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John McCarthy

Computer Science Department

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305




In (McCarthy and Hayes 1969), we proposed dividing the artificial intelli-

gence problem into two parts—an epistemological part and a heuristic part.

This lecture further explains this division, explains some of the epistemolog-

ical problems, and presents some new results and approaches.

The epistemological part of AI studies what kinds of facts about the

world are available to an observer with given opportunities to observe, how

these facts can be represented in the memory of a computer, and what rules

permit legitimate conclusions to be drawn from these facts. It leaves aside

the heuristic problems of how to search spaces of possibilities and how to

match patterns.

Considering epistemological problems separately has the following advan-


  1. The same problems of what information is available to an observer and what conclusions can be drawn from information arise in connection with a

    variety of problem solving tasks.

  2. A single solution of the epistemological problems can support a wide variety of heuristic approaches to a problem.
  3. AI is a very difficult scientific problem, so there are great advantages in finding parts of the problem that can be separated out and separately


  4. As the reader will see from the examples in the next section, it is quite difficult to formalize the facts of common knowledge. Existing programs that

    manipulate facts in some of the domains are confined to special cases and

    don’t face the difficulties that must be overcome to achieve very intelligent


    We have found first order logic to provide suitable languages for express-

    ing facts about the world for epistemological research. Recently we have

    found that introducing concepts as individuals makes possible a first order

    logic expression of facts usually expressed in modal logic but with important

    advantages over modal logic—and so far no disadvantages.

    In AI literature, the term predicate calculus is usually extended to cover

    the whole of first order logic. While predicate calculus includes just for-

    mulas built up from variables using predicate symbols, logical connectives,

    and quantifiers, first order logic also allows the use of function symbols to

    form terms and in its semantics interprets the equality symbol as stand-

    ing for identity. Our first order systems further use conditional expressions

    (nonrecursive) to form terms and λ-expressions with individual variables to

    form new function symbols. All these extensions are logically inessential,

    because every formula that includes them can be replaced by a formula of

    pure predicate calculus whose validity is equivalent to it. The extensions

    are heuristically nontrivial, because the equivalent predicate calculus may be

    much longer and is usually much more difficult to understand—for man or


    The use of first order logic in epistemological research is a separate is-

    sue from whether first order sentences are appropriate data structures for

    representing information within a program. As to the latter, sentences in

    logic are at one end of a spectrum of representations; they are easy to com-

    municate, have logical consequences and can be logical consequences, and

    they can be meaningful in a wide context. Taking action on the basis of

    information stored as sentences, is slow and they are not the most compact

    representation of information. The opposite extreme is to build the informa-

    tion into hardware, next comes building it into machine language program,

    then a language like LISP, and then a language like MICROPLANNER,

    and then perhaps productions. Compiling or hardware building or “auto-

    matic programming” or just planning takes information from a more context

    independent form to a faster but more context dependent form. A clear ex-

    pression of this is the transition from first order logic to MICROPLANNER,

    where much information is represented similarly but with a specification of

    how the information is to be used. A large AI system should represent some

    information as first order logic sentences and other information should be

    compiled. In fact, it will often be necessary to represent the same informa-

    tion in several ways. Thus a ball-player’s habit of keeping his eye on the ball

    is built into his “program”, but it is also explicitly represented as a sentence

    so that the advice can be communicated.

    Whether first order logic makes a good programming language is yet

    another issue. So far it seems to have the qualities Samuel Johnson ascribed

    to a woman preaching or a dog walking on its hind legs—one is sufficiently

    impressed by seeing it done at all that one doesn’t demand it be done well.

    Suppose we have a theory of a certain class of phenomena axiomatized in

    (say) first order logic. We regard the theory as adequate for describing the

    epistemological aspects of a goal seeking process involving these phenomena

    provided the following criterion is satisfied:

    Imagine a robot such that its inputs become sentences of the theory stored

    in the robot’s database, and such that whenever a sentence of the form “I

    should emit output X now” appears in its database, the robot emits out-

    put X. Suppose that new sentences appear in its database only as logical

    consequences of sentences already in the database. The deduction of these

    sentences also uses general sentences stored in the database at the beginning

    constituting the theory being tested. Usually a database of sentences permits

    many different deductions to be made so that a deduction program would

    have to choose which deduction to make. If there was no program that could

    achieve the goal by making deductions allowed by the theory no matter how

    fast the program ran, we would have to say that the theory was epistemo-

    logically inadequate. A theory that was epistemologically adequate would

    be considered heuristically inadequate if no program running at a reason-

    able speed with any representation of the facts expressed by the data could

    do the job. We believe that most present AI formalisms are epistemologi-

    cally inadequate for general intelligence; i.e. they wouldn’t achieve enough

    goals requiring general intelligence no matter how fast they were allowed to

    run. This is because the epistemological problems discussed in the following

    sections haven’t even been attacked yet.

