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Pack prolog_library_collection -- prolog/file_ext.pl
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 append_directories(+Directories:list(atom), -Directory:atom) is det
 cat(+Out:ostream, +Files:list(atom)) is det
 change_file_name_extension(?FromFile:atom, ?ToExtension:atom, ?ToFile:atom) is det
 change_file_name_extension(?FromFile:atom, ?FromExtension:atom, ?ToExtension:atom, ?ToFile:atom) is det
 change_file_name_extensions(?FromFile:atom, ?ToExtensions:list(atom), ?ToFile:atom) is det
 change_file_name_extensions(?FromFile:atom, ?FromExtensions:list(atom), ?ToExtensions:list(atom), ?ToFile:atom) is det
 compress_file(+FromFile:atom) is det
 compress_file(+FromFile:atom, +ToFile:atom) is det
compress_file(+FromFile:atom, -ToFile:atom) is det
 concatenate_files(+Files, +ConcatenatedFile) is det
 convert_file(+File:atom, +Format:atom) is det
 convert_file(+FromFile:atom, +Format:atom, ?ToFile:atom) is det
See also
- Formats are ‘documented’ over at https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/filter/source/config/fragments/filters
- Encodings are ‘documented’ over at https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Spreadsheets/Filter_Options
 create_directory(+Directory:atom) is det
 create_file_directory(+Path) is det
Ensures that the directory structure for the given file exists.
 decompress_file(+FromFile:atom, +ToFile:atom) is det
 delete_files_by_extension(+Extension:atom) is det
 delete_files_by_extension(+Directory:atom, +Extension:atom) is det
 delete_files_by_extensions(+Extensions:list(atom)) is det
 delete_files_by_extensions(+Directory:atom, +Extensions:list(atom)) is det
 directory_file_path2(+Directory:atom, +File:atom, -Path:atom) is det
directory_file_path2(+Directory:atom, -File:atom, -Path:atom) is nondet
directory_file_path2(-Directory:atom, -File:atom, +Path:atom) is det
Instantiation pattern (+,-,-) is not supported by directory_file_path/3 from the standard library.
 directory_parent(+ChildDirectory:atom, -ParentDirectory:atom) is det
 directory_path(+Directory:atom, -Path:atom) is nondet
directory_path(-Directory:atom, +Path:atom) is det
 directory_path_recursive(+Directory:atom, -Path:atom) is nondet
 directory_subdirectories(+Directory:atom, -Subdirectories:list(atom)) is det
directory_subdirectories(-Directory:atom, +Subdirectories:list(atom)) is det
Occurrences of `. and .. in Directory' are resolved.

The empty atom in the first position indicates the root directory.

For absolute directory names the first subdirectory name is the empty atom.

