8:- expects_dialect(sicstus). 9:- use_module(library(dialect/sicstus/system)). 10
11print_tourn_stats(Gen) :-
12 collect_stats(Gen), 13 gp_stats(Gen, Time, Best, Worst, Avg, AvgD, Lamarck),
14 (var(Lamarck) -> Lamarck = lamarck(0,0,0) ; true),
15 print_stat(Gen, Time, Best, Worst, Avg, AvgD, Lamarck),
16 (popn_dump_P(yes) -> dump_population(Gen) ; true),
17 !.
23collect_stats(Gen) :-
24 bagof(V, E^ID^individual(ID, V, E), L),
25 size_of(L, N),
26 sum_list(L, Sum),
27 max_list(L, Max),
28 bagof(ID, E^individual(ID, Max, E), WL),
29 length(WL, SizeW),
30 min_list(L, Min),
31 individual(_, Min, Bexpr),
32 bagof(ID, E^individual(ID, Min, E), BL),
33 length(BL, SizeB),
34 Avg is Sum / N,
35 bagof(D, ID^VV^E^(individual(ID, VV, E),tree_depth(E,D)), M),
36 average(M, AvgDepth),
37 38 39 since_last_datime(total,call,HourT,MinuteT,SecT),
40 since_last_datime(generation,retract,Hour,Minute,Sec),
41 (retract(gp_stats(Gen,_,_,_,_,_,_,Lamarck)) ; true),
42 assertz(gp_stats(Gen,Hour:Minute:Sec/HourT:MinuteT:SecT, best(Min, SizeB, Bexpr),
43 worst(Max, SizeW),avg(Avg),AvgDepth,Lamarck)),
44 !.
47 once(call(SetReset,got_time(For,Was));Was=0),
48 get_time(Now),
49 DiffTime is Now - Was,
50 (SetReset==retract -> asserta(got_time(For,Now)) ; true),
51 stamp_date_time(DiffTime, date(_Year,_Month,_Day,Hour,Minute,Sec,_,_,_), 'UTC'),!.
53:- dynamic(got_time/2). 54:- get_time(Now),asserta(got_time(total,Now)),asserta(got_time(total,Now)). 55
57dump_stats(Run) :-
58 wd_P(Dir), 59 working_directory(_,Dir), 60 set_file_name("stats", Run, File),
61 tell(File),
62 63 since_last_datime(total,retract,Hour,Min,Sec),
64 datime(datime(Year,Month,Day,_DA_Hour,_DA_Min,_DA_Sec)),
65 writel([nl,nl,'***** Summary statistics: Run ', Run, ' *****',nl,nl,
66 (Year-Month-Day-Hour:Min:Sec), nl, nl]),
67 gp_stats(Gen, Time, Best, Worst, Avg, AvgDepth, Lamarck), 68 (var(Lamarck) -> Lamarck = lamarck(0,0,0) ; true),
69 print_stat(Gen, Time, Best, Worst, Avg, AvgDepth, Lamarck),
70 fail. % loop driver
71dump_stats(Run) :-
72 nl, nl,
73 % from gp_parameters file...
74 population_size_P(InitPopSize, PopSize),
75 max_runs_P(MaxRun, RunSoln, MaxGen),
76 prob_crossover_P(PC),
77 %crossover_P(PIC, PTC),
78 prob_internal_crossover_P(PIC),
79 prob_terminal_mutation_P(PTM),
80 max_depth_P(DepthInit, DepthCross),
81 error_tolerance_P(Err),
82 fitness_func_P(FitFile),
83 dctg_file_P(FileDCTG),
84 evaluator_reset_P(EvalReset, N),
85 gen_type_P(GenType),
86 best_in_run(Bgen, Fitness, Expr),
87 count_nodes(Expr, all, ENodeCnt),
88 tree_depth(Expr, Edepth),
89 tournament_size_P(TS, TR),
90 lamarckian_P(LP, LK, Lsel, LCross),
91 unique_population_P(Unique),
92 %rep_limit_P(Rep),
93 seed_P(RanMode, Y),
94 % some other stats...