    The word “epistemology” is used in this paper substantially as many

    philosophers use it, but the problems considered have a different emphasis.

    Philosophers emphasize what is potentially knowable with maximal oppor-

    tunities to observe and compute, whereas AI must take into account what is

    knowable with available observational and computational facilities. Even so,

    many of the same formalizations have both philosophical and AI interest.

    The subsequent sections of this paper list some epistemological problems,

    discuss some first order formalizations, introduce concepts as objects and use

    them to express facts about knowledge, describe a new mode of reasoning

    called circumscription, and place the AI problem in a philosphical setting.


    We will discuss what facts a person or robot must take into account in order

    to achieve a goal by some strategy of action. We will ignore the question

    of how these facts are represented, e.g., whether they are represented by

    sentences from which deductions are made or whether they are built into the

    program. We start with great generality, so there are many difficulties. We

    obtain successively easier problems by assuming that the difficulties we have

    recognized don’t occur until we get to a class of problems we think we can


  5. We begin by asking whether solving the problem requires the co- operation of other people or overcoming their opposition. If either is true,

    there are two subcases. In the first subcase, the other people’s desires and

    goals must be taken into account, and the actions they will take in given

    circumstances predicted on the hypothesis that they will try to achieve their

    goals, which may have to be discovered. The problem is even more difficult

    if bargaining is involved, because then the problems and indeterminacies of

    game theory are relevant. Even if bargaining is not involved, the robot still

    must “put himself in the place of the other people with whom he interacts”.

    Facts like a person wanting a thing or a person disliking another must be


    The second subcase makes the assumption that the other people can

    be regarded as machines with known input-output behavior. This is often

    a good assumption, e.g., one assumes that a clerk in a store will sell the

    goods in exchange for their price and that a professor will assign a grade

    in accordance with the quality of the work done. Neither the goals of the

    clerk or the professor need be taken into account; either might well regard

    an attempt to use them to optimize the interaction as an invasion of privacy.

    In such circumstances, man usually prefers to be regarded as a machine.

    Let us now suppose that either other people are not involved in the prob-

    lem or that the information available about their actions takes the form of

    input-output relations and does not involve understanding their goals.

  6. The second question is whether the strategy involves the acquisition of knowledge. Even if we can treat other people as machines, we still may have

    to reason about what they know. Thus an airline clerk knows what airplanes

    fly from here to there and when, although he will tell you when asked without

    your having to motivate him. One must also consider information in books

    and in tables. The latter information is described by other information.

    The second subcase of knowledge is according to whether the information

    obtained can be simply plugged into a program or whether it enters in a more

    complex way. Thus if the robot must telephone someone, its program can

    simply dial the number obtained, but it might have to ask a question, “How

    can I get in touch with Mike?” and reason about how to use the resulting

    information in conjunction with other information. The general distinction

    may be according to whether new sentences are generated or whether values

    are just assigned to variables.

    An example worth considering is that a sophisticated air traveler rarely

    asks how he will get from the arriving flight to the departing flight at an

    airport where he must change planes. He is confident that the information

    will be available in a form he can understand at the time he will need it.

    If the strategy is embodied in a program that branches on an environ-

    mental condition or reads a numerical parameter from the environment, we

    can regard it as obtaining knowledge, but this is obviously an easier case

    than those we have discussed.

  7. A problem is more difficult if it involves concurrent events and actions. To me this seems to be the most difficult unsolved epistemological problem for

    AI—how to express rules that give the effects of actions and events when they

    occur concurrently. We may contrast this with the sequential case treated in

    (McCarthy and Hayes 1969). In the sequential case we can write

    s(cid:48) = result(e, s)


    where s(cid:48) is the situation that results when event e occurs in situation s.

    The effects of e can be described by sentences relating s(cid:48), e and s. One can

    attempt a similar formalism giving a partial situation that results from an

    event in another partial situation, but it is difficult to see how to apply this

    to cases in which other events may affect with the occurrence.

