#!/usr/bin/env swipl % % PFC is a language extension for prolog.. there is so much that can be done in this language extension to Prolog % % Dec 13, 2035 % Douglas Miles % Tests if Rule database can clear correctly :- include(test_header). :- set_file_abox_module(user). :- file_begin(pfc). :- include(test_header). :- dynamic(cond_POST/1). :- dynamic(cond_PRE/1). cond_PRE ==> cond_POST. cond_PRE. cond_PRE ==> child_POST. cond_PRE_D ==> cond_POST. :- mpred_why(cond_POST). :- mpred_trace_exec. aaa. bbbb. :- pp_DB. :- mpred_reset_kb(user). :- listing(spft). :- pp_DB.