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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.86.0/manuals/_sources/libraries/union_find.rst.txt |
.. _library_union_find:
This library implements a union-find data structure. This structure tracks a set of elements partitioned into a number of disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets. It provides fast operations to add new sets, to merge existing sets, and to determine whether elements are in the same set. This implementation of the union-find algorithm provides the following features:
For a general and extended discussion on this data structure, see e.g.
Open the `../../docs/library_index.html#union-find <../../docs/library_index.html#union-find>`__ link in a web browser.
To load all entities in this library, load the loader.lgt
| ?- logtalk_load(union_find(loader))
To test this library predicates, load the tester.lgt
| ?- logtalk_load(union_find(tester))
An usage example is Kruskal's algorithm, a minimum-spanning-tree algorithm which finds an edge of the least possible weight that connects any two trees in the forest. It is a greedy algorithm in graph theory as it finds a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph by adding increasing cost arcs at each step.
:- object(kruskal)
:- public(kruskal/2). :- uses(union_find, [ new/2, find/4, union/4 ]). kruskal(g(Vertices-Edges), g(Vertices-Tree)) :- new(Vertices, UnionFind), keysort(Edges, Sorted), kruskal(UnionFind, Sorted, Tree). kruskal(_, [], []). kruskal(UnionFind0, [Edge| Edges], [Edge| Tree]) :- Edge = _-(Vertex1, Vertex2), find(UnionFind0, Vertex1, Root1, UnionFind1), find(UnionFind1, Vertex2, Root2, UnionFind2), Root1 \== Root2, !, union(UnionFind2, Vertex1, Vertex2, UnionFind3), kruskal(UnionFind3, Edges, Tree). kruskal(UnionFind, [_| Edges], Tree) :- kruskal(UnionFind, Edges, Tree).
:- end_object.
Sample query:
| ?- kruskal::kruskal(g([a,b,c,d,e,f,g]-[7-(a,b), 5-(a,d), 8-(b,c), 7-(b,e), 9-(b,d), 5-(c,e), 15-(d,e), 6-(d,f), 8-(e,f), 9-(e,g), 11-(f,g)]), Tree)
Tree = g([a,b,c,d,e,f,g]-[5-(a,d),5-(c,e),6-(d,f),7-(a,b),7-(b,e),9-(e,g)])