    When events are concurrent, it is usually necessary to regard time as

    continuous. We have events like raining until the reservoir overflows and

    questions like Where was his train when we wanted to call him?.

    Computer science has recently begun to formalize parallel processes so

    that it is sometimes possible to prove that a system of parallel processes will

    meet its specifications. However, the knowledge available to a robot of the

    other processes going on in the world will rarely take the form of a Petri

    net or any of the other formalisms used in engineering or computer science.

    In fact, anyone who wishes to prove correct an airline reservation system

    or an air traffic control system must use information about the behavior of

    the external world that is less specific than a program. Nevertheless, the

    formalisms for expressing facts about parallel and indeterminate programs

    provide a start for axiomatizing concurrent action.

  8. A robot must be able to express knowledge about space, and the locations, shapes and layouts of objects in space. Present programs treat

    only very special cases. Usually locations are discrete—block A may be on

    block B but the formalisms do not allow anything to be said about where

    on block B it is, and what shape space is left on block B for placing other

    blocks or whether block A could be moved to project out a bit in order to

    place another block. A few are more sophisticated, but the objects must have

    simple geometric shapes. A formalism capable of representing the geometric

    information people get from seeing and handling objects has not, to my

    knowledge, been approached.

    The difficulty in expressing such facts is indicated by the limitations of

    English in expressing human visual knowledge. We can describe regular

    geometric shapes precisely in English (fortified by mathematics), but the

    information we use for recognizing another person’s face cannot ordinarily

    be transmitted in words. We can answer many more questions in the presence

    of a scene than we can from memory.

  9. The relation between three dimensional objects and their two dimen- sional retinal or camera images is mostly untreated. Contrary to some philo-

    sophical positions, the three dimensional object is treated by our minds as

    distinct from its appearances. People blind from birth can still communicate

    in the same language as sighted people about three dimensional objects. We

    need a formalism that treats three dimensional objects as instances of pat-

    terns and their two dimensional appearances as projections of these patterns

    modified by lighting and occlusion.

  10. Objects can be made by shaping materials and by combining other objects. They can also be taken apart, cut apart or destroyed in various

    ways. What people know about the relations between materials and objects

    remains to be described.

  11. Modal concepts like event e1 caused event e2 and person e can do action a are needed. (McCarthy and Hayes 1969) regards ability as a function of a

    person’s position in a causal system and not at all as a function of his internal

    structure. This still seems correct, but that treatment is only metaphysically

    adequate, because it doesn’t provide for expressing the information about

    ability that people actually have.

  12. Suppose now that the problem can be formalized in terms of a single state that is changed by events. In interesting cases, the set of components of

    the state depends on the problem, but common general knowledge is usually

    expressed in terms of the effect of an action on one or a few components of

    the state. However, it cannot always be assumed that the other components

    are unchanged, especially because the state can be described in a variety

    of co-ordinate systems and the meaning of changing a single co-ordinate

    depends on the co-ordinate system. The problem of expressing information

    about what remains unchanged by an event was called the frame problem in

    (McCarthy and Hayes 1969). Minsky subsequently confused matters by using

    the word “frame” for patterns into which situations may fit. (His hypothesis

    seems to have been that almost all situations encountered in human problem

    solving fit into a small number of previously known patterns of situation and

    goal. I regard this as unlikely in difficult problems).

  13. The frame problem may be a subcase of what we call the qualification problem, and a good solution of the qualification problem may solve the frame

    problem also. In the missionaries and cannibals problem, a boat holding two

    people is stated to be available. In the statement of the problem, nothing is

    said about how boats are used to cross rivers, so obviously this information

    must come from common knowledge, and a computer program capable of

    solving the problem from an English description or from a translation of

    this description into logic must have the requisite common knowledge. The

    simplest statement about the use of boats says something like, “If a boat is at

    one point on the shore of a body of water, and a set of things enter the boat,

    and the boat is propelled to the another point on the shore, and the things exit

    the boat, then they will be at the second point on the shore”. However, this

    statement is too rigid to be true, because anyone will admit that if the boat is

    a rowboat and has a leak or no oars, the action may not achieve its intended

    result. One might try amending the common knowledge statement about

    boats, but this encounters difficulties when a critic demands a qualification

    that the vertical exhaust stack of a diesel boat must not be struck square by

    a cow turd dropped by a passing hawk or some other event that no-one has

    previously thought of. We need to be able to say that the boat can be used as

    a vehicle for crossing a body of water unless something prevents it. However,

    since we are not willing to delimit in advance possible circumstances that

    may prevent the use of the boat, there is still a problem of proving or at

    least conjecturing that nothing prevents the use of the boat. A method of

    reasoning called circumscription, described in a subsequent section of this

    paper, is a candidate for solving the qualification problem. The reduction

    of the frame problem to the qualification problem has not been fully carried

    out, however.


