    2  modeling.pl
    4  @author Francois Fages
    5  @email Francois.Fages@inria.fr
    6  @institute Inria, France
    7  @license LGPL-2
    9  @version 1.1.4
   11  Mathematical modeling with constraints on subscripted variables.
   14:- module(
   15	  modeling,
   16	  [
   17	   int_array/2,
   18	   int_array/3,
   19	   bool_array/2,
   20	   float_array/2,
   21	   float_array/3,
   22	   satisfy/1,
   23	   satisfy/2,
   24	   satisfy_attvars/1,
   25	   satisfy_attvars/2,
   26	   minimize/2,
   27	   minimize/3,
   28	   maximize/2,
   29	   maximize/3
   30	  ]
   31	 ).

Mathematical modeling with constraints on subscripted variables.

- Francois Fages
- 1.1.4

This module provides a constraint-based mathematical modeling language in the spirit of MiniZinc in Prolog (A MiniZinc parser is planned to be added to this library in a next release).

The pack includes 5 modules with the following dependencies quantifiers.pl --> arrays.pl --> clp.pl --> modeling.pl --> examplesFLOPS2024.pl

library(examplesFLOPS2024) contains the examples and benchmark presented in the article:

  • F. Fages. A Constraint-based Mathematical Modeling Library in Prolog with Answer Constraint Semantics. 17th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, FLOPS 2024. May 15, 2024 - May 17, 2024, Kumamoto, Japan. LNCS, Springer-Verlag.

library(quantifiers) defines bounded quantifiers with "in" domain and "where" conditions, let bindings, and a multifile user-defined predicate for defining shorthand/3 functional notations in expressions, e.g. conditional expressions with if/3 term.

library(arrays) defines multidimensional arrays for constraints on subscripted variables and the Array[Indices] shorthand/3 notation.

library(clp) is a frontend to library(clpr) and library(clpfd) to define hybrid constraints and allow shorthand notations such as Array[Indices] in constraints and domains.

Below is the example of a goal that can be written in this library to solve the 4-queens placement problem and pretty-print the chessboard, using subscripted variables (arrays) instead of lists, bounded quantifiers instead of recursion and functional notations in let bindings and constraints.

?- N=4, int_array(Queens, [N], 1..N),
  for_all([I in 1..N-1, D in 1..N-I],
    (Queens[I] #\= Queens[I+D],
     Queens[I] #\= Queens[I+D]+D,
     Queens[I] #\= Queens[I+D]-D)),
  for_all([I, J] in 1..N,
    let([QJ = Queens[J],
         Q = if(QJ = I, 'Q', '.'),
         B = if(J = N, '\n', ' ')],
. . Q .
Q . . .
. . . Q
. Q . .
N = 4,
Queens = array(2, 4, 1, 3) ;
. Q . .
. . . Q
Q . . .
. . Q .
N = 4,
Queens = array(3, 1, 4, 2) ;

Below is an example of hybrid reified clpr clpfd constraint defined in library(clp).

?- array(A, [3]), truth_value({A[1] < 3.14}, B).
A = array(_A, _, _),
when((nonvar(_A);nonvar(B)), clp:clpr_reify(_A<3.14, _A>=3.14, B)).

?- array(A, [3]), truth_value({A[1] < 3.14}, B), {A[1]=2.7}.
A = array(2.7, _, _),
B = 1.


  102%:- catch(reexport(library(clp)), _, (throw(error(pack_clp_is_not_installed)), fail)).
  103:- reexport(library(clp)).  104
  105:- op(990, xfx, where).  106:- op(100, yf, []).  107
  109%! bool_array(?Array, ?Dimensions)
  111% Array is a array of Boolean values (0 or 1) or Boolean variables of dimensions Dimensions.
  113bool_array(Array, Dimensions):-
  114    int_array(Array, Dimensions, 0..1).
 int_array(?Array, ?Dimensions)
Array is an array of integer numbers or variables of dimensions Dimensions.
  121int_array(Array, Dimensions):-
  122    int_array(Array, Dimensions, _Domain).
  125%! int_array(?Array, ?Dimensions, +Domain)
  127% Array is an array of integer numbers or variables in Domain of dimensions Dimensions.
  129int_array(Array, Dimensions, Domain):-
  130    array(Array, Dimensions),
  131    array_list(Array, List),
  132    (
  133     ground(Domain)
  134    ->
  135     List ins Domain    ;     List ins inf..sup     % for_all([Cell in List],     % 	     exists([Mi, Ma], (fd_inf(Cell, Mi), Min #=< Mi, fd_sup(Cell, Ma), Ma #=< Max))),     % fd_sup(Min, Inf),     % fd_inf(Max, Sup),     % Domain = Inf .. Sup    ).
 float_array(?Array, ?Dimensions)
Array is an array of real numbers or variables of dimensions Dimensions.
  150float_array(Array, Dimensions):-
  151    array(Array, Dimensions).
  154%! float_array(?Array, ?Dimensions, +Range)
  156% Array is an array of real numbers or variables in Range Min..Max of dimensions Dimensions.
  157% If not given the Range variables are returned with constraints, or fails if they are unbounded.
  159float_array(Array, Dimensions, Min..Max):-
  160    array(Array, Dimensions),
  161    array_list(Array, List),
  162    for_all([Cell in List], {Min=< Cell, Cell =< Max}).
enumerate all solutions of the variables contained or related to Term, with smallest-domain first-fail and-choice heuristics ff.
  173    satisfy(Term, [ff]).
 satisfy(+Term, +Options)
same as satisfy/1 with the Options from library(clpfd) predicate labeling/2.
  180satisfy(Term, Options) :-
  181    term_variables(Term, Vars),
  182    labeling(Options, Vars).
same as satisfy/1 but enumerating the values of the variables in term and in their attributes.
  190    satisfy_attvars(Term, [ff]).
 satisfy_attvars(+Term, +Options)
same as satisfy/2 but enumerating also the values of the variables contained in the attributes of the variables in Term.
  197satisfy_attvars(Term, Options) :-
  198    term_attvars(Term, Vars),
  199    labeling(Options, Vars).
 minimize(+Expr, +Term)
enumerate all solutions of the variables contained in Term in increasing order of Expr.
  207minimize(Expr, Term):-
  208    term_attvars(Term, Vars),
  209    labeling([min(Expr), ff], Vars).
 minimize(+Expr, +Term, +Options)
same as minimize/2 using extra library(clpfd) labeling/2 options
  215minimize(Expr, Term, Options):-
  216    term_attvars(Term, Vars),
  217    labeling([min(Expr) | Options], Vars).
 maximize(+Expr, +Term)
enumerate all solutions of the variables contained in Term in decreasing order of Expr.
  224maximize(Expr, Term):-
  225    term_attvars(Term, Vars),
  226    labeling([max(Expr), ff], Vars).
 maximize(+Expr, +Term, +Options)
same as maximize/2 using extra library(clpfd) labeling/2 options
  232maximize(Expr, Term, Options):-
  233    term_attvars(Term, Vars),
  234    labeling([max(Expr) | Options], Vars)