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#lps.swi Server# By http://logicalcontracts.com, April 5, 2019
This document summarizes the open source extensions to the language described in http://lps.doc.ic.ac.uk. The system can be tried online at http://demo.logicalcontracts.com - start by its Examples menu.
LPS predicates may be timestamped with "LPS time" or "cycle time", in holds(Fluent,Time)
and happens(Event,FromTime,ToTime)
literals in the internal syntax representation; external syntax sometimes leaves time implicit. The next sections describe how this abstract, computable "internal timeline" maps to real worl timelines.
Internal time is written as an integer, or as a simple arithmetic expression rooted on one othe following operators: ` + - *
`. Notice that time expressions need to be ground when their literal is evaluated - no time constraint handling at the moment. Example:
..., someFluent at T, someAction("3 cycles later") from T+3, ...
Notice the absence of `/
`, which is used for structured time (described below).
`real_time(RT) at T
System fluent that returns the real time (floating number with seconds since Jan 1, 1970) at the begin of LPS cycle T.
Timeless predicate that returns the (real) time when the LPS execution began.
Time limit for the LPS program to execute. If maxTime(NumCycles)
is also present, the earliest will cause the program to terminate.
`observe Event(s) at 'Datetime'
Declare the observation events for injection into the LPS program immediately after the real time moment 'Datetime' occurs. Datetime must be an atom or string, see formats in http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/doc_for?object=parse_time/3.
Notice that "real time" can be simulated, see below.
`lps_terminate(Cause) from T1
System action that gracefully finishes the program. Cause is a term that can be used to transmit some final condition to the program's owner.
Sometimes a LPS program is designed to work very slowly - say over years as a contract executes. To test such programs, real time can be "simulated".
Sets the "real date and time" to be returned by `real_time(RT)
` at the beginning of cycle 1. The argument must be an atom with a date/time expression, as specified in http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/doc_for?object=parse_time/3
Determines the additional "simulated real time" added at each cycle.
So for example a program with
simulatedRealTimeBeginning('2014-06-01'). simulatedRealTimePerCycle(86400). % seconds in 1 day
...will have real_time(RT)
at 10 as the real time (in seconds) correspnding to 0:00 of 2014-06-10.
Other utility predicates can be used with:
:- include(system('date_utils.pl')).
Please see coments in engine/system/date_utils.pl.
\(The following functionality currently requires `
:- include(system('date_utils.pl')).
` )
LPS (simulation cycle) time T can be mapped to real time via the abovementioned `real_time(RT) at T
`. But most contracts refer dates rather than seconds, therefore times can be represented alternatively as `Year/Month/Day
`terms (more specific terms down to the second are to be supported in the future). The following fluent returns the current date:
real_date(Y/M/D) at T
These events occurs on date boundaries:
real_date_begin(Y/M/D) from T1 to T2 real_date_end(Y/M/D) from T1 to T2
Based on the above, these syntactic forms are supported by the engine:
someFluent at 2018/1/29
...means that the fluent holds at all cycle times from the beginning of that day until the very last engine cycle before 2018/1/30 arrives. Same as `real_date(2018/1/29) at T, someFluent at T
someEvent from 2018/1/29 to 2018/6
... means the event starts no earlier then the first cycle for that day and happens until no later then the last cycle of June 2018. Same as `real_date_begin(2018/1/29) to T1, true at T1, someEvent from T1 to _T2, real_date_end(RT2) from _ to _, RT2 @=< 2018/6.
@=< is a lexical term comparison operator.
For convenience, cycle and structured times can be mixed together in binary comparisons, for example:
`someEvent to Finish, Finish @=< 2018/6/6
...is equivalent to:
`someEvent to Finish, real_date(RT) at Finish, RT @=< 2018/6/6
This section introduces background processing for LPS on SWI Prolog (barebones). SWISH/web functionaly comes next below.
In what follows we distinguish a LPS program (the source code) from an execution of it (of which there may be several).