    There is an intuition that not all human reasoning can be translated into

    deduction in some formal system of mathematical logic, and therefore math-

    ematical logic should be rejected as a formalism for expressing what a robot

    should know about the world. The intuition in itself doesn’t carry a convinc-

    ing idea of what is lacking and how it might be supplied.

    We can confirm part of the intuition by describing a previously unformal-

    ized mode of reasoning called circumscription, which we can show does not

    correspond to deduction in a mathematical system. The conclusions it yields

    are just conjectures and sometimes even introduce inconsistency. We will ar-

    gue that humans often use circumscription, and robots must too. The second

    part of the intuition—the rejection of mathematical logic—is not confirmed;

    the new mode of reasoning is best understood and used within a mathe-

    matical logical framework and co-ordinates well with mathematical logical

    deduction. We think circumscription accounts for some of the successes and

    some of the errors of human reasoning.

    The intuitive idea of circumscription is as follows: We know some objects

    in a given class and we have some ways of generating more. We jump to the

    conclusion that this gives all the objects in the class. Thus we circumscribe

    the class to the objects we know how to generate.

    For example, suppose that objects a, b and c satisfy the predicate P and

    that the functions f (x) and g(x, y) take arguments satisfying P into values

    also satisfying P . The first order logic expression of these facts is

    P (a)∧P (b)∧P (c)∧(∀x)(P (x) ⊃ P (f (x)))∧(∀xy)(P (x)∧P (y) ⊃ P (g(x, y))).


    The conjecture that everything satisfying P is generated from a, b and c

    by repeated application of the functions f and g is expressed by the sentence


    Φ(a) ∧Φ(b) ∧ Φ(c) ∧ (∀x)(Φ(x) ⊃ Φ(f (x)))

    ∧(∀xy)(Φ(x) ∧ Φ(y) ⊃ Φ(g(x, y))) ⊃ (∀x)(P (x) ⊃ Φ(x)),


    where Φ is a free predicate variable for which any predicate may be substi-


    It is only a conjecture, because there might be an object d such that P (d)

    which is not generated in this way. (3) is one way of writing the circum-

    scription of (2). The heuristics of circumscription—when one can plausibly

    conjecture that the objects generated in known ways are all there are—are

    completely unstudied.

    Circumscription is not deduction in disguise, because every form of de-

    duction has two properties that circumscription lacks—transitivity and what

    we may call monotonicity. Transitivity says that if p (cid:96) r and r (cid:96) s, then

    p (cid:96) s. Monotonicity says that if A (cid:96) p (where A is a set of sentences) and

    A ⊂ B, then B (cid:96) p for deduction. Intuitively, circumscription should not be

    monotonic, since it is the conjecture that the ways we know of generating

    P ’s are all there are. An enlarged set B of sentences may contain a new way

    of generating P ’s.

    If we use second order logic or the language of set theory, then circum-

    In set

    scription can be expressed as a sentence rather than as a schema.

    theory it becomes.

    (∀Φ)(a ∈ Φ ∧b ∈ Φ ∧ c ∈ Φ ∧ (∀x)(x ∈ Φ ⊃ f (x) ∈ Φ)

    ∧(∀xy)(x ∈ Φ ∧ y ∈ Φ ⊃ g(x, y) ∈ Φ)) ⊃ P ⊂ Φ),


    but then we will still use the comprehension schema to form the set to be

    substituted for the set variable Φ.

    The axiom schema of induction in arithmetic is the result of applying

    circumscription to the constant 0 and the successor operation.

    There is a way of applying circumscription to an arbitrary sentence of

    predicate calculus. Let p be such a sentence and let Φ be a predicate symbol.