 directory_subdirectory(+Directory:atom, +SubDirectory:atom) is semidet
directory_subdirectory(+Directory:atom, -SubDirectory:atom) is nondet
 directory_subdirectory(+Directory:atom, +Local:atom, +SubDirectory:atom) is semidet
directory_subdirectory(+Directory:atom, +Local:atom, -SubDirectory:atom) is semidet
directory_subdirectory(+Directory:atom, -Local:atom, -SubDirectory:atom) is nondet
 file_call(+File:atom, :Goal_1) is det
 file_extension(+File:atom, -Extension:atom) is nondet
 file_extensions(+File:atom, -Extensions:list(atom)) is det
 file_extensions_media_type(+Extensions:list(atom), -MediaType:media_type) is det
 file_is_fresh(+File:atom, +LastModified:nonneg) is det
 file_line(+File:atom, -Line:string) is nondet
 file_media_type(+File:atom, -MediaType:media_type) is nondet
 file_mode(+File:atom, +Mode:oneof([append,read,write])) is det
- existence_error
- permission_error
 file_name(+File:atom, +Name:atom) is semidet
file_name(+File:atom, -Name:atom) is det
 file_name_extension2(+File:atom, -Name:atom, -Extension:atom) is det
file_name_extension2(-File:atom, +Name:atom, +Extension:atom) is det
 file_name_extensions(+File:atom, -Name:atom, -Extensions:list(atom)) is det
file_name_extensions(-File:atom, +Name:atom, +Extensions:list(atom)) is det
 file_size(+File:atom, -Size:nonneg) is det
See also
- Wrapper around size_file/2.
 file_to_string(+File:atom, -String:string) is det
 guess_file_encoding(+File:atom, +Encoding:atom) is det
guess_file_encoding(+File:atom, -Encoding:atom) is det
When Encoding is instantiated to an encoding different from the guessed encoding, the error unexpected_encoding/2 is thrown.
See also
- guess_encoding/2.
 home_directory(+Directory:atom) is semidet
home_directory(-Directory:atom) is nondet
 is_dummy_file(+File:atom) is semidet
 is_empty_directory(+Directory:atom) is semidet
 is_empty_file(+File:atom) is semidet
 peek_file(+File:atom, +Size:nonneg, -String:string) is det
 read_from_file(+File:atom, :Goal_1) is det
 read_from_file(+File:atom, :Goal_1, +Options:options) is det
Calls Goal_1 on the input stream derived from the given File. If the filen name ends in `.gz', GNU zip decompression is applied.
 read_write_file(+File:atom, :Goal_2) is det
 read_write_file(+File:atom, :Goal_2, +ReadOptions:options, +WriteOptions:options) is det
 read_write_files(+FromFile:atom, +ToFile:atom, :Goal_2) is det
 read_write_files(+FromFile:atom, +ToFile:atom, :Goal_2, +Options:options) is det
 read_write_files(+FromFile:atom, +ToFile:atom, :Goal_2, +ReadOptions:options, +WriteOptions:options) is det
 recode_file(+FromFile:atom) is det
 recode_file(+FromFile:atom, +FromEncoding:atom) is det
Recodes the given File from the given FromEncoding to UTF-8.
 recode_files(+FromFile:atom, +ToFile:atom) is det
 recode_files(+FromFile:atom, +FromEncoding:atom, +ToFile:atom) is det
 sort_file(+File:atom) is det
 sort_file(+File:atom, +Options:options) is det
 touch(+File) is det
 working_directory(-Directory:atom) is det
 write_to_file(+File:atom, :Goal_1) is det
 write_to_file(+File:atom, :Goal_1, +Options:options) is det
If File's directory does not exist it is created.

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

 set_time_file(+File, -OldTimes, +NewTimes) is det
Query and set POSIX time attributes of a file. Both OldTimes and NewTimes are lists of option-terms. Times are represented in SWI-Prolog's standard floating point numbers. New times may be specified as now to indicate the current time. Defined options are:
Describes the time of last access of the file. This value can be read and written.
Describes the time the contents of the file was last modified. This value can be read and written.
Describes the time the file-structure itself was changed by adding (link()) or removing (unlink()) names.

Below are some example queries. The first retrieves the access-time, while the second sets the last-modified time to the current time.

?- set_time_file(foo, [access(Access)], []).
?- set_time_file(foo, [], [modified(now)]).
 link_file(+OldPath, +NewPath, +Type) is det
Create a link in the filesystem from NewPath to OldPath. Type defines the type of link and is one of hard or symbolic.

With some limitations, these functions also work on Windows. First of all, the underlying filesystem must support links. This requires NTFS. Second, symbolic links are only supported in Vista and later.

- domain_error(link_type, Type) if the requested link-type is unknown or not supported on the target OS.
 relative_file_name(+Path:atom, +RelToFile:atom, -RelPath:atom) is det
relative_file_name(-Path:atom, +RelToFile:atom, +RelPath:atom) is det
True when RelPath is Path, relative to the file RelToFile. Path and RelTo are first handed to absolute_file_name/2, which makes the absolute and canonical. Below are two examples:
?- relative_file_name('/home/janw/nice',
                      '/home/janw/deep/dir/file', Path).
Path = '../../nice'.

