1:- module('plammar/format_check', [
    2    check/4,
    3    check_entity/5
    4  ]).    5
    6:- use_module(library(lists), [append/3, delete/3, member/2]).    7:- use_module(library(option), [option/2, option/3]).    8
    9:- use_module(state).   10:- use_module(options).   11:- use_module(util).   12
   13check(Opts, S0, SN, Prop) :-
   14  What =.. [Prop, Value/Secondary],
   15  style_option(What, Opts),
   16  check(Opts, S0, SN, Prop, Value, Secondary).
   18check(_Opts, S0, S0, _Prop, ignore, _Secondary) :-
   19  % just do nothing
   20  true.
   25check(_Opts, S0, S0, max_line_length, Integer, _Secondary) :-
   26  integer(Integer),
   27  option(pos(_:C0), S0),
   28  ( C0 > Integer ->
   29    writeln('too wide...')
   30  ; otherwise ->
   31    true
   32  )
   34check(Opts, S0, SN, max_line_length, call(Goal), _Secondary) :-
   35  option(pos(_:C0), S0),
   36  Goal =.. [Pred|Args],
   37  append([Opts, S0, SN|Args], [C0], All_Args),
   38  Full_Goal =.. [Pred|All_Args],
   39  call(Full_Goal).
   44check(_Opts, S0, SN, indent, Integer, _Secondary) :-
   45  integer(Integer),
   46  get_context(S0, indent, level(Indent_Level), 0),
   47  get_context(S0, layout, leading_spaces(Leading_Spaces), 0),
   48  get_context(S0, layout, leading_tabs(Leading_Tabs), 0),
   49  Expected is Indent_Level * Integer,
   50  ( % used tabs instead of spaces?
   51    Leading_Tabs > 0 ->
   52    state_warn(S0, S1, [prop(indent_by_spaces)])
   53  ; Leading_Spaces \= Expected ->
   54    state_warn(S0, S1, [prop(indent), expected(Expected), found(Leading_Spaces)])
   55  ; otherwise ->
   56    S1 = S0
   57  ),
   58  SN = S1.
   60check(_Opts, S0, SN, indent, '\t', _Secondary) :-
   61  get_context(S0, indent, level(Indent_Level), 0),
   62  get_context(S0, layout, leading_spaces(Leading_Spaces), 0),
   63  get_context(S0, layout, leading_tabs(Leading_Tabs), 0),
   64  Expected is Indent_Level,
   65  ( % used spaces instead of tabs?
   66    Leading_Spaces > 0 ->
   67    state_warn(S0, S1, [prop(indent_by_tabs)])
   68  ; Leading_Tabs \= Expected ->
   69    state_warn(S0, S1, [prop(indent), expected(Expected), found(Leading_Tabs)])
   70  ; otherwise ->
   71    S1 = S0
   72  ),
   73  SN = S1.
   75check(Opts, S0, SN, indent, call(Goal), _Secondary) :-
   76  get_context(S0, indent, level(Indent_Level), 0),
   77  get_context(S0, layout, leading_spaces(Leading_Spaces), 0),
   78  get_context(S0, layout, leading_tabs(Leading_Tabs), 0),
   79  Value = [
   80    level(Indent_Level),
   81    found_spaces(Leading_Spaces),
   82    found_tabs(Leading_Tabs)
   83  ],
   84  Goal =.. [Pred|Args],
   85  append([Opts, S0, SN|Args], [Value], All_Args),
   86  Full_Goal =.. [Pred|All_Args],
   87  call(Full_Goal).
   92check(_Opts, S0, SN, dicts, Setting, _Secondary) :-
   93  no(Setting),
   94  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(dict), msg('Avoid using dicts')]).
   95check(_Opts, S0, S0, dicts, _Setting, _Secondary).
  100check(_Opts, S0, SN, compounds_with_zero_arguments, Setting, _Secondary) :-
  101  no(Setting),
  102  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(compounds_with_zero_arguments)]).
  103check(_Opts, S0, S0, compounds_with_zero_arguments, _Setting, _Secondary).
  107check(_Opts, S0, SN, shebang, Setting, _Secondary) :-
  108  no(Setting),
  109  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(shebang)]).
  110check(_Opts, S0, S0, shebang, _Setting, _Secondary).
  115check(_Opts, S0, S0, Prop, Value, _) :-
  116  warning('Unknown value "~w" for checked property "~w".', [Value, Prop]),
  117  !.
  120check_entity(Opts, S0, SN, Prop, Entity) :-
  121  What =.. [Prop, Value/Secondary],
  122  style_option(What, Opts),
  123  check_entity(Opts, S0, SN, Prop, Value, Secondary, Entity).
  125check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, _Prop, ignore, _Secondary, _Entity) :-
  126  % just do nothing
  127  true.
  132check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, max_subgoals, inf, _Secondary, _Entity).
  134check_entity(Opts, S0, SN, max_subgoals, call(Goal), _Secondary, Subgoals) :-
  135  length(Subgoals, Length),
  136  Goal =.. [Pred|Args],
  137  append([Opts, S0, SN|Args], [Length], All_Args),
  138  Full_Goal =.. [Pred|All_Args],
  139  once(call(Full_Goal)).
