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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.86.0/docs/_sources/registry_protocol_0.rst.txt

.. index:: registry_protocol .. _registry_protocol/0:

.. rst-class:: right



Registry specification protocol. Objects implementing this protocol should be named after the pack with a _registry suffix and saved in a file with the same name as the object.

| Availability: | logtalk_load(packs(loader))

| Author: Paulo Moura | Version: 0:12:0 | Date: 2022-06-28

| Compilation flags: | static

| Dependencies: | (none)

| Remarks: | (none)

| Inherited public predicates: | (none)

.. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top

Public predicates

.. index:: name/1 .. _registry_protocol/0::name/1:

name/1 ^^^^^^^^^^

Registry name. Preferably a valid unquoted atom.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | name(Name) | Mode and number of proofs: | name(?atom) - zero_or_one

.. index:: description/1 .. _registry_protocol/0::description/1:

description/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Registry one line description.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | description(Description) | Mode and number of proofs: | description(?atom) - zero_or_one

.. index:: home/1 .. _registry_protocol/0::home/1:

home/1 ^^^^^^^^^^

Registry home HTTPS or file URL.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | home(Home) | Mode and number of proofs: | home(?atom) - zero_or_one

.. index:: clone/1 .. _registry_protocol/0::clone/1:

clone/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^

Registry git clone HTTPS URL (must end with the .git extension). Git repos should have the same name as the registry.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | clone(URL) | Mode and number of proofs: | clone(?atom) - zero_or_one

.. index:: archive/1 .. _registry_protocol/0::archive/1:

archive/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Registry archive download HTTPS URL.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | archive(URL) | Mode and number of proofs: | archive(?atom) - zero_or_one

.. index:: note/2 .. _registry_protocol/0::note/2:

note/2 ^^^^^^^^^^

Table of notes per action.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | note(Action,Note) | Mode and number of proofs: | note(?atom,-atom) - zero_or_more

| Remarks:

  • Action: Possible values are add, update, and delete. When unbound, the note apply to all actions.
  • Note: Note to print when performing an action on a registry.

Protected predicates


Private predicates


