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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/SIRIDUS/UGOT-D31/godis/README

====================================================================== GoDiS Libraries README

This distribution contains the GoDiS dialogue move engine and the files supporting it, i.e. the GoDiS libraries. It does not contain GoDiS dialogue system(s), but rather the files shared by GoDiS applications.

To use the GoDiS libraries, Trindikit must be installed. Trindikit can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/trindikit. The latest, possibly unstable, version can also be accessed via anonymous cvs from the same site. Download and unzip, or check out to a nice location and follow the instructions in the Trindikit readme file for instructions on how to build Trindikit.

After installing Trindikit, the environent variable TRINDIKIT must be set. Set Trindikit to the full search path of the Trindikit directory, e.g: '/home/david/trindikit-3.2.0'. For compability reasons, TRINDIKIT values like '/home/david/trindikit-3.2.0/dist' will be allowed for a while...

====================================================================== CONTENTS

general: Files shared by all GoDiS applications, e.g. concurrency settings, prolog operators and definitions of data types

godis-basic: Information state definition, DME modules, control module and resource interfaces for the godis-basic dialogue system (IBiS1) (not very maintained). godis-basic is a very basic version of GoDiS for information seeking dialogue

godis-grounding: Information state definition, DME modules, control module and resource interfaces for the godis-grounding dialogue system (IBiS2) (not very maintained). godis-grounding has the same DM capabilities as godis-basic, but implements grounding as well

godis-iod: Information state definition, DME modules, control module and resource interfaces for godis-iod dialogue systems (quite maintained). godis-iod extends the DM capabilities of godis-grounding by implementing task and question accommodation. This is probably the library to use if you should implement a information-seeking-only GoDiS application

godis-aod: information state definition, DME modules, control module and resource interfaces for godis-aod dialogue systems (most maintained). godis-aod extends the DM capabilities of godis-iod with action-oriented dialogue management capabilities. This is currently the most used GoDiS library.

godis-all: to be written

search_paths_all.pl, search_paths_basic.pl, search_paths_grounding.pl, search_paths_iod.pl, search_paths_aod.pl :

Assert prolog file search paths and library directories for the different godis libraries. Consult the proper file for your library of choice, e.g. like this for godis-aod:

:- ensure_loaded('$GODIS/search_paths_aod.pl').

This assumes that the environment variable GODIS has been set to the GoDiS installation directory

search_paths_common.pl: loaded by the other search_paths-files ======================================================================= USAGE

Check out the godis-apps distribution (available via cvs) to see how GoDiS applications can be built using the GoDiS libraries. Also take a look at (VAR �R MANUALEN?)