` option
Causes the LPS interpreter to launch a new SWI Prolog thread executing the given program. When used in `golps(File,[...,background(ID),...])
` etc. will cause this predicate to return immediately, binding ID to a token denoting the new LPS program execution thread.
Add a fixed "sleep" time to the program execution at the begin of each cycle, for the sake of the server environment.
Inject all events into the LPS server thread, after inserting whatever observations are declared for the program. See updateEvents/3.
If successful, `Result = ok(InsertionCycle)
`; else, e.g. if some event violates the program integrity constraints, all events are rejected and `Result = failed(Cause)
`interpreter: get_fluents(+LPSThreadID,+Fluents,-Cycle,-Values)
Fetches current values for all templates in Fluents into Values. Returns also the Cycle at which the values were samples. See answer_thread_queries/1.
The following "system actions" are provided by the LPS interpreter, and require the dc option.
`lps_ask(ID,Events) from T1 to T2
Send all Events to the program execution ID, and wait for the events to be consumed - failing if they're not (say, because they violate ID's program constraints). Notice that this effectively hangs the LPS interpreter (for the current program) until the events are processed by ID - thus to use with care.
This is defined internally by the sequence of the next two actions.
`lps_ask(ID,Events,MessageID) from T1 to T2
Send all Events to the program execution ID, succeeding immediately and returning a unique token MessageID, that can be used to find whether the events are accepted.
`lps_outcome(MessageID,Result) from T3 to T4
Find out whether events sent by the previous action (denoted by MessageID) were accepted by the destinatary LPS program execution. lps_outcome will be delayed until the events were processed, and will return Result=ok(InsertionCycle)
or Result=failure(Cause)
The above features are made available in the LPS web server demo (currently at http://demo.logicalcontracts.com) via the following new predicates and web services. This brings LPS into new territory, and server operation challenges.
To minimize server load, LPS programs are obliged to declare a minimum cycle sleep time with minCycleTime(Min)
, currently Min >= 0.1 mS. LPS server executions will be aborted if the expected load per user (or in the whole system) is too big *(see check_user_server_usage in logicalcontracts/lc/lps_server_UI.pl)*.
For use in the SWISH goal field.
###Executes in background the LPS program in the current editor window. ID is bound to a thread identifier, unique in the running SWI Prolog/SWISH server. A term renderer is used to display a link to the "LPS manager" page for the new LPS execution.
###Shows links to managers for all running LPS programs of the current user.
Shows all LPS program threads IDs, even after they're finished.
Brutal cleanup, kills LPS programs of all users.
The LPS manager page shows the current status of the LPS server program, including real time global attributes. In addition it provides links to inspect current state of all fluents, and a single form link to inject events into the program. It also has link to kill (lps_terminate) the program.
The fluent display and event injection links can be copied from the page into a browser address bar and reused:
http://demo.logicalcontracts.com/lps_server/fluents/ProgramID?fluents=[FluentTemplates] http://demo.logicalcontracts.com/lps_server/events/ProgramID?events=[EventAtoms]
The HTTP status of the events response will be either 200 (OK) or 409 (conflict with the server program integrity constraints).
Both the fluents and events pages display also the LPS cycle time of sampling and injection, respectively.
The events web service above can also respond with fluents, sampled in the cycle prior or after event injection, by simply adding query variables `fluents
` and (optionally) `after
The above will return the state of fluent available after the pickup event (and others in the same cycle) are processed.
], and click Send, and see the "Events result" page. Then refresh it, and see how the second instance of the same event is rejected by preconditions in the server.Next we take the dining philosphers example and split it into two: a "table" with domain conditions, and a "client" with the philosophers and their layout and intentions:
. Copy the LPS server thread ID (e.g. lps1) obtained from the LPS manager page, or from the end of its URL.table(lps1)
..., and run it. You should see a textual run of dining philosophers.LPS programs can have their execution suspended: its whole state is saved as a single term, including pending goals; it finishes; and it can be resumed later, given the original program and the saved execution state. ## Saving execution state ## A LPS program can save its state anytime by invoking the system action:
A LPS web server can also be suspended, serving the saved state term in the resulting page. This operation is available from the server manager page. The current URL is of the form:
Notice that the special event and "fluent" used may have access restrictions.