    The relativization of p with respect to Φ (written pΦ) is defined (as in some

    logic texts) as the sentence that results from replacing every quantification

    (∀x)E that occurs in p by (∀x)(Φ(x) ⊃ E) and every quantification (∃x)E

    that occurs in p by (∃x)(Φ(x) ∧ E). The circumscription of p is then the


    pΦ ⊃ (∀x)(P (x) ⊃ Φ(x)).


    This form is correct only if neither constants nor function symbols occur in p.

    If they do, it is necessary to conjoin Φ(c) for each constant c and (∀x)(Φ(x) ⊃

    Φ(f (x))) for each single argument function symbol f to the premiss of (5).

    Corresponding sentences must be conjoined if there are function symbols of

    two or more arguments. The intuitive meaning of (5) is that the only objects

    satisfying P that exist are those that the sentence p forces to exist.

    Applying the circumscription schema requires inventing a suitable pred-

    icate to substitute for the symbol Φ (inventing a suitable set in the set-

    theoretic formulation). In this it resembles mathematical induction; in order

    to get the conclusion, we must invent a predicate for which the premise is


    There is also a semantic way of looking at applying circumscription.

    Namely, a sentence that can be proved from a sentence p by circumscrip-

    tion is true in all minimal models of p, where a deduction from p is true in

    all models of p. Minimality is defined with respect to a containment relation

    ≤ . We write that M 1 ≤ M 2 if every element of the domain of M 1 is a

    member of the domain of M 2 and on the common members all predicates

    have the same truth value.

    It is not always true that a sentence true in

    all minimal models can be proved by circumscription. Indeed the minimal

    model of Peano’s axioms is the standard model of arithmetic, and G¨odel’s

    theorem is the assertion that not all true sentences are theorems. Minimal

    models don’t always exist, and when they exist, they aren’t always unique.

    (McCarthy 1977) treats circumscription in more detail.


    We shall begin by discussing how to express such facts as “Pat knows the

    combination of the safe”, although the idea of treating a concept as an object

    has application beyond the discussion of knowledge.

    We shall use the symbol saf e1 for the safe, and combination(s) is our

    notation for the combination of an arbitrary safe s. We aren’t much interested

    in the domain of combinations, and we shall take them to be strings of digits

    with dashes in the right place, and, since a combination is a string, we will

    write it in quotes. Thus we can write

    combination(saf e1) =(cid:48)(cid:48) 45-25-17(cid:48)(cid:48)

    as a formalization of the English “The combination of the safe is 45-25-17”.

    Let us suppose that the combination of saf e2 is, co-incidentally, also 45-25-

    17, so we can also write

    combination(saf e2) =(cid:48)(cid:48) 45-25-17(cid:48)(cid:48).

    Now we want to translate “Pat knows the combination of the safe”. If we

    were to express it as




    knows(pat, combination(saf e1)),

    the inference rule that allows replacing a term by an equal term in first order

    logic would let us conclude knows(pat,combination(safe2)), which mightn’t

    be true.

    This problem was already recognized in 1879 by Frege, the founder of

    modern predicate logic, who distinguished between direct and indirect occur-

    rences of expressions and would consider the occurrence of combination(saf e1)in (8) to be indirect and not subject to replacement of equals by equals. The

    modern way of stating the problem is to call P atknows a referentially opaque


    The way out of this difficulty currently most popular is to treat P atknows

    as a modal operator. This involves changing the logic so that replacement

    of an expression by an equal expression is not allowed in opaque contexts.

    Knowledge is not the only operator that admits modal treatment. There

    is also belief, wanting, and logical or physical necessity. For AI purposes,

    we would need all the above modal operators and many more in the same

    system. This would make the semantic discussion of the resulting modal logic

    extremely complex. For this reason, and because we want functions from

    material objects to concepts of them, we have followed a different path—

    introducing concepts as individual objects. This has not been popular in

    philosophy, although I suppose no-one would doubt that it could be done.

    Our approach is to introduce the symbol Saf e1 as a name for the concept

    of saf e1 and the function Combination which takes a concept of a safe into

    a concept of its combination. The second operand of the function knows is

    now required to be a concept, and we can write

    knows(pat, Combination(Saf e1))

    to assert that Pat knows the combination of saf e1. The previous trouble is

    avoided so long as we can assert

    Combination(Saf e1) (cid:54)= Combination(Saf e2),

    which is quite reasonable, since we do not consider the concept of the combi-

    nation of saf e1 to be the same as the concept of the combination of saf e2,

    even if the combinations themselves are the same.

