/** resolution_pe( +Method, +Goal, +Eps, -Path, -Succ, -Prb ). Low level common interface for samping and probabilistic inference. Method selects sample/top_sample (sampling) versus all (pbc inf). Not sure what the difference of sample to top_sample is. @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0:2 2023/05/05, this was scall_1/6. @see for sampling: sample/1, sample/5. @see for inference: scall/1, scall/2, scall/5, scall_sum/2, scall_findall/2. */ resolution_pe( sample, Goal, Eps, Path, Succ, Prb ) :- expand_sgoal( Goal, Spec, ClId, PrIn, Eps, sample, Path, Succ, Prb, ExpG ), rc( top_sample, Spec, ClId, PrIn ), ( call( pepl_slp:ExpG ) -> true ; Path = [ClId|_None4], Succ = fail, Prb is 0 ), % added in June 2001, for case when top sampling goal % is a non-stochastic one. !. % scall_1( all, Goal, Eps, Path, Succ, Prb ) :- resolution_pe( Other, Goal, Eps, Path, Succ, Prb ) :- expand_sgoal( Goal, Spec, ClId, PrIn, Eps, Other, Path, Succ, Prb, ExpG ), rc( Other, Spec, ClId, PrIn ), call( pepl_slp:ExpG ).