1/* 2 comprehension.pl 3 4@author Francois Fages 5@email Francois.Fages@inria.fr 6@license LGPL-2 7@version 1.1.5 8 9 List comprehension for constraint quantifiers, aggregates, and let bindings. 10 11*/ 12 13 14:- module( 15 comprehension, 16 [ 17 for_all/2, 18 list_of/3, 19 aggregate_for/6, 20 21 exists/2, let/2, op(501, xfx, ..), op(502, yfx, \/), op(700, xfx, in), op(990, xfx, where) ]).
143:- reexport(shorthand). 144 145 146 % BOUNDED UNIVERSAL QUANTIFIER
Unlike forall/2, foreach/2, the conjunction of Goal instances constrains context variables (answer constraint semantics)
?- L=[A, B, C], for_all(X in L, X=1). L = [1, 1, 1], A = B, B = C, C = 1.
The "where" condition goal can be non-deterministic.
for_all/2 is similar to maplist/2 but using a Goal pattern with arguments defined by comprehension.
166for_all(Var, _Goal) :- 167 var(Var), 168 !, 169 must_be(nonvar, Var). % bounded quantification only 170 171for_all([VarDomain | VarDomains], Goal) :- 172 (VarDomains = [] 173 -> 174 (VarDomain = (_ where _) 175 -> 176 for_all_complete(VarDomain, Goal) 177 ; 178 for_all_complete(VarDomain where true, Goal)) 179 ; 180 for_all(VarDomain, for_all(VarDomains, Goal))). 181 182for_all(Vars in Domain, Goal) :- 183 for_all(Vars in Domain where true, Goal). 184 185for_all(VarDomains where Condition, Goal) :- 186 must_be(nonvar, VarDomains), 187 (VarDomains = (Vs in Domain) 188 -> 189 (var(Vs) -> Vars=[Vs] ; must_be(list(var), Vs), Vars=Vs), 190 for_all_complete(Vars in Domain where Condition, Goal) 191 ; 192 VarDomains = [VarDomain1 | VarDomains2], 193 (VarDomains2 = [] 194 -> 195 (VarDomain1 = (VarDom1 where Cond) 196 -> 197 for_all_complete(VarDom1 where (Cond, Condition), Goal) 198 ; 199 for_all_complete(VarDomain1 where Condition, Goal)) 200 ; 201 for_all(VarDomain1, for_all(VarDomains2 where Condition, Goal)))). 202 203 204% VarDomains is a flat list of variables given with their domain 205for_all_complete(VarDomains where Condition, Goal) :- 206 var_domains(VarDomains where Condition, VarDoms, Condition), 207 variables(VarDoms, Vars), 208 copy_term_nat(Vars, f(VarDoms, Condition, Goal), _, f(VDoms, Cond, G)), % needed in VarDoms since e.g. X in [Y] unifies X=Y 209 call_comprehension(VDoms, [], [], Cond, G). 210 211 212 213var_domains(VarDomains, _VarDoms, _Condition) :- 214 var(VarDomains), 215 !, 216 must_be(nonvar,VarDomains). 217 218var_domains(Var where Condition, [Var], Condition) :- 219 var(Var), 220 !. 221 222var_domains(Vars in Domain where Condition, VarDoms, Condition) :- 223 !, 224 (var(Vars) 225 -> 226 VarDoms=[Vars in Domain] 227 ; 228 distribute(Vars, Domain, VarDoms)). 229 230var_domains(Vars in Domain, VarDoms, Condition) :- 231 !, 232 var_domains(Vars in Domain where true, VarDoms, Condition). 233 234var_domains(VarDomains where Condition, VarDomains, Condition) :- 235 !. 236 237var_domains(VarDomains, VarDoms, Condition) :- 238 must_be(list, VarDomains), 239 var_domains(VarDomains where true, VarDoms, Condition). 240 241 242variables([], []). 243variables([VarDom | VarDoms], [V | Vars]):- 244 (var(VarDom) 245 -> 246 V=VarDom 247 ; 248 VarDom = (V in _) 249 -> 250 must_be(var, V) 251 ; 252 must_be(var, VarDom) % instantiated variable 253 ), 254 variables(VarDoms, Vars). 255 256 257% allow only variables to distribute domain to. 258distribute([], _, []). 259distribute([Var | Vars], Domain, [Var in Domain | Domains]):- 260 must_be(var, Var), 261 distribute(Vars, Domain, Domains). 262 263 264 % GENERATOR COMPREHENSION 265 266 267% iteratively calls Goal on valuations of Vars in Domains satisfying a possibly non-deterministic where Condition 268% VarDomains is a list of (Var in Domain) terms 269% Vars and Values are built in reversed order 270call_comprehension([VarD | VarDomains], Vars, Values, Condition, Goal) :- 271 must_be(nonvar, VarD), 272 VarD = (V in VarDomain), 273 expand(VarDomain, VarDom), 274 (next_value(VarDom, Min, Greater) 275 -> 276 Vs = [V | Vars], 277 Vals = [Min | Values], 278 copy_term_nat([V], VarDomains, [Min], VarDoms), % partial evaluation 279 call_comprehension(VarDoms, Vs, Vals, Condition, Goal), % to append to next valuations 280 (Greater=[] 281 -> 282 true 283 ; 284 call_comprehension([V in Greater | VarDomains], Vars, Values, Condition, Goal) 285 ) 286 ; 287 true). 