    We write

    denotes(Saf e1, saf e1)

    and say that saf e1 is the denotation of Saf e1. We can say that Pegasus

    doesn’t exist by writing

    ¬(∃x)(denotes(P egasus, x))

    still admitting P egasus as a perfectly good concept. If we only admit con-

    cepts with denotations (or admit partial functions into our system), we can

    regard denotation as a function from concepts to objects—including other

    concepts. We can then write

    saf e1 = den(Saf e1).

    The functions combination and Combination are related in a way that

    we may call extensional, namely

    (∀S)(combination(den(S)) = den(Combination(S)),

    and we can also write this relation in terms of Combination alone as

    (∀S1S2)(den(S1) = den(S2)

    ⊃ den(Combination(S1)) = den(Combination(S2))),


    or, in terms of the denotation predicate,

    (∀S1S2sc)( denotes(S1, s)denotes(S2, s)

    ∧denotes(Combination(S1), c) ⊃ denotes(Combination(S2), c)).(10)

    It is precisely this property of extensionality that the above-mentioned knows

    predicate lacks in its second argument; it is extensional in its first argument.

    Suppose we now want to say “Pat knows that Mike knows the combina-

    tion of safe1”. We cannot use knows(mike, Combination(Saf e1)) as an

    operand of another knows function for two reasons. First, the value of

    knows(person, Concept) is a truth value, and there are only two truth values,

    so we would either have Pat knowing all true statements or none. Second,

    English treats knowledge of propositions differently from the way it treats

    knowledge of the value of a term. To know a proposition is to know that

    it is true, whereas the analog of knowing a combination would be knowing

    whether the proposition is true.

    We solve the first problem by introducing a new knowledge function

    Knows(P erson, Concept).

    Knows(M ike, Combination(Saf e1)) is not a truth value but a proposition,

    and there can be distinct true propositions. We now need a predicate

    true(proposition), so we can assert

    true(Knows(M ike, Combination(Saf e1)))

    which is equivalent to our old-style assertion

    knows(mike, Combination(Saf e1)).

    We now write

    true(Knows(P at, Knows(M ike, Combination(Saf e1))))

    to assert that Pat knows whether Mike knows the combination of safe1. We


    (∀P erson, P roposition)(K(P erson, P roposition)

    = true(P roposition)andKnows(P erson, P roposition)),


    which forms the proposition that a person knows a proposition from the truth

    of the proposition and that he knows whether the proposition holds. Note

    that it is necessary to have new connectives to combine propositions and that

    an equality sign rather than an equivalence sign is used. As far as our first

    order logic is concerned, (11) is an assertion of the equality of two terms.

    These matters are discussed thoroughly in (McCarthy 1979b).

    While a concept denotes at most one object, the same object can be

    denoted by many concepts. Nevertheless, there are often useful functions

    from objects to concepts that denote them. Numbers may conveniently be

    regarded has having standard concepts, and an object may have a distin-

    guished concept relative to a particular person. (McCarthy 1977b) illustrates

    the use of functions from objects to concepts in formalizing such chestnuts

    as Russell’s, “I thought your yacht was longer than it is”.

    The most immediate AI problem that requires concepts for its successful

    formalism may be the relation between knowledge and ability. We would like

    to connect Mike’s ability to open safe1 with his knowledge of the combination.

    The proper formalization of the notion of can that involves knowledge rather

    than just physical possibility hasn’t been done yet. Moore (1977) discusses

    the relation between knowledge and action from a similar point of view, and

    (McCarthy 1977b) contains some ideas about this.

    There are obviously some esthetic disadvantages to a theory that has both

    mike and M ike. Moreover, natural language doesn’t make such distinctions

    in its vocabulary, but in rather roundabout ways when necessary. Perhaps

    we could manage with just M ike (the concept), since the denotation func-

    tion will be available for referring to mike (the person himself). It makes

    some sentences longer, and we have to use an equivalence relation which we

    may call eqdenot and say “M ikeeqdenotBrother(M ary)” rather than write

    “mike = brother(mary)”, reserving the equality sign for equal concepts.

    Since many AI programs don’t make much use of replacement of equals by

    equals, their notation may admit either interpretation, i.e., the formulas may

    stand for either objects or concepts. The biggest objection is that the se-

    mantics of reasoning about objects is more complicated if one refers to them

    only via concepts.