A LPS program can resume, or start from a previously "hibernated", saved state.
Hibernation requires that the program is still the same, or more precisely, equivalent. A LPS program is deemed equivalent for hibernation purposes if:
The simplest way to resume an execution is to include the saved state in the program source code itself, e.g.
When starting the program the LPS engine checks for a lps_saved_state(...)
term in the source. If there is one, it uses this term to "jumpstart" the program from the cycle when it was saved.
option ###
The restore option allows a program to (re)start farther ahead in its computation: if present, the SavedStateFile is used to preset goals, reactive rules, cycle number etc in the engine before executing the program.
If the saved state is not compatible with the program, execution is aborted.
Some operations require the user to be authenticated: lps\_send\_email, google nlp calls, and likely others in the future. To circumvent this requirement (e.g. for development purposes), uncomment `allow_anonymous_powerful_ops
Other operations are allowed only to a specific (operation-relative) user:
` and necessary system configuration.Prolog predicates can be called from any LPS clause, implicitly as timeless predicates: their results are assumed repeatable and constant over time, without a relevant impact on the world outside the program.
But sometimes, when their resuls or relevant side-effects are time-dependent, it's convenient to embed them instead as time-dependent literals in LPS, so that their execution can be articulated in time and meaning with the rest of the time-dependent logic. The following LPS extensions allow it:
`F at T
` has no corresponding fluent declaration, but F is defined as a Prolog predicate, then F is assumed to be an "external extensional fluent".`A from T1 to T2
` has no corresponding action declaration, but A is defined as a Prolog predicate, then A is assumed to be an "external basic action".
In this way the above time variables will be bound to the LPS cycles when the fluent was sampled (`T
`) and the action executed (`T1,T2
Notes about the Prolog predicate:
Sometimes it's useful to poll some state (or call some builtin function) in the "outside world". So declaring...
`prolog_events P, Q, ... .
... will "inject" these events if the corresponding Prolog goals succeed. Notice that a Prolog predicate with the name and arity of P must exist and be accessible in the user module.
prolog_events random(X). fluents dice(_Turn,_Face). random(X) from _ to T2 initiates dice(T2,Face) if Face is round(X*6+0.5).
`, a Prolog system predicate, gets called at each cycle, initiating dice/2 fluent tuples over time.
The above could in principle be achieved instead with the following pseudo code for each event:
`observe([P],T) :- current_time(T), findall(P,P,Ps), member(P,Ps).
... or also with the following LPS pseudo-code:
events P actions P. fluents polling. initially polling. if polling then callprolog(P), P.
Again, the Prolog generated events are injected/checked/etc with observations and web events at each LPS cycle.
NOTE: internal observations and prolog_events are checked together against preconditions, and rejected or accepted altogether; web events are injected afterwards, and are accepted/rejected altogether but independently of the previous.
transfer(From, To, Amount)
updates Old to New in balance(From, Old)
if New is Old – Amount. Old/New can be (structurally similar) lists of variables.findall(X,FluentGoal,L)
at T.Rule reactive bodies (consequents), as well as composite events / macro actions they call, can use an experimental if-then-else construct:
..., (if Condition then Then else Else), ...
The construct is roughly equivalent to
if_then_else(Condition,Then,Else) if Condition,Then. if_then_else(Condition,Then,Else) if not Condition, Else.
Condition is evaluated using negation as (finite) failure.
TBD: further documentation
Generic events can be used via the happens(Event,T1,T2)
predicate. The following will keep an history of all last occurences of past events:
fluents happened/2. happens(E,_,To) initiates happened(E,To) if not happened(E,_).