  144check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, max_rule_lines, inf, _Secondary, _Entity).
  146check_entity(Opts, S0, SN, max_rule_lines, call(Goal), _Secondary, [S_Begin, S_End]) :-
  147  option(pos(L0:_), S_Begin),
  148  option(pos(L1:_), S_End),
  149  Length is L1-L0,
  150  Goal =.. [Pred|Args],
  151  append([Opts, S0, SN|Args], [Length], All_Args),
  152  Full_Goal =.. [Pred|All_Args],
  153  once(call(Full_Goal)).
  158check_entity(Opts, S0, SN, integer_exponential_notation, Setting, _Secondary, PT_Float_Number_Token) :-
  159  PT_Float_Number_Token = [integer_constant(PT_Integer_Constant), exponent(PT_Exponent)],
  160  no(Setting),
  161  plammar:float_number_token(Opts, float_number_token(Found, PT_Float_Number_Token), _, []),
  162  plammar:float_number_token(Opts, float_number_token(Expected, [integer_constant(PT_Integer_Constant), fraction([decimal_point_char('.'), decimal_digit_char('0')]), exponent(PT_Exponent)]), _, []),
  163  use_msg(Found, Expected, Msg, 'for ISO conformity'),
  164  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(integer_exponential_notation), msg(Msg)]).
  165check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, integer_exponential_notation, _Setting, _Secondary, _PT).
  170check_entity(Opts, S0, SN, digit_groups, Setting, _Secondary, PT) :-
  171  no(Setting),
  172  PT =.. [Type, List0],
  173  delete(List0, underscore_char(_), List1),
  174  delete(List1, space_char(_), List2),
  175  List0 \== List2,
  176  PT_Expected =.. [Type, List2],
  177  plammar:integer_token(Opts, integer_token(Found, PT), _, []),
  178  plammar:integer_token(Opts, integer_token(Expected, PT_Expected), _, []),
  179  use_msg(Found, Expected, Msg, 'for ISO conformity'),
  180  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(digit_groups), msg(Msg)]).
  181check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, digit_groups, _Setting, _Secondary, _PT).
  185check_entity(_Opts, S0, SN, single_quote_char_in_character_code_constant, Setting, _Secondary, PT) :-
  186  no(Setting),
  187  PT = character_code_constant(['0', single_quote_char('\''), single_quoted_character(single_quote_char('\''))]),
  188  % PT_Expected = character_code_constant([0,single_quote_char('),single_quoted_character(non_quote_char(meta_escape_sequence([backslash_char(\),meta_char(single_quote_char('))])))])
  189  Found = '0\'\'',
  190  Expected = '0\'\\\'',
  191  use_msg(Found, Expected, Msg, 'for ISO conformity'),
  192  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(single_quote_char_in_character_code_constant), msg(Msg)]).
  193check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, single_quote_char_in_character_code_constant, _Setting, _Secondary, _PT).
  197check_entity(_Opts, S0, SN, symbolic_chars, Setting, Secondary, PT) :-
  198  no(Setting),
  199  PT = non_quote_char(control_escape_sequence([backslash_char('\\'),symbolic_control_char(PT_Symbolic_Control_Char)])),
  200  option(disallow(Disallow), Secondary, ['c','e','s']),
  201  PT_Symbolic_Control_Char =.. [_Type, Char],
  202  member(Char, Disallow),
  203  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(symbolic_chars), char(Char)]).
  204check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, symbolic_chars, _Setting, _Secondary, _PT).
  208check_entity(_Opts, S0, SN, unicode_character_escape, Setting, _Secondary, PT) :-
  209  no(Setting),
  210  PT = non_quote_char(unicode_escape_sequence(_)),
  211  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(unicode_character_escape)]).
  212check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, unicode_character_escape, _Setting, _Secondary, _PT).
  216check_entity(_Opts, S0, SN, missing_closing_backslash_in_character_escape, Setting, _Secondary, PT) :-
  217  no(Setting),
  218  PT = non_quote_char(hexadecimal_escape_sequence([backslash_char('\\'), symbolic_hexadecimal_char('x')|Digits])),
  219  \+ append(_, [backslash_char('\\')], Digits),
  220  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(missing_closing_backslash_in_character_escape)]).
  221check_entity(_Opts, S0, SN, missing_closing_backslash_in_character_escape, Setting, _Secondary, PT) :-
  222  no(Setting),
  223  PT = non_quote_char(octal_escape_sequence([backslash_char('\\')|Digits])),
  224  \+ append(_, [backslash_char('\\')], Digits),
  225  state_warn(S0, SN, [prop(missing_closing_backslash_in_character_escape)]).
  226check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, missing_closing_backslash_in_character_escape, _Setting, _Secondary, _PT).
  230check_entity(_Opts, S0, S0, Prop, Value, _, _Entity) :-
  231  warning('Unknown value "~w" for checked property "~w".', [Value, Prop]),
  232  !