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Pack plumdrum -- prolog/humdrum/kernutils.pl
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 kern_get_events(+EventPred:pred(time,A), -Events:list(A)) is det
% Collect timed events and return as a temporally sorted list.
 kern_get_notes(+Mod:module, +Decoder:kern_event_decoder(A), -Events:list(A)) is det
Collect all notes in a kern file module and return as a list whose element type is determined by Decoder.
 kern_get_spine_notes(+Mod:module, +Decoder:kern_event_decoder(A), +Spine:spine, -Events:list(A)) is det
Collect all notes one a given spine in a kern file module and return as a list whose element type is determined by Decoder.
 compare_time_key(+R:relation, +X:pair(time,A), +Y:pair(time,B)) is semidet
compare_time_key( -R:relation, +X:time, +Y:time) is det.
 pitch_notenum(+P:pitch, -NN:between(0,127)) is det
Compute MIDI note number (0--127) for a given Kern pitch
 pitch_class(+P:pitch, -PC:pitch_class) is det
Get pitch class from pitch by stripping octave modifiers.