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Let this be a compilation of examples of Smart Contracts written in different languages. We plan to do a systematic translation to LPS (or something like it).
by Pablo Lamela Seijas, Simon Thompson Darryl McAdams {pl240,S.J.Thompson}@kent.ac.uk and darryl.mcadams@iohk.io, University of Kent, UK
by Loi Luu, Duc-Hiep Chu, National University of Singapore {loiluu, hiepcd}@comp.nus.edu.sg Hrishi Olicke, Yale-NUS College, hrishi.olickel@yale-nus.edu.sg, Prateek Saxena, National University of Singapore, prateeks@comp.nus.edu.sg, and Aquinas Hobor, Yale-NUS College & National University of Singapore, hobor@comp.nus.edu.sg
by [https://www.agrello.org/](Agrello)