    I believe that circumscription will turn out to be the key to inferring

    non-knowledge. Unfortunately, an adequate formalism has not yet been de-

    veloped, so we can only give some ideas of why establishing non-knowledge

    is important for AI and how circumscription can contribute to it.

    If the robot can reason that it cannot open safe1, because it doesn’t know

    the combination, it can decide that its next task is to find the combination.

    However, if it has merely failed to determine the combination by reasoning,

    more thinking might solve the problem. If it can safely conclude that the

    combination cannot be determined by reasoning, it can look for the informa-

    tion externally.

    As another example, suppose someone asks you whether the President is

    standing, sitting or lying down at the moment you read the paper. Normally

    you will answer that you don’t know and will not respond to a suggestion

    that you think harder. You conclude that no matter how hard you think,

    the information isn’t to be found. If you really want to know, you must look

    for an external source of information. How do you know you can’t solve the

    problem? The intuitive answer is that any answer is consistent with your

    other knowledge. However, you certainly don’t construct a model of all your

    beliefs to establish this. Since you undoubtedly have some contradictory

    beliefs somewhere, you can’t construct the required models anyway.

    The process has two steps. The first is deciding what knowledge is rel-

    evant. This is a conjectural process, so its outcome is not guaranteed to

    be correct. It might be carried out by some kind of keyword retrieval from

    property lists, but there should be a less arbitrary method.

    The second process uses the set of “relevant” sentences found by the first

    process and constructs models or circumscription predicates that allow for

    both outcomes if what is to be shown unknown is a proposition. If what is

    to be shown unknown has many possible values like a safe combination, then

    something more sophisticated is necessary. A parameter called the value of

    the combination is introduced, and a “model” or circumscription predicate

    is found in which this parameter occurs free. We used quotes, because a one

    parameter family of models is found rather than a single model.

    We conclude with just one example of a circumscription schema dealing

    with knowledge. It is formalization of the assertion that all Mike knows is a

    consequence of propositions P 0 and Q0.

    Φ(P 0) ∧ Φ(Q0) ∧ (∀P Q)(Φ(P ) ∧ Φ(P impliesQ) ⊃ Φ(Q))

    ⊃ (∀P )(knows(M ike, P ) ⊃ Φ(P )).


    Philosophy has a more direct relation to artificial intelligence than it has to

    other sciences. Both subjects require the formalization of common sense

    knowledge and repair of its deficiencies. Since a robot with general in-

    telligence requires some general view of the world, deficiencies in the pro-

    grammers’ introspection of their own world-views can result in operational

    weaknesses in the program. Thus many programs, including Winograd’s

    SHRDLU, regard the history of their world as a sequence of situations each

    of which is produced by an event occurring in a previous situation of the

    sequence. To handle concurrent events, such programs must be rebuilt and

    not just provided with more facts.

    This section is organized as a collection of disconnected remarks some

    of which have a direct technical character, while others concern the general

    structure of knowledge of the world. Some of them simply give sophisticated

    justifications for some things that programmers are inclined to do anyway,

    so some people may regard them as superfluous.

  14. Building a view of the world into the structure of a program does not in itself give the program the ability to state the view explicitly. Thus, none

    of the programs that presuppose history as a sequence of situations can make

    the assertion “History is a sequence of situations”. Indeed, for a human to

    make his presuppositions explicit is often beyond his individual capabilities,

    and the sciences of psychology and philosophy still have unsolved problems

    in doing so.

  15. Common sense requires scientific formulation. Both AI and philosophy require it, and philosophy might even be regarded as an attempt to make

    common sense into a science.

  16. AI and philosophy both suffer from the following dilemma. Both need precise formalizations, but the fundamental structure of the world has not

    yet been discovered, so imprecise and even inconsistent formulations need

    to be used. If the imprecision merely concerned the values to be given to

    numerical constants, there wouldn’t be great difficulty, but there is a need to

    use theories which are grossly wrong in general within domains where they

    are valid. The above-mentioned history-as-a-sequence-of-situations is such

    a theory. The sense in which this theory is an approximation to a more

    sophisticated theory hasn’t been examined.

