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.. index:: either .. _either/0:
.. rst-class:: right
Types and predicates for extended type-checking and handling of expected terms.
| Availability:
| logtalk_load(expecteds(loader))
| Author: Paulo Moura | Version: 0:7:0 | Date: 2021-01-03
| Compilation flags:
| static, context_switching_calls
| Provides:
| :ref:`type::type/1 <type/0::type/1>`
| :ref:`type::check/2 <type/0::check/2>`
| :ref:`arbitrary::arbitrary/1 <arbitrary/0::arbitrary/1>`
| :ref:`arbitrary::arbitrary/2 <arbitrary/0::arbitrary/2>`
| Uses:
| :ref:`expected <expected/0>`
| :ref:`expected(Expected)
| :ref:`random <random/0>`
| :ref:`type <type/0>`
| Remarks:
either(ValueType, ErrorType)
type for checking expected terms where the value and error terms must be of the given types.type::arbitrary/1-2
predicates to allow generating random values for the either(ValueType, ErrorType)
type.| Inherited public predicates: | (none)
.. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top
.. index:: expecteds/2 .. _either/0::expecteds/2:
expecteds/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns the values stored in the expected terms that hold a value.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| expecteds(Expecteds,Values)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| expecteds(+list(expected),-list)
- one
.. index:: unexpecteds/2 .. _either/0::unexpecteds/2:
unexpecteds/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns the errors stored in the expected terms that hold an error.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| unexpecteds(Expecteds,Errors)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| unexpecteds(+list(expected),-list)
- one
.. index:: partition/3 .. _either/0::partition/3:
partition/3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Retrieves and partitions the values and errors hold by the expected terms.
| Compilation flags:
| static
| Template:
| partition(Expecteds,Values,Errors)
| Mode and number of proofs:
| partition(+list(expected),-list,-list)
- one
(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)
(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)
.. seealso::
:ref:`expected <expected/0>`, :ref:`expected(Expected)
<expected/1>`, :ref:`type <type/0>`, :ref:`arbitrary <arbitrary/0>`