95 min_grammar_prob_P(MinProb),
96 gen_set_size_P(GenSet),
97 sre_mintestcnt_P(Mintst),
98 %sre_mutation_P(SREmut),
99 %mutation_range_P(Mutrange),
100 max_string_length_P(Maxstr),
101 writel([nl,'Best Soln:', Expr,nl]),
102 Expr^^construct(E), write('Expression: '),sre_pp(E), nl,
103 writel(['found at generation ', Bgen,nl,
104 'Soln # nodes:', ENodeCnt,nl,
105 'Soln depth:', Edepth,nl,
106 'Soln Fitness = ', Fitness,nl]),
107 (gp_stats(MaxGen,_, best(MinLast, _, BexprLast), _, _, _, _) ->
108 count_nodes(BexprLast, all, ENodeCntLast),
109 tree_depth(BexprLast, EdepthLast),
110 writel([nl,'Best Last Gen', MaxGen, ': ', BexprLast,nl]),
111 BexprLast^^construct(ELast), write('Expression: '),sre_pp(ELast), nl,
112 writel(['Last # nodes:', ENodeCntLast,nl,
113 'Last depth:', EdepthLast,nl,
114 'Last Fitness = ', MinLast,nl])
115 ;
116 true), % if last generation never reached (soln found before)
117 writel(['-------',nl,
118 'Fitness func file:', FitFile, nl,
119 'DCTG file:', FileDCTG, nl,
120 'Evaluator reset:', EvalReset, ' N:', N, nl,
121 'Generation type:', GenType, nl,
122 'Init pop size = ', InitPopSize, nl,
123 'Pop size = ', PopSize, nl,
124 'Max runs = ', MaxRun, ', ', RunSoln, nl,
125 'Max gen = ', MaxGen, nl,
126 'Prob crossover = ', PC, nl,
127 'Prob int cross = ', PIC, nl,
128 'Prob term mutation = ', PTM, nl,
129 'Tournament size: sel = ', TS, ' repl = ', TR, nl,
130 'Lamarckian: ', LP, 'of popn, iterate = ', LK, ', select = ', Lsel, ', Prob Cross=', LCross, nl,
131 'Unique popn = ', Unique, nl,
132 'Random seed:', RanMode, ', Y=',Y, nl,
133 'Max depth init = ', DepthInit, nl,
134 'Max depth crossover = ', DepthCross, nl,
135 'Initial test set size =', GenSet, nl,
136 'Max test set string length =', Maxstr, nl,
137 'Minimum test set count =', Mintst, nl,
138 'Min grammar probability =',MinProb, nl,
139 %'SRE numeric mutation rate =', SREmut, nl,
140 %'SRE mutation range = +/-',Mutrange,nl,
141 'Error tolerance = ', Err, nl]),
142 %write('Best...'), nl, dna_summary(Expr), % for DNA only
143 %write('Best optimized...'), nl,
144 %mask_optimize(Expr, Fitness, ExprOpt),
145 %dna_summary(ExprOpt), % for DNA only
146 /*
147 (gp_stats(MaxGen,_, best(MinLast, _, BexprLast), _, _, _, _) ->
148 write('Last...'), nl,
149 dna_summary(BexprLast),
150 mask_optimize(BexprLast, MinLast, LastOpt), % for DNA only
151 write('Last optimized...'), nl,
152 dna_summary(LastOpt)
153 ;
154 true),
155 */
156 writel(['*** End of Run ', Run, ' ***',nl]),
157 told, tell(user),
158 write_soln("soln", Run, Expr). 159 160 167 168
169set_file_name(RootName, Run, File) :-
170 append(RootName, "-", File0),
171 name(Run, File1),
172 append(File0, File1, File2),
173 174 175 datime(datime(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec)),
176 name(Year, N1),
177 name(Month, N2),
178 name(Day, N3),
179 name(Hour, N4),
180 name(Min, N5),
181 name(Sec, N6),
182 append(N3, N2, N1a),
183 append(N1a, N1, N1b),
184 append(N1b, "-", N1c),
185 append(N1c, N4, N1d),
186 append(N1d, N5, N1e),
187 append(N1e, N6, File3),
188 append(File2, File3, File4),
189 append(File4,".txt",File5),
190 name(File, File5),
191 !.
193print_stat(Gen, Time, best(Bfit, Bcount, Bexpr), worst(Wfit, Wcount),
194 avg(Avg), AvgD, _) :-
195 lamarckian_P(0.0, _, _, _),
196 !,
197 writel([nl,nl, '---> Generation ', Gen, '(', Time, ')', nl,
198 'Average fitness:', Avg, nl,
199 'Best count: ', Bcount, nl,
200 'Best example:', Bexpr, nl,
201 'Best fitness = ', Bfit, nl,
202 'Worst count: ', Wcount, nl,
203 'Worst fitness = ', Wfit, nl,
204 'Average Depth:', AvgD, nl,
205 'Lamarckian evolution: off ',nl,nl]),
206 !.
207print_stat(Gen, Time, best(Bfit, Bcount, Bexpr), worst(Wfit, Wcount),
208 avg(Avg), AvgD, lamarck(FitImpr,MaxImpr,NumGain)) :-
209 lamarckian_P(Percent, _, _, _),
210 population_size_P(_, PopSize),
211 N is integer(Percent * PopSize),
212 (NumGain > 0 -> AvgLam is FitImpr/NumGain ; AvgLam=0),
213 writel([nl,nl, '---> Generation ', Gen, '(', Time, ')', nl,
214 'Average fitness:', Avg, nl,
215 'Best count: ', Bcount, nl,
216 'Best example:', Bexpr, nl,
217 'Best fitness = ', Bfit, nl,
218 'Worst count: ', Wcount, nl,
219 'Worst fitness = ', Wfit, nl,
220 'Average Depth:', AvgD, nl,
221 'Lamarckian evolution: ', nl,
222 ' ', NumGain, ' gains out of ', N,' tries', nl,
223 ' Total gain:', FitImpr, nl,
224 ' Max single gain:', MaxImpr, nl,
225 ' Avg gain:', AvgLam, nl, nl]),
226 !.
230dump_population(Run) :-
231 set_file_name("popn", Run, File),
232 tell(File),
233 individual(ID, V, Expr),
234 write_individual(ID, V, Expr),
235 fail.
236dump_population(_) :-
237 told, tell(user).
239write_individual(ID, V, Expr) :-
240 writel(['-----', nl,
241 'Individual ', ID, ': fit=', V, nl, Expr, nl]),
242 Expr^^construct(E),
243 sre_pp(E), nl,
244 !.
251write_soln(Name, Run, E) :-
252 set_file_name(Name, Run, File),
253 tell(File),
254 write('soln('),
255 write_term(E),
256 write(').'),
257 nl,
258 told,
259 tell(user),
260 !.
262write_term(node(X,List,Y)) :-
263 !,
264 write('node('),
265 write(X),
266 write(',['),
267 write_tlist(List),
268 write('],'),
269 write(Y),
270 write(')').
271write_term(X) :- write(X).
273write_tlist([]) :- !.
274write_tlist([X,Y|Z]) :-
275 !,
276 write_term(X),
277 write(','),
278 nl,
279 write_tlist([Y|Z]).
280write_tlist([X]) :-
281 write_term(X)