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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.86.0/coding/subethaedit4/Logtalk.seemode/Contents/Resources/ExampleSyntax.txt

:- encoding(Encoding). % this is a single-line comment

/* this is a block comment */

:- if(Goal). % conditional :- elif(Goal). % compilation :- else. % directives :- endif.

:- initialization(Goal). :- op(Precedence, Associativity, Operator). :- ensure_loaded(File). :- include(File). :- set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value). :- set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value).

:- object(prototype, implements(protocol), imports(category), extends(parent)).

:- info([ version is 1:51:0, author is 'Paulo Moura', date is 2024-09-14, comment is 'Sample prototype for testing syntax coloring.' ]).

:- built_in. :- threaded. :- dynamic.

:- initialization(some_goal(X, Y)).

:- uses([ foobar as fb ]).

:- alias(set, [member/2 as set_member/2]). :- alias(words, [singular//0 as peculiar//0]).

:- uses(list, [append/3, member/2]). :- uses(queues, [new/1 as new_queue/1]).

:- use_module(module). :- use_module(module, [append/3, member/2]).

:- multifile(zzz/1). :- multifile(module:zzz/1). :- multifile(object::zzz/1).

:- coinductive(comember/1).

:- use_module(module, [xxx/1, yyy/2, zzz/3]). :- export(bbb/3). :- reexport(cccc/4).

:- public(aaa/2). :- meta_predicate(aaa(::, *)). :- discontiguous(aaa/2). :- mode(aaa(+callable, ?integer), zero_or_one). :- info(position/2, [ comment is 'Predicate brief description.', arguments is ['Arg1'-'Arg1 description', 'Arg2'-'Arg2 description'] ]).

:- public(nt//2). :- meta_non_terminal(nt(1, *)).

