:- expects_dialect(lps). /* From "Step by Step Towards Creating a Safe Smart Contract: Lessons and Insights from a Cryptocurrency Lab", Delmolino et.al. */ % Approximates version in Fig.3 % Variant to avoid the need for remote events to be rejected by prospective conditions maxRealTime(120). % maxTime(8). events init, player_input(_Sender,_Choice,_Value), send(_Recipient,_Prize). actions send(_Winner,_Prize). % actions are serialisable by default % unserializable send(_Winner,_Prize). observe init from 1 to 2. % Play over the web instead: % observe player_input(miguel,rock,1000) from 2 to 3. % http://lcdemo.logicalcontracts.com/lps_server/events/lps1?events=[player_input(miguel,rock,1000)] % observe player_input(fariba,rock,1000) from 3 to 4. % http://lcdemo.logicalcontracts.com/lps_server/events/lps1?events=[player_input(fariba,rock,1000)] % The program will terminate (failing); at http://lcdemo.logicalcontracts.com/lps_server/manager/lps1 you'll see its final state % observe player_input(bob,rock,1000) from 5 to 6. % strictly on play per cycle: false player_input(P1,C1,B1), player_input(P2,C2,B2), player_input(P2,C2,B2)\=player_input(P1,C1,B1). % check_winner(+Player0Choice,+Player1Choice,-Winner) Winner is integer or 'draw' check_winner(paper,scissors,1). check_winner(scissors,paper,0). check_winner(rock,scissors,0). check_winner(scissors,rock,1). check_winner(rock,paper,1). check_winner(paper,rock,0). check_winner(C,C,draw). fluents reward(_), played(_Sender,_Choice), earned(_Player,_Prize). init initiates reward(0). false init, reward(_). player_input(Sender,Choice,_Value) initiates played(Sender,Choice). player_input(_Sender,_Choice,Value) updates Old to New in reward(Old) if New is Old+Value. num_players(N) at T if findall(P,played(P,_),L), length(L,N). false player_input(_Sender,_Choice,Value), Value\==1000. false player_input(Sender,Choice,Value), played(Sender,_). false player_input(Sender,Choice,Value) from T1 to T2, num_players(N) at T1, N>1. if num_players(2), reward(R), R>0 % Removing R>0 would still produce the same actions, but new goals ad eternu, then finalize from _. finalize if played(P0,Choice0) at T1, played(P1,Choice1) at T1, P0\==P1, P0 @< P1, check_winner(Choice0,Choice1,Winner), reward(Now) at T1, % specifying T1 is important, otherwise new goals will keep being added.... send_rewards(Winner,P0,P1) from T1 to T2. %lps_terminate from T2. % no more players finalize if reward(0). send_rewards(0,P0,_P1) from T1 to T2 if reward(R) at T1, send(P0,R) from T1 to T2. send_rewards(1,_P0,P1) from T1 to T2 if reward(R) at T1, send(P1,R) from T1 to T2. send_rewards(draw,P0,P1) if reward(R) at T1, num_players(N) at T1, Prize is R/2, send(P0,Prize) from T1 to T2, send(P1,Prize) from T1 to T2. send(_,Value) updates Old to New in reward(Old) if New is Old-Value. send(Player,Value) initiates earned(Player,Value). false send(_,Prize) from T1 to T2, reward(V) at T1, Prize>V. false send(_,0). /** ?- serve(ID). */