/** scall_sum( +Goal, -Prb ). Prb is the sum of probabilities for all refutations of Goal- which should be a stochastic goal. == ?- sload_pe(coin). ?- seed_pe. ?- scall_sum( coin(Flip), Prb ). Prb = 1.0. ?- scall_sum( coin(head), Prb ). Prb = 0.5. ?- scall_sum( coin(tail), Prb ). Prb = 0.5. == A more complex example: == ?- sload_pe(doubles). ?- scall_sum( doubles(head), Prb ). Prb = 0.25. ?- scall_sum( doubles(tail), Prb ). Prb = 0.25. ?- scall_sum( doubles(Side), Prb ). Prb = 0.5. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0:1 2023/05/05 */ scall_sum( Goal, Prb ) :- findall( DrvPrb, resolution_pe( all,Goal,0,_Path,true,DrvPrb), DPrbs ), sum_list( DPrbs, Prb ). /** scall_findall( +Goal, -Pairs ). Findall Instantiation-Prb pairs for derivations of stochastic Goal. It also returns failed path probabilities. Instantiation is either the reserved token 'fail', or a term within Goal. If Goal is a single, variable, argument term, then the value of the variable is preserved. If Goal is of the form Left-Right, then Left is preserved and Right is expected to be the callable Goal, otherwise the whole of Goal is preserved. The order in Pair are according to standard SLD resolution. The only special feature is that probabilistic failures are returned. There is no uniqueness on Instantion values. == ?- sload_pe(doubles). ?- scall_findall( doubles(X), Pairs ). Freqs = [head-0.25, fail-0.25, fail-0.25, tail-0.25]. == == ?- sload_pe(member3). ?- scall_findall( X-member3(X,[a,b,c]), Pairs ). Pairs = [a-1/3, b-0.2222222222222222, c-0.14814814814814814, fail-0.09876543209876543, fail-0.19753086419753085]. == */ scall_findall( GoalPrv, Freqs ) :- ( (GoalPrv=..[_,Rec],var(Rec)) -> Goal = GoalPrv; (GoalPrv = Rec-Goal -> true ; Rec = Goal )), findall( Tkn-Prb, (scall(Goal,_Path,Succ,Prb), (Succ==fail->Tkn=fail;Tkn=Rec)), Freqs ). /** scall( Goal ). Succeeds for all instantiations for which stochastic Goal has a successful derivation. This uses standard SLD resolution so the order is as per Prolog. Failure paths are ignored here. == ?- sload_pe(coin). ?- scall(coin(Flip)). Flip = head ; Flip = tail. ?- sload_pe(doubles). ?- scall(doubles(X)). X = head ; X = tail. == Compare to == ?- scall_findall( doubles(X), Pairs ). Pairs = [head-0.25, fail-0.25, fail-0.25, tail-0.25]. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0:2 2023/05/05, this used to be sampling based @see scall/6 for full control @see scall_findall/2, scall_sum/2. */ scall( Goal ) :- resolution_pe( all, Goal, 0, _Path, Succ, _Prb ), Succ \== fail. % fixme: or false ? /** scall( +Goal, -Prb ). Succees for derivation of stochastic Goal having branch probabilitiy Prb. Succeeds for all instantiations for which stochastic Goal has a successful derivation, with Prb being the product of all probabilitic labels seen on the way. This uses standard SLD resolution so the order is as per Prolog. Failure paths are ignored here. == ?- sload_pe(coin). ?- scall( coin(Flip), Prb ). Flip = head, Prb = 0.5 ; Flip = tail, Prb = 0.5. ?- scall( coin(head), Prb ). Prb = 0.5 ; false. ?- scall( coin(tail), Prb ). Prb = 0.5. == Also, == ?- scall( doubles(X), Prb ). X = head, Prb = 0.25 ; X = tail, Prb = 0.25. == Compare to == ?- scall_findall( doubles(X), Pairs ). Pairs = [head-0.25, fail-0.25, fail-0.25, tail-0.25]. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0:1 2023/05/04 */ scall( Goal, Prb ) :- resolution_pe( all, Goal, 0, _Path, Succ, Prb ), Succ \== fail. /** scall( +Goal, +Eps, -Path, -Succ, +Prb ). Implements SLD-based probabilistic inference. This predicate is for people interested in the iternals of pepl. Use at your own peril. The predicate arguments are as follows. * The vanilla prolog Goal to call. * The value of Eps(ilon) at which branches are to be considered as failures. * The Path of a derivation * A flag idicating a Succ(essful) derivation or otherwise. Succ is bound to the atom fail if this was a failed derivation and remains unbound otherwise. * BrPrb the branch probability of the derivation. == ?- sload_pe(coin). ?- seed_pe. ?- scall(coin(Flip), 0, sample, Path, Succ, Prb ). Flip = head, Path = [1], Prb = 0.5. == ... or to backtrack overall paths == ?- scall(coin(Flip), 0, all, Path, Succ, Prb ). Flip = head, Path = [1], Prb = 0.5 ; Flip = tail, Path = [2], Prb = 0.5. == */ scall( Goal, Eps, Path, Succ, Prb ) :- resolution_pe( all, Goal, Eps, Path, Succ, Prb ).