:- protected(bbb/2). :- synchronized(bbb/2). :- mode(bbb(+integer, -float), one). :- info(bbb/2, [ comment is 'Predicate brief description.', argnames is ['Arg1', 'Arg2'] ]).
:- private(ccc/2). :- dynamic(ccc/2). :- mode(ccc(@atom, ?atom, ++list, --ground), one_or_more). :- info(ccc/2, [ comment is 'Predicate brief description.', argnames is ['Arg1', 'Arg2'] ]).
enumerating_entities(Object, Protocol, Category) :- current_category(Category), current_object(Object), current_protocol(Protocol).
enumerating_properties :- category_property(Category, Property), object_property(Object, Property), protocol_property(Protocol, Property).
creating_entities(Object, Protocol, Category) :- create_category(Category, Relations, Directives, Clauses), create_object(Object, Relations, Directives, Clauses), create_protocol(Protocol, Relations, Directives).
abolishing_entities(Object, Protocol, Category) :- abolish_category(Category), abolish_object(Object), abolish_protocol(Protocol).
entity_relations :- extends_object(Prototype, Parent, Scope), extends_protocol(Protocol1, Protocol2, Scope), extends_category(Category1, Category2, Scope), implements_protocol(Object, Protocol, Scope), imports_category(Object, Category, Scope), instantiates_class(Instance, Class, Scope), specializes_class(Class, Superclass, Scope), complements_object(Category, Object), conforms_to_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Protocol, Scope).
event_handling :- abolish_events(Event, Object, Message, Sender, Monitor), current_event(Event, Object, Message, Sender, Monitor), define_events(Event, Object, Message, Sender, Monitor).
multi_threading :- threaded(Goals), threaded_call(Goal), threaded_call(Goal, Tag), threaded_once(Goal), threaded_once(Goal, Tag), threaded_ignore(Goal), threaded_exit(Goal), threaded_exit(Goal, Tag), threaded_peek(Goal), threaded_peek(Goal, Tag), threaded_cancel(Tag), threaded_wait(Notification), threaded_notify(Notification).
engines :- threaded_engine(Engine), threaded_engine_create(AnswerTemplate, Goal, Engine), threaded_engine_destroy(Engine), threaded_engine_self(Engine), threaded_engine_next(Engine, Answer), threaded_engine_next_reified(Engine, Answer), threaded_engine_yield(Answer), threaded_engine_post(Engine, Term), threaded_engine_fetch(Term).
compiling_and_loading :- logtalk_compile(File, Options), logtalk_load(File, Options), logtalk_library_path(Library, Path), logtalk_load_context(Key, Value), logtalk_make(Action), logtalk_make, logtalk_make_target_action(Target).
flags :- current_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value), set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value), create_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value, Options).
execution_context_methods :- context(Context), parameter(N, Parameter), self(Self), sender(Sender), this(This).
reflection_methods :- current_predicate(Predicate), predicate_property(Predicate, Property).
database_methods :- abolish(Name/Arity), asserta(Clause), assertz(Clause), clause(Head, Body), retract(Clause), retractall(Head).
exception_methods :- catch(Goal, Error, Catcher), throw(Error), instantiation_error, uninstantiation_error(Culprit), type_error(Type, Culprit), domain_error(Domain, Culprit), consistency_error(Consistency, Argument1, Argument2), existence_error(Thing, Culprit), permission_error(Operation, Permission, Culprit), representation_error(Flag), evaluation_error(Exception), resource_error(Resource), syntax_error(Description), system_error.
all_solutions_methods :- bagof(Term, Goal, List), bagof(Term, Var^Goal, List), findall(Term, Goal, List), forall(Generate, Test), setof(Term, Goal, List), setof(Term, Var1^Var2^Goal, List).
event_handler_methods :- before(Object, Message, Sender), after(Object, Message, Sender).
message_forwarding_method :- forward(Message).
dcg_rules_parsing_methods :- phrase(NonTerminal, Input), phrase(NonTerminal, Input, Rest).
term_expansion_methods :- expand_term(Term, Expanded), expand_goal(Goal, Expanded), term_expansion(Term, Expanded), goal_expansion(Goal, Expanded).
message_sending :- Object::Message, ::Message, ^^Message.
calling_external_code :- {goal1, goal2, goal3}.
context_switching_calls :- Object<<Goal.
lambda_expressions :- {X,Y,Z}/[P,Q]>>Goal.
explicitly_qualified_module_calls :- Module:Goal.
if_then_else :- ( If -> Then ; Else ).
numbers :- X1 is 13, X2 is -13, X3 is +13, Y1 is 13.13, Y2 is -13.13, Y3 is +13.13, Z1 is 13.13e-23, Z2 is -13.13e-23, Z3 is +13.13e-23, C1 is 0'A, C2 is 0'a, C3 is 0'-, C4 is 0'*, C5 is 0'%, C6 is 0'\n, C7 is 0'\\, C8 is 0'\', C9 is 0'\", C10 is 0'\`, B1 is 0b1011101, O1 is 0o1234560, H1 is 0x1234567890abcDEF.
functions :- A is atan(3.14) + atan2(1, 0) + acos(0.5) + asin(0.5) + sin(0.77) - cos(123.23) - tan(0.33), B is sign(-12) * abs(35/78), C is truncate(3.14) + round(-7.8) - ceiling(111.88), D is exp(3.8) - log(123.98) / sqrt(33) * 23 ** 4 + 12345^2, E is rem(3, 2) + mod(5, 3) - div(8, 4) * 2 rem 2 // 5 mod 3 - 8 div 4 + pi * e, F is float_fractional_part(3.14) + float_integer_part(3.14), G is float(33) + floor(99.99), I is min(3,4) + max(4,5).
bitwise :- A is 16 >> 2, B is 16 << 2, C is 10 /\ 12, D is 10 \/ 12, E is \ 10, F is xor(13, 7).
term_unification :- Term1 = Term2, Term1 \= Term2, unify_with_occurs_check(Term1, Term2), subsumes_term(General, Specific).
term_testing :- atom(Atom), atomic(Atomic), integer(Integer), float(Float), callable(Term), compound(Term), nonvar(Term), var(Term), number(Number), ground(Term), acyclic_term(Term).
term_comparison :- compare(Order, Term1, Term2), Term1 == Term2, Term1 \== Term2, Term1 @< Term2, Term1 @=< Term2, Term1 @>= Term2, Term1 @> Term2.
term_creation_and_decomposition :- functor(Term, Name, Arity), arg(N, Term, Arg), Term =.. [Functor| Args], copy_term(Term, Copy), numbervars(Term, Start, End), term_variables(Term, Variables).
arithemtic_evaluation :- X is Expression.
arithmetic_comparison :- Exp1 =:= Exp2, Exp1 =\= Exp2, Exp1 < Exp2, Exp1 =< Exp2, Exp1 > Exp2, Exp1 >= Exp2.
stream_selection_and_control :- current_input(Stream), current_output(Stream), set_input(Stream), set_output(Stream), open(Source, Mode, Stream, Options), close(Stream), flush_output(Stream), stream_property(Stream, Property), at_end_of_stream(Stream), set_stream_position(Stream, Position), flush_output, at_end_of_stream.
character_input_output :- get_char(Char), get_code(Code), peek_char(Char), peek_code(Code), put_char(Char), put_code(Code), nl(Stream), nl.
byte_input_output :- get_byte(Byte), peek_byte(Byte), put_byte(Byte).
term_input_output :- read(Term), read_term(Stream, Term, Options), write(Term), write(Term), write_canonical(Term), write_term(Stream, Term, Options), current_op(Precedence, Associativity, Operator), op(Precedence, Associativity, Operator), current_char_conversion(InChar, OutChar), char_conversion(InChar, OutChar).
logic_and_control :- \+ Goal, call(Goal), once(Goal), ignore(Goal), true, fail, false, repeat, !.
atomic_term_processing :- atom_length(Atom, Length), atom_chars(Atom, Chars), atom_codes(Atom, Codes), atom_concat(Atom1, Atom2, Atom), sub_atom(Atom, Before, Length, After, SubAtom), char_code(Char, Code), number_chars(Number, Chars), number_codes(Number, Codes).
implementation_defined_hooks :- current_prolog_flag(Flag, Value), set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value), halt(ExitCode), halt.
sorting :- keysort(List, Sorted), sort(List, Sorted).
built_in_non_terminals(NonTerminal) --> phrase(NonTerminal), call(NonTerminal), eos.

