:- multifile prolog:message/3. pepl_error( Mess ) :- print_message( error, pepl(Mess) ), abort. pepl_warn( Mess ) :- print_message( error, pepl(Mess) ). prolog:message( pepl(Message) ) --> message(Message). message( unknown_predicate(Spec) ) --> ['Unknown SLP predicate: ~w' - [Spec] ]. message( nothing_in_memory ) --> ['No SLP currently in memory.' - []]. message( skipping_datum(Goal,H) ) --> [['Skipping incompatible datum: ~w for goal: ~w'] - [Goal,H]]. message( data_format_error(Inner) ) --> ['Data format error: ~w' - [Inner]]. message( mixed_clause ) --> ['Mixed clause while translating SLP.'-[]]. message( dixed_clause(H,Term) ) --> ['Dixed clause, while translating SLP, with head: ~w and term: ~w.'-[H,Term]]. message( off_the_cliff ) --> ['Run out of K-V pairs while stripping on P.'-[]]. message( off_the_rocking_horse(Hk,End) ) --> ['Key value of head: ~w, matched end value: ~w'-[Hk,End]]. % informational message( sload_src(SlpF) ) --> ['Sourcing SLP from: ~p'-[SlpF]]. message( sload_file(TmpF) ) --> ['Loading transformed SLP from: ~p'-[TmpF]].