This will omit composite events though, for the sake of engine efficiency - as in general there will be many more composite than atomic events. To remember composite events handle them explicitly, e.g.:
end_of_day(Date) initiates happened(Date,Cycle) if true at Cycle.
NOTE: Postconditions are defined only for simple events, e.g. over a single cycle transition - even if they are defined by intensional ("composite") rules.
The following will forbid all except the two action templates shown:
false happens(E,_,_), not member(E,[ myAction1(_), myAction2(foo) ]).
Fluents can also be generalised via meta variables, wrapped in the holds(Fluent,T)
predicate. The following super fluent will include all user fluent tuples:
superFluent(F) at T if holds(F,T), not system_fluent(F).
Similarly to `clause(Head,Body)
` in Prolog, LPS exposes the current program via the following (timeless) meta predicates:
reactive_rule(Antecedent,Consequent). l_events(Head,Body). % composite events l_int(Head,Body). % intensional fluents initiated(Event,Fluent,Conditions). terminated(Event,Fluent,Conditions). updated(Event,Fluent,OldSubTerm-NewSubTerm,Conditions). d_pre(PreConditions). fluents(F). events(E). actions(A). % declarations
Note that in the present implementation the above predicates will cause an error if the program does not contain its corresponding component.
For convenience the following action verbs are available, to directly "edit" the designated fluents without the need to resort to an additional action definition:
To understand their meaning, consider the following example not using the above:
fluents gameOn. actions finishGame. finishGame terminates gameOn. % in some reactive rule: ...., finishGame from _ to _,...
Instead one can simply write:
fluents gameOn. % in some reactive rule: ....,terminate gameOn from _ to _,...
Documentation for command line usage is TBD. The folowing are commands to be used on SWISH's query pane.
These commands execute a LPS program and wait for its end (when failure or timeout happens), and only then show its full state evolution and event trace:
Timeline is rendered graphicall, showing fluent states as blue ranges and atomic events as orange or green dots.
Same, but also includes some composite events in the timeline: those that span more than 2 states, and are either completed macro actions that include atomic actions, or composite events that trigger post conditions; other composites are not shown.
go(Timeline, [sample(ListOfFluentTemplates)]) .
The selected intensional fluents are "sampled" at each cycle, and displayed together with extensional fluents.
Displays fluent states stacked, vertically, rather than aligned.
Shows the same information as a timeline, but instead as a state transitions diagram, made of common fluent states (nodes) and event/times between them (edges), abstracting from time.
state_diagram(Graph,[abstract_numbers, non_reflexive]).
Same, but further abstracting numbers into a single constant 'n', and ommitting reflexive edges, e.g. events ans actions which do not change state.
Prints actions and events, as well as fluent states, on SWISH's output panel.
Same, but with verbose output.
These commands start the program and immediately report its progress in real time.
This is the same command already referred above, for background execution. But if there are `d(Thing,DisplayProperties)
clauses in the program, a [2D scene representation](://bitbucket.org/lpsmasters/lps_corner/src/cefe68210aff7b3c9ac40ee097753443d09b0410/swish/2dWord.md?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default) is rendered in real time, on SWISH's output panel.
The program in the text editor panel is assumed to be in lps.swi surface syntax.
Print the internal syntax representation of the program.
Print the surface syntax representation; useful just for debugging the system.
Print the lps.js syntax representation of the program. Error and warning messages may be printed, if the given lps.swi program uses features unavailable on lps.js.
LPS program filenames typically use the following extensions:
Syntax | File extension
------------- | -------------
Surface, as supported by lps.swi | `.pl
Surface, as supported by lps.js | `.lps
Internal | `.lpsw
`, `.pl_P
`, `.lps_.P
On lps.swi running over swish only `.pl
` is used.
In addition to the above extensions, `.lpst
` denotes the test results of a program: for a program in foo.pl, the file foo.pl_P.lpst will contain its expected behavior - state transitions, actions etc.