% :- lib(term_type). % term_codes/2, term_atom/2. :- lib(stoics_lib:en_list/2). %% compare_multi_ops_list( +Multi, -List ). % % Convert multiops to lists of ops. % %== % ?- compare_multi_ops_list( =<, OpsL ). % OpsL = [=, <]. %== % % @author nicos angelopoulos % @version 0.1 2014/1/5 % @see mtx_column_threshold/5 % @tbd -Multi, +List mode ? % compare_multi_ops_list( Op, OpsList ) :- current_op( _, _, Op ), % fixme can we be more specific? should be infix... !, % term_codes( Op, Codes ), term_to_atom( Op, Atom ), atom_codes( Atom, Codes ), maplist( en_list, Codes, CodeLists ), maplist( term_atom, CodeLists, OpsList ). compare_multi_ops_list( Op, _List ) :- throw( fixme(not_an_operator(Op) ) ).