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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.86.0/docs/_sources/options_protocol_0.rst.txt

.. index:: options_protocol .. _options_protocol/0:

.. rst-class:: right



Options protocol.

| Availability: | logtalk_load(options(loader))

| Author: Paulo Moura | Version: 1:2:0 | Date: 2022-01-03

| Compilation flags: | static

| Dependencies: | (none)

| Remarks: | (none)

| Inherited public predicates: | (none)

.. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top

Public predicates

.. index:: check_option/1 .. _options_protocol/0::check_option/1:

check_option/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Succeeds if the option is valid. Throws an error otherwise.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | check_option(Option) | Mode and number of proofs: | check_option(@term) - one_or_error

| Exceptions: | Option is a variable: | instantiation_error | Option is neither a variable nor a compound term: | type_error(compound,Option) | Option is a compound term but not a valid option: | domain_error(option,Option)

.. index:: check_options/1 .. _options_protocol/0::check_options/1:

check_options/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Succeeds if all the options in a list are valid. Throws an error otherwise.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | check_options(Options) | Mode and number of proofs: | check_options(@term) - one_or_error

| Exceptions: | Options is a variable: | instantiation_error | Options is neither a variable nor a list: | type_error(list,Options) | An element Option of the list Options is a variable: | instantiation_error | An element Option of the list Options is neither a variable nor a compound term: | type_error(compound,Option) | An element Option of the list Options is a compound term but not a valid option: | domain_error(option,Option)

.. index:: valid_option/1 .. _options_protocol/0::valid_option/1:

valid_option/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Succeeds if the option is valid.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | valid_option(Option) | Mode and number of proofs: | valid_option(@term) - zero_or_one

.. index:: valid_options/1 .. _options_protocol/0::valid_options/1:

valid_options/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Succeeds if all the options in a list are valid.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | valid_options(Options) | Mode and number of proofs: | valid_options(@term) - one

.. index:: default_option/1 .. _options_protocol/0::default_option/1:

default_option/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Enumerates, by backtracking, the default options.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | default_option(Option) | Mode and number of proofs: | default_option(?compound) - zero_or_more

.. index:: default_options/1 .. _options_protocol/0::default_options/1:

default_options/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Returns a list of the default options.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | default_options(Options) | Mode and number of proofs: | default_options(-list(compound)) - one

.. index:: option/2 .. _options_protocol/0::option/2:

option/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^

True iff Option unifies with the first occurrence of the same option in the Options list.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | option(Option,Options) | Mode and number of proofs: | option(+compound,+list(compound)) - zero_or_one

.. index:: option/3 .. _options_protocol/0::option/3:

option/3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^

True iff Option unifies with the first occurrence of the same option in the Options list or, when that is not the case, if Option unifies with Default.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | option(Option,Options,Default) | Mode and number of proofs: | option(+compound,+list(compound),+compound) - zero_or_one

Protected predicates

.. index:: merge_options/2 .. _options_protocol/0::merge_options/2:

merge_options/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Merges the user options with the default options, returning the final list of options. Calls the fix_options/2 predicate to preprocess the options after merging. Callers must ensure, if required, that the user options are valid.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | merge_options(UserOptions,Options) | Mode and number of proofs: | merge_options(+list(compound),-list(compound)) - one

.. index:: fix_options/2 .. _options_protocol/0::fix_options/2:

fix_options/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Fixes a list of options, returning the list of options.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | fix_options(Options,FixedOptions) | Mode and number of proofs: | fix_options(+list(compound),-list(compound)) - one

.. index:: fix_option/2 .. _options_protocol/0::fix_option/2:

fix_option/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Fixes an option.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | fix_option(Option,FixedOption) | Mode and number of proofs: | fix_option(+compound,-compound) - zero_or_one

Private predicates




.. seealso::

:ref:`options <options/0>`