# Measures the "parse ACE + linearize as X" time of the given PGF for every language X. tests="tests/acewiki_aceowl" languages="Cat Dut Eng Fin Fre Ger Ita Spa Swe Urd" name="ACE-0_0_2" # ACE-0_0_2.pgf is compiled with the AceWiki grammar and all the languages. bash make-pgf.bash grammars/acewiki_aceowl/ "words/acewiki_aceowl/TestAttempto{Ace,Cat,Dut,Eng,Fin,Fre,Ger,Ita,Spa,Swe,Urd}.gf" for lang in ${languages}; do echo "Translating to ${lang}" ; t1=`date +%s` ; cat ${tests}/sentences.txt | \ ./Translator ${name}.pgf ACEText TestAttemptoAce TestAttempto${lang} > out_${lang}.txt ; t2=`date +%s` ; t=`echo "scale=3; ($t2-$t1)/60" | bc`; echo "${lang}: $t minutes" ; done