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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.86.0/docs/_sources/integer_0.rst.txt

.. index:: integer .. _integer/0:

.. rst-class:: right



Integer data type predicates.

| Availability: | logtalk_load(types(loader))

| Author: Paulo Moura | Version: 1:55:0 | Date: 2022-06-21

| Compilation flags: | static, context_switching_calls

| Extends: | public :ref:`number <number/0>`

| Remarks:

  • Portability notes: This object will use the backend Prolog system between/3, plus/3, and succ/2 built-in predicates when available.

| Inherited public predicates: |  :ref:`comparingp/0::(<)/2`  :ref:`comparingp/0::(=:=)/2`  :ref:`comparingp/0::(=<)/2`  :ref:`comparingp/0::(=\=)/2`  :ref:`number/0::=~= / 2`  :ref:`comparingp/0::(>)/2`  :ref:`comparingp/0::(>=)/2`  :ref:`number/0::approximately_equal/2`  :ref:`number/0::approximately_equal/3`  :ref:`termp/0::check/1`  :ref:`termp/0::depth/2`  :ref:`number/0::essentially_equal/3`  :ref:`termp/0::ground/1`  :ref:`termp/0::new/1`  :ref:`termp/0::numbervars/1`  :ref:`termp/0::numbervars/3`  :ref:`termp/0::occurs/2`  :ref:`termp/0::singletons/2`  :ref:`termp/0::subsumes/2`  :ref:`termp/0::subterm/2`  :ref:`number/0::tolerance_equal/4`  :ref:`termp/0::valid/1`  :ref:`termp/0::variables/2`  :ref:`termp/0::variant/2`  :ref:`termp/0::varnumbers/2`  :ref:`termp/0::varnumbers/3`  

.. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top

Public predicates

.. index:: between/3 .. _integer/0::between/3:

between/3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Returns integers in the interval defined by the two first arguments.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | between(Lower,Upper,Integer) | Mode and number of proofs: | between(+integer,+integer,+integer) - zero_or_one | between(+integer,+integer,-integer) - zero_or_more

.. index:: plus/3 .. _integer/0::plus/3:

plus/3 ^^^^^^^^^^

Reversible integer sum. At least two of the arguments must be instantiated to integers.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | plus(I,J,Sum) | Mode and number of proofs: | plus(+integer,+integer,?integer) - zero_or_one | plus(+integer,?integer,+integer) - zero_or_one | plus(?integer,+integer,+integer) - zero_or_one

.. index:: succ/2 .. _integer/0::succ/2:

succ/2 ^^^^^^^^^^

Successor of a natural number. At least one of the arguments must be instantiated to a natural number.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | succ(I,J) | Mode and number of proofs: | succ(+integer,?integer) - zero_or_one | succ(?integer,+integer) - zero_or_one

.. index:: sequence/3 .. _integer/0::sequence/3:

sequence/3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Generates a list with the sequence of all integers in the interval [Lower,Upper]. Assumes Lower =< Upper and fails otherwise.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | sequence(Lower,Upper,List) | Mode and number of proofs: | sequence(+integer,+integer,-list(integer)) - zero_or_one

.. index:: sequence/4 .. _integer/0::sequence/4:

sequence/4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Generates a list with the sequence of integers in the interval [Lower,Upper] by Step. Assumes Lower =< Upper, Step >= 1 and fails otherwise.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | sequence(Lower,Upper,Step,List) | Mode and number of proofs: | sequence(+integer,+integer,+integer,-list(integer)) - zero_or_one

Protected predicates

(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)

Private predicates

(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)

