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Pack must_trace -- prolog/old/rtrace.pl
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 on_f_rtrace(:Goal) is det
If :Goal fails trace it
 on_x_debug(:Goal) is det
If there If Is an exception in :Goal then rtrace.
 maybe_leash(+Flags) is det
Only leashes interactive consoles
 push_guitracer is nondet
Save Guitracer.
 pop_guitracer is nondet
Restore Guitracer.
 push_tracer is det
Push Tracer.
 pop_tracer is det
Pop Tracer.
 reset_tracer is det
Reset Tracer.
 quietly(:Goal) is nondet
Unlike notrace/1, it allows nondet tracing

But also may be break when excpetions are raised during Goal.

 rtrace is det
Start RTracer.
 srtrace is det
Start RTracer.
 nortrace is det
Stop Tracer.
 restore_trace(:Goal) is det
restore Trace.

! restore_trace( :Goal) is nondet.

restore Trace.

 rtrace(:Goal) is nondet
Trace a goal non-interactively until the first exception on total failure

?- rtrace(member(X,[1,2,3])). Call: (9) [lists] lists:member(_7172, [1, 2, 3]) Unify: (9) [lists] lists:member(_7172, [1, 2, 3]) Call: (10) [lists] lists:member_([2, 3], _7172, 1) Unify: (10) [lists] lists:member_([2, 3], 1, 1) Exit: (10) [lists] lists:member_([2, 3], 1, 1) Exit: (9) [lists] lists:member(1, [1, 2, 3]) X = 1 ; Redo: (10) [lists] lists:member_([2, 3], _7172, 1) Unify: (10) [lists] lists:member_([2, 3], _7172, 1) Call: (11) [lists] lists:member_([3], _7172, 2) Unify: (11) [lists] lists:member_([3], 2, 2) Exit: (11) [lists] lists:member_([3], 2, 2) Exit: (10) [lists] lists:member_([2, 3], 2, 1) Exit: (9) [lists] lists:member(2, [1, 2, 3]) X = 2 ; Redo: (11) [lists] lists:member_([3], _7172, 2) Unify: (11) [lists] lists:member_([3], _7172, 2) Call: (12) [lists] lists:member_([], _7172, 3) Unify: (12) [lists] lists:member_([], 3, 3) Exit: (12) [lists] lists:member_([], 3, 3) Exit: (11) [lists] lists:member_([3], 3, 2) Exit: (10) [lists] lists:member_([2, 3], 3, 1) Exit: (9) [lists] lists:member(3, [1, 2, 3]) X = 3.

?- rtrace(fail). Call: (9) [system] fail Fail: (9) [system] fail ^ Redo: (8) [rtrace] rtrace:rtrace(user:fail) false.

 rtrace_break(:Goal) is nondet
Trace a goal non-interactively and break on first exception or on total failure
 ftrace(:Goal) is nondet
Functor Trace.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
