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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.86.0/examples/coinduction/SCRIPT.txt

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% start by loading the example:

| ?- logtalk_load(coinduction(loader)). ...

% an elementary coinductive predicate:

| ?- simple::p. true ; false.

% similar:

| ?- simple::p(hoho). true ; false.

| ?- simple::p(hoho, X). X = hoho ; false.

% the following goal is true for any cyclic list containing only ones:

| ?- L = [1| L], binary::p(L). L = [1|L] ; false.

% ... or zeros:

| ?- L = [0| L], binary::p(L). L = [0|L] ; false.

% or a repetition of a pattern of ones and zeros:

| ?- L = [1,0,1| L], binary::p(L). L = [1, 0, 1|L] ; false.

% but not all solutions can be returned:

| ?- binary::p(X). X = [0|X] ; X = [1|X] ; false.

% infinite streams example:

| ?- streams::nat_stream([0, s(0), s(s(0))| T]). T = [s(s(0))|T] ; T = [s(0), s(s(0))|T] ; T = [0, s(0), s(s(0))|T] ; false.

| ?- X = [0, 1, 1, 0| X], streams::bit_stream(X). X = [0, 1, 1, 0|X] ; false.

% filtering odd numbers from a list:

| ?- L = [0, s(0), s(s(0))| L], filter::filter(L, F). L = [0, s(0), s(s(0))|L], F = [0, s(s(0))|F] ; false.

% using the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers:

| ?- sieve::primes(20, P). P = [2, 3|_S1], % where _S1 = [5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 2, 3|_S1] ; false.

% list membership example:

| ?- X = [1, 2, 3| X], lists::comember(2, X). X = [1, 2, 3|X] ; false.

| ?- X = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], lists::comember(2, X). false.

| ?- X = [1, 2, 3| X], lists::comember(Y, X). X = [1, 2, 3|X], Y = 1 ; X = [1, 2, 3|X], Y = 2 ; X = [1, 2, 3|X], Y = 3 ; false.

| ?- X = [0, s(0), s(s(0))], lists::comember(s(0), X). false.

| ?- X = [0, s(0), s(s(0))| X], lists::comember(s(0), X). X = [0, s(0), s(s(0))|X] ; false.

% list append example:

| ?- Y = [4,5,6| Y], lists::append([1,2,3], Y, Z). Y = [4, 5, 6|Y], Z = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6|Y].

| ?- X = [1,2,3| X], Y = [3,4| Y], lists::append(X, Y, Z). X = [1, 2, 3|X], Y = [3, 4|Y], Z = [1|_S1], % where _S1 = [2, 3, 1|_S1] ; false.

| ?- Z = [1,2| Z], lists::append(X, Y, Z). Z = Y, Y = [1, 2|Y], X = [] ; Z = [1, 2|Z], X = [1], Y = [2|Z] ; Z = X, X = [1, 2|X] ; false.

% list non-membership example:

| ?- X = [1,2,3], lists::absent(2, X). false.

| ?- X = [1,2,3], lists::absent(4, X). false.

| ?- X = [1,2,3| X], lists::absent(4, X). X = [1, 2, 3|X] ; false.

| ?- X = [1,2,3| X], lists::absent(2, X). false.

% sorting example:

?- X = [1-2,2-3,1-4|X], sorting::keysort(X, L). X = [1-2, 2-3, 1-4|X], L = [1-2|_S1], % where _S1 = [1-2|_S1] .

?- X = [1-2,2-3|Y], Y = [1-4|Y], sorting::keysort(X, L). X = [1-2, 2-3|_S1], % where _S1 = [1-4|_S1], Y = [1-4|_S1], L = [1-2|_S2], % where _S2 = [1-4|_S2] .

% omega-automaton example:

?- automaton::automaton(s0, X). X = [a, b, c, d|X] ; X = [a, b, e|X] ; false.

% module 4 counter example:

| ?- counter::verify. true.

% nested automata example:

?- nested::state(s0, X), lists::absent(s2, X). X = [s0|_S1], % where _S1 = [s1|_S1] ; X = [s0, s3|X] ; false.

