1:- module(
    2  debug_gui,
    3  [
    4    dmon/0,
    5    gtrace_failure/1, % :Goal_0
    6    tmon/0
    7  ]

GUI (XPCE) support for debugging


   14:- use_module(library(swi_ide)).   15
   16:- meta_predicate
   17    gtrace_failure(0).
 dmon is det
Wrapper that starts the debug monitor.
   27dmon :-
   28  prolog_ide(debug_monitor).
 gtrace_failure(:Goal_0) is det
   34gtrace_failure(Goal_0) :-
   35  catch(Goal_0, _, fail), !.
   36gtrace_failure(Goal_0) :-
   37  gtrace,
   38  Goal_0.
 tmon is det
Wrapper that starts the thread monitor.
   46tmon :-
   47  prolog_ide(thread_monitor)