288 289call_comprehension([], Vars, Values, Condition, Goal) :- 290 copy_term_nat(Vars, Condition, Values, Cond), 291 (expand(Cond) % one great use of soft cut at last ! 292 *-> 293 copy_term_nat(Vars, Goal, Values, G), 294 295 ; 296 true). 297 298 299next_value(Min .. Max, Mi, Greater):- 300 Mi is Min, % shorthand expansions of domains are already done 301 Ma is Max, 302 (Mi < Ma 303 -> 304 Mi1 is Mi+1, 305 Greater = Mi1..Ma 306 ; 307 Mi = Ma, % otherwise fail, empty domain 308 Greater = []). 309 310next_value(Domain1 \/ Domain2, Min, Greater):- 311 next_value(Domain1, Min, Great), 312 (Great = [] 313 -> 314 Greater = Domain2 315 ; 316 Greater = Great \/ Domain2). 317 318next_value([Min | List], Mi, List):- 319 catch(evaluate(Min, Mi), _, Mi=Min). % just to allow non numerical values in a domain list 320 321 322 323 % LIST OF VALUATIONS DEFINED BY IN AND WHERE CONDITIONS
list_of(VarDomains, Expr, List)
is defined by aggregate_for(VarDomains, Expr, [|], [], =, List)
An error is raised if the comprehension variables to be renamed are instantiated (they can be attributed and will be renamed without attributes).
The "where" condition goal can be non-deterministic.
337list_of(VarDomains, Expr, List):- 338 aggregate_for(VarDomains, Expr, '[|]', [], =, List). 339 340 341 342 % GENERAL AGGREGATE_FOR PREDICATE 343 344%! aggregate_for(+VarDomains, +Expression, +Op, +E, +Relation, ?Term) 345% 346% true iff Relation(Term, Aggregate) holds where Aggregate is the application of binary operation Op with starting element E, 347% to all instances of Expression defined in comprehension by VarDomains with mandatory "in" domain and optional "where" condition. 348% An error is raised if a comprehension variable is instantiated (if it is attributed it is renamed without attributes). 349% 350% For example, list_of(VarDomains, Expression, List) is defined here by ``aggregate_for(VarDomains, Expression, [|], [], =, List)``. 351% 352% The instances of Expression are not evaluated unless Expression is of the form "Variable where Goal" in which case the Goal is executed. 353% It is an error if the first argument of where is not a variable. The variable is existentially quantified and renamed in the Goal. 354% 355% The list of arguments of a term could be defined by 356% == 357% ?- Term=f(a,g(X),Y), functor(Term, _, N), aggregate_for([I in 1..N], Arg where arg(I, Term, Arg), '[|]', [], =, Args). 358% Term = f(a, g(X), Y), 359% N = 3, 360% Args = [a, g(X), Y]. 361% == 362% 363% aggregate_for/6 is similar to foldl/4 but more general and using Goal pattern with arguments defined in comprehension. 364% 365% Used in library(clp) to define some hybrid global constraints. 366 367aggregate_for(VarDomains, Expression, Op, E, Relation, Term):- 368 (compound(Expression), Expression=(X where _Goal) 369 -> 370 must_be(var, X), 371 copy_term_nat([X], Expression, _, Expr) 372 ; 373 Expr=Expression), 374 var_domains(VarDomains, VarDoms, Condition), 375 variables(VarDoms, Vars), 376 copy_term_nat(Vars, f(VarDoms, Condition, Expr), Vs, f(VDoms, Cond, Exp)), % needed in VarDoms since X in [Y] unifies X=Y 377 values(VDoms, [], [], Cond, ValuesList), 378 aggregate_rec(ValuesList, Vs, Exp, Op, E, Aggregate), 379 Rel =.. [Relation, Term, Aggregate], 380 expand(Rel). 381 382aggregate_rec([], _, _, _, E, E). 383aggregate_rec([Values | ValuesList], Vars, Expression, Op, E, Term) :- 384 copy_term_nat(Vars, Expression, Values, Expr), 385 (compound(Expr), Expr=(X where _Goal) 386 -> 387 must_be(var, X), 388 copy_term_nat([X], Expr, _, Exp where Goal), 389 expand(Goal) % binding or constraining X in Expr renamed 390 ; 391 expand(Expr, Exp)), %Exp=Expr), 392 Term =.. [Op, Exp, Aggregate], % TODO do not construct the full aggregate_for expression 393 aggregate_rec(ValuesList, Vars, Expression, Op, E, Aggregate). 394 395 396% computes the List of valuations of Vars in Domains satisfying a, possibly non-deterministic, where Condition 397values([], Vars, Values, Condition, List):- 398 copy_term_nat(Vars, Condition, Values, Cond), 399 (expand(Cond) % one great use of soft cut at last ! 