip(Original, Strip0, Stripped) :-
  321  string_chars(Strip, Strip0),
  322  split_string(Original, "", Strip, [Stripped]).
  324:- begin_tests(string_strip).  325
  326test('string_strip(+,+,+)', [forall(test_string_strip(Original,Strip,Stripped))]) :-
  327  string_strip(Original, Strip, Stripped).
  328test('string_strip(+,+,-)', [forall(test_string_strip(Original,Strip,Stripped))]) :-
  329  string_strip(Original, Strip, Stripped0),
  330  assertion(Stripped == Stripped0).
  332test_string_strip(" a ", [' '], "a").
  333test_string_strip(" a ", [' ',a], "").
  334test_string_strip("", [' '], "").
  335test_string_strip(" ", [], " ").
  337:- end_tests(string_strip).
 string_truncate(+Original:string, +MaxLength:nonneg, +Truncated:string) is semidet
string_truncate(+Original:string, +MaxLength:nonneg, -Truncated:string) is det
See also
- Like string_prefix/3, but the Truncated string is the Original string in case MaxLength exceeds the Original string length.
- atom_truncate/3 provides the same functionality for atoms.
  349string_truncate(Original, MaxLength, Truncated) :-
  350  string_length(Original, Length),
  351  (   Length > MaxLength
  352  ->  string_prefix(Original, MaxLength, Truncated)
  353  ;   Truncated = Original
  354  ).
  356:- begin_tests(string_truncate).  357
  358test('string_truncate(+,+,+)', [forall(string_truncate_test(Original,MaxLength,Truncated))]) :-
  359  string_truncate(Original, MaxLength, Truncated).
  360test('string_truncate(+,+,-)', [forall(string_truncate_test(Original,MaxLength,Truncated))]) :-
  361  string_truncate(Original, MaxLength, Truncated0),
  362  assertion(Truncated == Truncated0).
  363test('string_truncate(+,-,-)', [error(instantiation_error,_Context)]) :-
  364  string_truncate("abcd", _MaxLength, "abcd").
  366string_truncate_test("monkey", 3, "mon").
  367string_truncate_test("monkey", 1 000, "monkey").
  369:- end_tests(string_truncate).
 words_lines(+Words:list(string), +MaxLength:positive_integer, -Lines:list(string)) is det
 words_lines(+Words:list(string), +MaxLength:positive_integer, +Separator:string, -Lines:list(string)) is det
Splits the given list of words into lines that do not exceed MaxLength.
  384words_lines(Words, Max, Lines) :-
  385  words_lines(Words, Max, ' ', Lines).
  388words_lines(Words, Max, Sep, Lines) :-
  389  string_length(Sep, SepLen),
  390  words_lines_(Words, SepLen, Max, Wordss),
  391  maplist(
  392    {Sep}/[Strings0,String0]>>string_list_concat(Strings0, Sep, String0),
  393    Wordss,
  394    Lines
  395  ).
  397words_lines_([], _, _, []) :- !.
  398words_lines_(Words1, SepLen, Max, [Line|Lines]) :-
  399  words_line_(Words1, SepLen, Max, Max, Line, Words2),
  400  words_lines_(Words2, SepLen, Max, Lines).
  402words_line_([Word|Words], _, _, Max, _, [Word], Words) :-
  403  string_length(Word, Length),
  404  Length >= Max, !.
  405words_line_([Word|Words], SepLen, Remaining1, Max, [Word|Line], WordsSol) :-
  406  string_length(Word, Length),
  407  Length =< Remaining1, !,
  408  Remaining2 #= Remaining1 - Length - SepLen,
  409  words_line_(Words, SepLen, Remaining2, Max, Line, WordsSol).
  410words_line_(Words, _, _, _, [], Words)