% PLGI port of layout_grid_example.py in PyGObject-Tutorial. % Copyright (C) GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 % This file is distributed under the same license as the Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial package. % Keri Harris , 2015. :- use_module(library(plgi)). :- plgi_use_namespace('Gtk'). main :- gtk_window_new('GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL', Window), gtk_window_set_title(Window, 'Grid Example'), gtk_grid_new(Grid), gtk_container_add(Window, Grid), gtk_button_new_with_label('Button 1', Button1), gtk_button_new_with_label('Button 2', Button2), gtk_button_new_with_label('Button 3', Button3), gtk_button_new_with_label('Button 4', Button4), gtk_button_new_with_label('Button 5', Button5), gtk_button_new_with_label('Button 6', Button6), gtk_container_add(Grid, Button1), gtk_grid_attach(Grid, Button2, 1, 0, 2, 1), gtk_grid_attach_next_to(Grid, Button3, Button1, 'GTK_POS_BOTTOM', 1, 2), gtk_grid_attach_next_to(Grid, Button4, Button3, 'GTK_POS_RIGHT', 2, 1), gtk_grid_attach(Grid, Button5, 1, 2, 1, 1), gtk_grid_attach_next_to(Grid, Button6, Button5, 'GTK_POS_RIGHT', 1, 1), g_signal_connect(Window, 'destroy', gtk_main_quit/0, {null}, _), gtk_widget_show_all(Window), gtk_main, halt. :- main.