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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.86.0/docs/_sources/doclet_0.rst.txt

.. index:: doclet .. _doclet/0:

.. rst-class:: right



Utility object to help automate (re)generating documentation for a project.

| Availability: | logtalk_load(doclet(loader))

| Author: Paulo Moura | Version: 0:5:0 | Date: 2017-01-05

| Compilation flags: | static, context_switching_calls

| Provides: | :ref:`logtalk::message_tokens//2 <logtalk/0::message_tokens//2>` | Uses: | :ref:`logtalk <logtalk/0>` | :ref:`os <os/0>`

| Remarks: | (none)

| Inherited public predicates: | (none)

.. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top

Public predicates

.. index:: update/0 .. _doclet/0::update/0:

update/0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Updates the project documentation, first by calling a sequence of goals and second by executing a sequence of shell commands. Fails if any goal or shell command fails.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Mode and number of proofs: | update - zero_or_one

.. index:: doc_goal/1 .. _doclet/0::doc_goal/1:

doc_goal/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Table of goals, typically using the diagrams and the lgtdoc tools, used to generate the documentation. Goals are called in the order they are defined and in the context of the user pseudo-object.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | doc_goal(Goal) | Mode and number of proofs: | doc_goal(?callable) - one_or_more

.. index:: shell_command/1 .. _doclet/0::shell_command/1:

shell_command/1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Table of shell commands to convert intermediate documentation files into user-friendly documentation. Commands are executed in the order they are defined.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | shell_command(Command) | Mode and number of proofs: | shell_command(?atom) - one_or_more

Protected predicates

(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)

Private predicates

(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)



.. seealso::

:ref:`lgtdocp <lgtdocp/0>`, :ref:`diagram(Format) <diagram/1>`