% timed automata example:

| ?- train::driver(s0, s0, s0, X, R). X = [approach, lower|_S1], % where _S1 = [down, in, out, exit, raise, approach, up, lower|_S1], R = [ (approach, 0), (lower, 1.0)|_S2], % where _S2 = [ (down, _G4969), (in, _G4975), (out, _G4981), (exit, _G4987), (raise, _G4993), (approach, _G4999), (up, _G5005), (lower, 1.0)|_S2], {_G5024>0.0, _G5033= ... + ... + _G5049+_G5046+_G5043-_G5040+_G5024, _G5040> -1.0, _G5040<0.0, _G5078= ... + ... + _G5046+_G5043, _G5093>0.0, _G5005= ... - ..., ... = ..., ..., ...} ; X = [approach|_S1], % where _S1 = [lower, down, in, out, exit, raise, up, approach|_S1], R = [ (approach, 0)|_S2], % where _S2 = [ (lower, 1.0), (down, _G4919), (in, _G4925), (out, _G4931), (exit, _G4937), (raise, _G4943), (up, _G4949), (approach, 0)|_S2], {_G4965>0.0, _G4974=_G4925+_G4990+_G4987+_G4984+_G4981+_G4965, _G4995=_G4925+_G4990+_G4987+_G4984, _G4981>1.0, _G4981<2.0, _G4949= ... + ... + _G4981, _G5046= ... + ..., ... > ..., ..., ...} ; false.

% timed automata coroutining example:

| ?- cotrain::comain(A, B, C). A = [approach, in, out, exit|A], B = [approach, exit|B], C = [lower, raise|C] ; false.

| ?- cotrain::test_max(M, N, R). R = [ (approach, 0), (lower, 1.0), (down, _G3563), (in, _G3569), (out, _G3575), (exit, _G3581), (raise, _G3587), (up, _G3593)], {_G3600>0.0, M= ... + ... + _G3625+_G3622+_G3619+_G3616+_G3600, _G3635>0.0, N= ... + ... + _G3619+_G3616-_G3635, ... - ... - _G3616+_G3635< -0.0, _G3697>0.0, _G3706= ... + ..., ... > ..., ..., ...} ; false.

% finding the cyclic paths in graphs:

?- cp1::path(a, Path). Path = [a, b|_S1], % where _S1 = [b|_S1] ; Path = [a, b, c, d|_S1], % where _S1 = [d|_S1] ; Path = [a|_S1], % where _S1 = [b, c, a|_S1] ; false.

?- cp2::path(a, Path). Path = [a|_S1], % where _S1 = [b, c, a|_S1] ; Path = [a|_S1], % where _S1 = [b, c, d, a|_S1] ; false.

?- cp3::path(a, Path, 3). Path = [a|_S1], % where _S1 = [b, c, a|_S1] ; false.

% testing for bipartite graphs (vertex adjacency lists must be ordered):

?- A = v(a, [F]), B = v(b, [F, G]), C = v(c, [H, I]), D = v(d, [G]), E = v(e, [F, I]), F = v(f, [A, B]), G = v(g, [B, D]), H = v(h, [C]), I = v(i, [C, E]), graph::bipartite(A). A = v(a, [_S1]), % where _S1 = v(f, [v(a, [_S1]), v(b, [_S1, _S2])]), _S2 = v(g, [v(b, [_S1, _S2]), v(d, [_S2])]), F = v(f, [v(a, [_S1]), v(b, [_S1, _S2])]), B = v(b, [_S1, _S2]), G = v(g, [v(b, [_S1, _S2]), v(d, [_S2])]), C = _S3, % where _S3 = v(c, [v(h, [_S3]), _S4]), _S4 = v(i, [_S3, v(e, [_S1, _S4])]), H = v(h, [_S3]), I = v(i, [_S3, v(e, [_S1, _S4])]), D = v(d, [_S2]), E = v(e, [_S1, _S4]) ; false.