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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.86.0/docs/_sources/random_protocol_0.rst.txt |
.. index:: random_protocol .. _random_protocol/0:
.. rst-class:: right
Random number generator protocol. The predicates are declared as synchronized when the library is compiled using a backend supporting threads.
| Availability:
| logtalk_load(random(loader))
| Author: Paulo Moura | Version: 3:3:0 | Date: 2023-11-24
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Dependencies: | (none)
| Remarks: | (none)
| Inherited public predicates: | (none)
.. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top
.. index:: random/1 .. _random_protocol/0::random/1:
random/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns a new random float value in the interval [0.0, 1.0[
| Compilation flags:
| static, synchronized
| Template:
| random(Random)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| random(-float)
- one
.. index:: between/3 .. _random_protocol/0::between/3:
between/3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns a new random integer in the interval [Lower, Upper]
. Fails if Lower
or Upper
are not integers or if Lower > Upper
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| between(Lower,Upper,Random)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| between(+integer,+integer,-integer)
- zero_or_one
.. index:: member/2 .. _random_protocol/0::member/2:
member/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns a random member of a list. Fails if the list is empty.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| member(Random,List)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| member(-term,+list(term))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: select/3 .. _random_protocol/0::select/3:
select/3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns a random member of a list and the rest of the list. Fails if the list is empty.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| select(Random,List,Rest)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| select(-term,+list(term),-list(term))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: select/4 .. _random_protocol/0::select/4:
select/4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns a random member of a list, replacing it with a new element and returning the resulting list.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| select(Random,OldList,New,NewList)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| select(-term,+list(term),@term,-list(term))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: swap/2 .. _random_protocol/0::swap/2:
swap/2 ^^^^^^^^^^
Swaps two randomly selected elements of a list. Fails if the list is empty or contains a single element.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| swap(OldList,NewList)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| swap(-term,+list(term))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: swap_consecutive/2 .. _random_protocol/0::swap_consecutive/2:
swap_consecutive/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Swaps two randomly selected consecutive elements of a list. Fails if the list is empty or contains a single element.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| swap_consecutive(OldList,NewList)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| swap_consecutive(-term,+list(term))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: enumerate/2 .. _random_protocol/0::enumerate/2:
enumerate/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Enumerates the elements of a list in random order. Fails if the list is empty.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| enumerate(List,Random)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| enumerate(+list(term),--term)
- zero_or_more
.. index:: permutation/2 .. _random_protocol/0::permutation/2:
permutation/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns a random permutation of a list.
| Compilation flags:
| static, synchronized
| Template:
| permutation(List,Permutation)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| permutation(+list,-list)
- one
.. index:: sequence/4 .. _random_protocol/0::sequence/4:
sequence/4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns list of random integers of given length in random order in interval [Lower, Upper]
. Fails if Length
, Lower
, or Upper
are not integers or if Lower > Upper
| Compilation flags:
| static, synchronized
| Template:
| sequence(Length,Lower,Upper,List)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| sequence(+integer,+integer,+integer,-list(integer))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: set/4 .. _random_protocol/0::set/4:
set/4 ^^^^^^^^^
Returns ordered set of random integers of given size in interval [Lower, Upper]
. Fails if Length
, Lower
, or Upper
are not integers, if Lower > Upper
, or if Length > Upper - Lower + 1
| Compilation flags:
| static, synchronized
| Template:
| set(Length,Lower,Upper,Set)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| set(+integer,+integer,+integer,-list(integer))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: random/3 .. _random_protocol/0::random/3:
random/3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns a new random value in the interval [Lower, Upper[
. Fails if Lower > Upper
. Deprecated. Use between/3 for integers.
| Compilation flags:
| static, synchronized
| Template:
| random(Lower,Upper,Random)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| random(+integer,+integer,-integer)
- zero_or_one
| random(+float,+float,-float)
- zero_or_one
.. index:: randseq/4 .. _random_protocol/0::randseq/4:
randseq/4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns list of random values of given length in random order in interval [Lower, Upper[
. Fails if Lower > Upper
or if the arguments are neither integers or floats. Deprecated. Use sequence/4 for integers.
| Compilation flags:
| static, synchronized
| Template:
| randseq(Length,Lower,Upper,List)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| randseq(+integer,+integer,+integer,-list(integer))
- zero_or_one
| randseq(+integer,+float,+float,-list(float))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: randset/4 .. _random_protocol/0::randset/4:
randset/4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns ordered set of random values of given size in interval [Lower, Upper[
. Fails if the arguments are neither integers or floats, Lower > Upper
, or Length > Upper - Lower
when arguments are integers. Deprecated. Use set/4 for integers.
| Compilation flags:
| static, synchronized
| Template:
| randset(Length,Lower,Upper,Set)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| randset(+integer,+integer,+integer,-list(integer))
- zero_or_one
| randset(+integer,+float,+float,-list(float))
- zero_or_one
.. index:: maybe/0 .. _random_protocol/0::maybe/0:
maybe/0 ^^^^^^^^^^^
Succeeds or fails with equal probability.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Mode and number of proofs:
| maybe
- zero_or_one
.. index:: maybe/1 .. _random_protocol/0::maybe/1:
maybe/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^
Succeeds with probability Probability
or fails with probability 1 - Probability
. Fails if Probability
is not a float or is outside the interval [0.0, 1.0]
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| maybe(Probability)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| maybe(+probability)
- zero_or_one
.. index:: maybe/2 .. _random_protocol/0::maybe/2:
maybe/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^
Succeeds with probability K/N
where K
and N
are integers satisfying the equation 0 =< K =< N
. Fails otherwise.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| maybe(K,N)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| maybe(+non_negative_integer,+non_negative_integer)
- zero_or_one
.. index:: maybe_call/1 .. _random_protocol/0::maybe_call/1:
maybe_call/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Calls a goal or fails without calling it with equal probability. When the goal is called, it determines if this predicate succeeds once or fails.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| maybe_call(Goal)
| Meta-predicate template:
| maybe_call(0)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| maybe_call(+callable)
- zero_or_one
.. index:: maybe_call/2 .. _random_protocol/0::maybe_call/2:
maybe_call/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Calls a goal or fails without calling it with probability Probability
. When the goal is called, it determines if this predicate succeeds once or fails.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| maybe_call(Probability,Goal)
| Meta-predicate template:
| maybe_call(*,0)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| maybe_call(+probability,+callable)
- zero_or_one
.. seealso::
:ref:`random <random/0>`, :ref:`backend_random <backend_random/0>`, :ref:`fast_random <fast_random/0>`