  17. (McCarthy 1979a) discusses the need to use concepts that are mean- ingful only in an approximate theory. Relative to a Cartesian product co-

    ordinatization of situations, counterfactual sentences of the form “If co-

    ordinate x had the value c and the other co-ordinates retained their values,

    then p would be true” can be meaningful. Thus, within a suitable theory,

    the assertion “The skier wouldn’t have fallen if he had put his weight on his

    downhill ski” is meaningful and perhaps true, but it is hard to give it mean-

    ing as a statement about the world of atoms and wave functions, because

    it is not clear what different wave functions are specified by “if he had put

    his weight on his downhill ski”. We need an AI formalism that can use such

    statements but can go beyond them to the next level of approximation when

    possible and necessary. I now think that circumscription is a tool that will

    allow drawing conclusions from a given approximate theory for use in given

    circumstances without a total commitment to the theory.

  18. One can imagine constructing programs either as empiricists or as realists. An empiricist program would build only theories connecting its

    sense data with its actions. A realist program would try to find facts about

    a world that existed independently of the program and would not suppose

    that the only reality is what might somehow interact with the program.

    I favor building realist programs with the following example in mind. It

    has been shown that the Life two dimensional cellular automaton is universal

    as a computer and as a constructor. Therefore, there could be configurations

    of Life cells acting as self-reproducing computers with sensory and motor

    capabilities with respect to the rest of the Life plane. The program in such

    a computer could study the physics of its world by making theories and

    experiments to test them and might eventually come up with the theory

    that its fundamental physics is that of the Life cellular automaton.

    We can test our theories of epistemology and common sense reasoning

    by asking if they would permit the Life-world computer to conclude, on the

    basis of experiments, that its physics was that of Life. If our epistemology

    isn’t adequate for such a simple universe, it surely isn’t good enough for our

    much more complicated universe. This example is one of the reasons for

    preferring to build realist rather than empiricist programs. The empiricist

    program, if it was smart enough, would only end up with a statement that

    “my experiences are best organized as if there were a Life cellular automaton

    and events isomorphic to my thoughts occurred in a certain subconfiguration

    of it”. Thus it would get a result equivalent to that of the realist program

    but more complicated and with less certainty.

    More generally, we can imagine a metaphilosophy that has the same re-

    lation to philosophy that metamathematics has to mathematics. Metaphi-

    losophy would study mathematical systems consisting of an “epistemologist”

    seeking knowledge in accordance with the epistemology to be tested and in-

    teracting with a “world”. It would study what information about the world

    a given philosophy would obtain. This would depend also on the structure

    of the world and the “epistemologist’s” opportunities to interact.

    AI could benefit from building some very simple systems of this kind, and

    so might philosophy.


    McCarthy, J. and Hayes, P.J. (1969). Some philosophical problems from

    the standpoint of artificial intelligence. Machine Intelligence 4, pp. 463–502

    (eds Meltzer, B. and Michie, D.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

    (Reprinted in B. L. Webber and N. J. Nilsson (eds.), Readings in Artificial

    Intelligence, Tioga, 1981, pp. 431–450; also in M. J. Ginsberg (ed.), Readings

    in Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann, 1987, pp. 26–45; also in

    (McCarthy 1990).)

    McCarthy, J. (1977). Minimal inference—a new way of jumping to conclu-

    sions. (Published under the title: Circumscription—a form of nonmonotonic

    reasoning, Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 13, Numbers 1,2, April. Reprinted in

    B. L. Webber and N. J. Nilsson (eds.), Readings in Artificial Intelligence,

    Tioga, 1981, pp. 466–472; also in M. J. Ginsberg (ed.), Readings in Non-

    monotonic Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann, 1987, pp. 145–152; also in (Mc-

    Carthy 1990).)

    McCarthy, J. (1979a). Ascribing mental qualities to machines. Philosophical

    Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, Ringle, Martin (ed.), Humanities Press,

    1979. (Reprinted in (McCarthy 1990).)

    McCarthy, J. (1979b). First order theories of individual concepts and propo-

    sitions, J.E.Hayes, D.Michie and L.I.Mikulich (eds.), Machine Intelligence 9,

    Ellis Horwood. (Reprinted in (McCarthy 1990).)

    McCarthy, John (1990). Formalizing Common Sense, Ablex 1990.

    Moore, Robert C. (1977). Reasoning about Knowledge and Action, 1977

    IJCAI Proceedings.

    /@steam.stanford.edu:/u/ftp/jmc/epistemological.tex: begun 1996 May 15, latexed 1996 May 15 at 2:17 p.m.