400 *-> 401 reverse(Values, Vals), 402 List=[Vals] 403 ; 404 List = []). 405 406values([VarD | VarDomains], Vars, Values, Condition, List):- 407 must_be(nonvar, VarD), 408 VarD = (V in VarDomain), 409 expand(VarDomain, VarDom), 410 (next_value(VarDom, Min, Greater) 411 -> 412 Vs = [V | Vars], 413 Vals = [Min | Values], 414 copy_term_nat([V], VarDomains, [Min], VarDoms), % partial evaluation 415 values(VarDoms, Vs, Vals, Condition, List1), % to append to next valuations 416 (Greater=[] 417 -> 418 List = List1 419 ; 420 values([V in Greater | VarDomains], Vars, Values, Condition, List2), 421 append(List1, List2, List)) 422 ; 423 List = []). 424 425 % EXISTENTIAL QUANTIFIER AND LET EXPRESSIONS
433exists(Vars, Goal):-
434 must_be(list(var), Vars),
435 copy_term_nat(Vars, Goal, _, RenamedGoal),
436 .
446let(Bindings, Goal):- 447 must_be(list, Bindings), 448 var_bindings(Bindings, Vars), 449 must_be(list(var), Vars), 450 copy_term_nat(Vars, f(Bindings, Goal), _, f(BindingsRenamed, GoalRenamed)), 451 bindings(BindingsRenamed), 452 . 453 454 455:- multifile user:shorthand/3.
Defined here for expanding let/2 inside expressions, by
user:shorthand(let(Bindings, Expr), RenamedExpr, let(Bindings, RenamedExpr=Expr)) :- !.
?- evaluate(2*let([X=3], let([Y=2], X+Y)), R). R = 10.
470usershorthand(let(Bindings, Expr), Ex, (expand(Expr, Exp), let(Bindings, Ex=Exp))) :- !. 471 472 473 474% constrains the let variables 475 476bindings([]). 477bindings([Binding | Bindings]):- 478 (var(Binding) 479 -> 480 % allows using let/2 for unbound existentially quantified variables as in exists/2 481 bindings(Bindings) 482 ; 483 Binding =.. [Binder, X, Term], 484 must_be(var, X), 485 Goal =.. [Binder, X, Term], 486 (member(Binder, [=, is, =..]) 487 -> 488 expand(Goal) 489 ; 490 member(Binder, [in, ins, #=, #<==>, #<, #>, #=<, #>=, #\=]) % whatever makes sense for a let 491 -> 492 493 ; 494 throw(error(unauthorized_let_binder(Binding)))), 495 bindings(Bindings)). 496 497var_bindings([], []). 498var_bindings([Binding | Bindings], [X |Vars]) :- 499 (var(Binding) 500 -> 501 X=Binding 502 ; 503 compound(Binding), Binding =.. [_, X, _] 504 -> 505 must_be(var, X) 506 ; 507 throw(error(unauthorized_let_expression(Binding)))), 508 var_bindings(Bindings, Vars)
List comprehension for constraint quantifiers, aggregates, and let bindings.
Prolog metapredicates for set comprehension like setof/3 were introduced by David Warren in 1982 to collect goal instantiations by backtracking. This necessitated indeed a special mechanism to add to Prolog, which is used for bagof/3, findall/3, forall/2, foreach/2, or aggregate/3 for instance.
This approach to set comprehension is correct for the goal success semantics of Prolog, but incorrect for the answer constraint semantics, e.g. universal quantifier constraint for_all/2 defined here compared to standard forall/2 foreach/2 metapredicates:
We provide here metapredicates for comprehension by iteration, instead of backtracking, which
The comprehension variables must be given with a mandatory "in" domain, and optionally a "where" condition.
The "in" domain must be either a domain of integers (i.e. union \/ of intervals ..) or a list of terms. Shorthand notations are evaluated in the domain.
list_of/3 collects the elements defined by comprehension in a list:
aggregate_for/6 expresses a relation on the application of a binary operator between elements defined by comprehension:
The "where" condition in intensional definitions can bind or constrain context variables. In particular, if the "where" condition is a constraint, the constraint is posted and thus tested for satisfiability, not entailment. The example below illustrates the difference: X=Y is satisfiable and posted for all X, Y, whereas in the second query, the condition X==Y is just a test and succeeds on the elements where it is satisfied without changing L:
The "where" condition goal can also be non-deterministic, making the comprehension metapredicate non-deterministic in this case.