?- relative_file_name(Path, '/home/janw/deep/dir/file', '../../nice').
Path = '/home/janw/nice'.

Add a terminating / to get a path relative to a directory, e.g.

?- relative_file_name('/home/janw/deep/dir/file', './', Path).
Path = 'deep/dir/file'.
All- paths must be in canonical POSIX notation, i.e., using / to separate segments in the path. See prolog_to_os_filename/2.
- It would probably have been cleaner to use a directory as second argument. We can not do such dynamically as this predicate is defined as a syntactical operation, which implies it may be used for non-existing paths and URLs.
 directory_file_path(+Directory, +File, -Path) is det
directory_file_path(?Directory, ?File, +Path) is det
True when Path is the full path-name for File in Dir. This is comparable to atom_concat(Directory, File, Path), but it ensures there is exactly one / between the two parts. Notes:
 directory_member(+Directory, -Member, +Options) is nondet
True when Member is a path inside Directory. Options defined are:
If true (default false), recurse into subdirectories
If true (default), follow symbolic links.
See absolute_file_name/3.
Only return entries whose extension appears in List.
How to handle errors. One of fail, warning or error. Default is warning. Errors notably happen if a directory is unreadable or a link points nowhere.
Only return entries with Access
Only return files that match GlobPattern.
Exclude files matching GlobPattern.
Do not recurse into directories matching GlobPattern.
If true (default), also return hidden files.

This predicate is safe against cycles introduced by symbolic links to directories.

The idea for a non-deterministic file search predicate comes from Nicos Angelopoulos.

 copy_file(+From, +To) is det
Copy a file into a new file or directory. The data is copied as binary data.
 make_directory_path(+Dir) is det
Create Dir and all required components (like mkdir -p). Can raise various file-specific exceptions.
 ensure_directory(+Dir) is det
Ensure the directory Dir exists. Similar to make_directory_path/1, but creates at most one new directory, i.e., the directory or its direct parent must exist.
 copy_directory(+From, +To) is det
Copy the contents of the directory From to To (recursively). If To is the name of an existing directory, the contents of From are copied into To. I.e., no subdirectory using the basename of From is created.
 delete_directory_and_contents(+Dir) is det
Recursively remove the directory Dir and its contents. If Dir is a symbolic link or symbolic links inside Dir are encountered, the links are removed rather than their content. Use with care!
 delete_directory_contents(+Dir) is det
Remove all content from directory Dir, without removing Dir itself. Similar to delete_directory_and_contents/2, if symbolic links are encountered in Dir, the links are removed rather than their content.
 chmod(+File, +Spec) is det
Set the mode of the target file. Spec is one of +Mode, -Mode or a plain Mode, which adds new permissions, revokes permissions or sets the exact permissions. Mode itself is an integer, a POSIX mode name or a list of POSIX mode names. Defines names are suid, sgid, svtx and all names defined by the regular expression [ugo]*[rwx]*. Specifying none of "ugo" is the same as specifying all of them. For example, to make a file executable for the owner (user) and group, we can use:
?- chmod(myfile, +ugx).

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 compress_file(Arg1, Arg2)
 convert_file(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 delete_files_by_extension(Arg1, Arg2)
 delete_files_by_extensions(Arg1, Arg2)
 directory_file(Arg1, Arg2)
 read_from_file(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 read_write_file(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 read_write_file(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 read_write_files(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 read_write_files(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5)
 recode_file(Arg1, Arg2)
 recode_files(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 sort_file(Arg1, Arg2)
 write_to_file(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 copy_stream_type(Arg1, Arg2)
 guess_encoding(Arg1, Arg2)
 read_line_to_atom(Arg1, Arg2)
 read_line_to_number(Arg1, Arg2)
 read_stream_to_atom(Arg1, Arg2)
 read_stream_to_string(Arg1, Arg2)
 recode_stream(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 stream_line(Arg1, Arg2)
 stream_line_column(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 stream_metadata(Arg1, Arg2)
 wc(Arg1, Arg2)