number(C) --> "+", number(C). number(C) --> "-", number(X), {C is -X}. number(X) --> [C], {0'0 =< C, C =< 0'9, X is C - 0'0}.

escape_sequences :- write('Quoted atom with a quote ('') inside.'), write('Quoted atom with a quote (\') inside using a control escape sequence.'), write('Quoted atom with a backslash (\\) inside.'), write('Quoted atom with control escape sequences: \a \b \r \f \t \n \v'), write('Quoted atom with an octal escape sequence: \123\.'), write('Quoted atom with an hexadecimal escape sequence: \x123f\.').
escape_sequences :- write("Double-quoted term with a double-quote ("") inside."), write("Double-quoted term with a double-quote (\") inside using a control escape sequence."), write("Double-quoted term with a backslash (\\) inside."), write("Double-quoted term with control escape sequences: \a \b \r \f \t \n \v"), write("Double-quoted term with an octal escape sequence: \123\."), write("Double-quoted term with an hexadecimal escape sequence: \x123f\.").
% nothing in the following predicate definition should be highlighted sort :- forall, object, write, number.

:- end_object.

:- object(class, implements(protected::protocol), imports(private::category), instantiates(metaclass), specializes(superclass)).

:- end_object.

:- object(parametric(Parameter, "String", 33.78), implements(protocol), imports(category), extends(parent(Parameter))).

:- end_object.

:- category(category, implements(protocol), extends(other_category)).

:- end_category.

:- protocol(extended, extends(minimal)).

:- end_protocol.

:- module(module, [foo/1, bar/2]).

:- use_module(library). :- use_module(library, [baz/3]).

:- reexport(library). :- reexport(library, [qux/4]).

:- export(quux/5).